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  • Rejection = Experience You are never going to be with your crush if you just sit there looking at his Facebook. Do something about it.

  • Quote from BigA18: “ Also, do u think i should let him know what his mom said or should i just keep it to myself????????:confused:” I would not tell, at all. Especially since that is the only parent he has.

  • This is how I see it and what I recommend. You are her best social friend, best friend and boyfriend are very different. Everyone needs friends to get help and to enjoy life. Do not stop being her best friend, let her know that you are there for her. From experience, most high school relationships do not last throughout university, let alone the first year. I have dozens of friends which their relationship broke up due to distance and meeting new people. Who knows, maybe they could break up next…

  • Quote from isitso: “Then, if anything, it applies more to Robert Pattinson, not Twilight. He may be interested, but I'd avoid a prick that pressured you to skip class and told you what to do, and then criticized you when you didn't comply.” I would have to disagree. Try talking with him and negotiate a time which both of you can hang out. Then commit to it. Have patience. However, if he asked you to hangout twice, then there is a possibility something is there. Bring it up again, next time you t…

  • Everyone always fantasies. Why are there models? For that reason. Just keep them for your sleep and you should be just fine.

  • Quote from truecolors: “In all seriousness, if I were "zach" and you fucked my mom, I would feel the absolute worst betrayal of my life. Just because half of the men here on the forum think with the head between there legs doesn't mean that you should hurt your friend in such a way. It's wrong to treat a friend like that, especially someone who opens their doors to you and trusts you enough to stay in their house. Betrayal like that is not easily, if ever, forgiven...” Very true...I have just ne…

  • Lucky. Personally, she is single and if you can keep it away from Zach, I would totally do it.

  • 1. Money 2. Famous 3. Need Confidence Booster

  • Picnic on a farm hill, a drive to a nearby city, Prepare a meal for her at your house on a quick thought.

  • Well, we are all glad that everything is getting better. Single life can be very well in college, as most relationships do not last, judging from a UW-Madison standpoint. Things will get better, just focus on getting the grades you need and spending time with the friends who make your life special. Take Care and Good luck. We'll be here if you need more.

  • Quote from Bruce_Codwell: “well, she's definitely mature. Probably the most mature person in my group of friends. She doesn't laugh at any perverted jokes or during our health unit on condoms and safe sex stuff. but she is funny and jokes about other things.” Then you are all immature. And in case you are thinking, immature + immature do not mix.

  • Stop relying on her words. She seems to love to tell the false. And as you said before, she has lied many times before. Get physical evidence. Buy a pregnancy test, give it to her, follow her to bathroom, see the results. If it is false, openly insult her... (haha)

  • Being Mean = Immaturity. I recommend you wait until she matures, before you act further.

  • 1. Never hate your attractive-mates best friend. They are vital to your success. If they do not like you, then your relationship will most likely fail. Will Smith, Hitch, explains this quite well in the film Hitch. 2. While you might get jealous of them spending grande amounts of time with your partner, never put the word hate and them in the same sentence. 3. Learn to be around them, learn why that person happens to be their best friend. These will give you keys as how to improve your relations…

  • First, you need to lie down outside and think. Think about what you want. About what you Feel. About what you wish would happen. And then think about all the ways of getting to those goals you had in mind. Then focus on them and set some changes in order for you to reach them. This has helped me extremely in the past, and as well as others which I have helped or heard from. Hopefully it helps you also! Take Care and Good Luck

  • Quote from dannym2326: “Here's the plan, next time she's on MSN I'm telling her I like her without going as far as asking her out, I'll see how she reacts then plan my next move.” Terrible Idea. Never tell a girl that you like her. Women like chases, they want things they cannot have. Common knowledge. Flirt, Tease, etc, never make it obvious.

  • To be honest, I would suggest you just move on. There are plenty of girls out there who wouldn't make your life hell. Also, I feel as if you are wayyyy too clingy for a guy. That's your first problem and should be rethought over before you try dating again. Good luck and Take Care.

  • Quote from bad news: “She was going to dump you one way or another, it sounds like she had this planned. She saw an opportunity and she seized it.” This most likely. You did not do anything wrong and actually, it was probably for the good. A girl with that high of maintenence and emotions is going to screw with your mind at some point or another. By the way, you cannot 'accidently' delete someone off your Facebook. You must go to the person's profile, scroll down and click on a very small link o…

  • Might I add this link I found today: Hot for Teacher

  • I have read your various other threads you have made and there is a very simple solution to this problem. You need to change. Your fighting, your sexual-based mind, your relations with others, etc. Find out why others dislike you and see what you can do to change that. Look at it from various perspectives and see why it is happening.