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  • Re: Vegetarian?

    princeton_girl - - Health and Fitness


    what? what does hypocrisy mean?

  • Re: Vegetarian?

    princeton_girl - - Health and Fitness


    no why?

  • Re: Vegetarian?

    princeton_girl - - Health and Fitness


    its not the fact of drinking milk for me, its the fact that the animals are, in many, conditions kept it horrible condtions and mis-treated. oh and i didnt say i knew better than nature, but surely nature didnt want animals kept in tiny cages where they can hardly move and to be tourtured before being killed.

  • Re: My Dad and I

    princeton_girl - - Friends and Family


    i used to be just like you, my dad used to absuse me but not my sister cause he loved my sister, only he doesnt admit he did it and just makes out like im stupid and making it up (which im not) i used to be just like you, scared to be in the same room as him, i used to walk home from school so he didnt have to pick me up. but then my parents split and i thought omg thats awesome, but he really changed and now i live with him. i mean he still gets violent sometimes but he neer hits me cause he kn…

  • Re: Vegetarian?

    princeton_girl - - Health and Fitness


    ive been a vegetarian for about 2 weeks, i used to be one and i was for like 5 years, bit then i didnt eat so my mum made me eat like everything, including meat. but yeah i cant stand the thought of eating an animal. and i may be 'ill informed' but i really dont care what other people think, because at the end if the day its my choice what i eat and what i dont and if i dont want to eat a cute little animal that my choice and i really dont think it makes me ill informed because i know that i thi…

  • i ate a lot 2day: breakfast: slice of toast, cereal bar lunch: jam sandwich, crisps, 2 cereal bars dinner: cheese salad sandwich, gingerbread and chips snacks: milkshake apple chocolate bar ok so im not exactly being healthy any more but who cares? its better to eat right.

  • if he 'hates you' because of it then he int worth worrying about. if he cares about you it wont bother him, if its worrying you, just talk to him about it

  • A 50 Question Christmas Survey Before Christmas 1. Does your family send out Christmas cards?:yes 2. How soon do you start shopping?:usually in november then if i forget someone i have time to go ad get them something 3. Who do you shop for?:friends, family 4. Do you put up a Christmas tree?:yes 5. If so, is it fake or real?:fake 6. Do you like tinsel?:yeah it rocks, its so glitzy 7. Do you use homeade or storebought ornaments?:storebought 8. Do you put Christmas lights outside your house?:yeah …

  • oh, well that was kinda hard to figure out. and i dont use it personally, and i do find it kinda offensive, but not like totally, it depends what way it is said.

  • i think looks are important, because they provide the intial attraction, but if they have a rubbish personality it wont work.

  • i think if you truly love someone, whether they are your first love or not, you can never really get over them. but many people think they love someone, but dont really.

  • Re: whats hotter?

    princeton_girl - - Music


    i find drummers really hot idk why they just are, but guitarists are aswell, but it depends on the guy/band, i mean not all drummers/guitarists are hot. so yeah in general i would say drummers but it depends on the guy

  • Re: how do you know??

    princeton_girl - - Teen Sexuality


    if you have to ask you arent ready. unless you know you really want to, and are ready to deal with the consequences that may follow, and you are ready emotionally as well as physically then dont do it. anyway whats the rush?

  • i wouldnt really date anyone younger than me, unless they were just like a couple of months younger or whatever. ive only dated someone that was 5 years older than me. im only 15 so i think if i dated anyone over 5 years older it would be a bit weird.

  • Re: Hard To Open Up

    princeton_girl - - Friends and Family


    just tell them the truth. at the end of the day you arent going to change who you are just because people dont approve, are you? like corpsegrinder said, they are your parents, and they will love you no matter what you do, who you are or who you date. obviously they are going to be shocked at first, but if you give them time they will get over it. its your life and you cant hide a part of it from them forever. just tell them the truth, they will understand.

  • Re: Sexiest Athletes

    princeton_girl - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Symptom of the Universe: “I choose soccer players.. with David Beckham in mind *melts*” yep i agree

  • its kinda in a ponytail but the front is too short to go in.

  • orlando bloom is like the hottest guy ever! im sure everyone knows what he looks like but oh well. bloom-orlando-black-white-portrait-5001104.jpg

  • Quote from Regular.Femme.Fatale: “It has little to do with the religions and more to do with the people. They blame their stupidity on their religions. ” yeah thats true, islam may not be to blame, but its the people who say they are doing it for their religion that annoys me, like any good religion would say to punish someone for naming a toy after a prophet when it wasnt even her fault and she didnt do it to be spiteful. they shouldnt be insulting their religion by acting like idiots.