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  • Ahh, the ever changing 'list' ... 1) Authentic Intelligent Focussed Lively Sensible 2) Shorter than me (probably) Caucasian Long hair is nice Pretty smile 3) Morally conscious Career/life drive Respected

  • Re: Right and Wrong

    Jarndyce - - Debate and Discussions


    So you'd suggest we only know things that a deity taught us or told us? This deity has clearly been far more busy than any branch of the Christian Church would dare claim, whispering in the ear of every inventor, philosopher and thinker throughout history. It is great to know that we don't need to expend any effort though, as it is pointless to do so if a divine being will teach us everything we will ever know.

  • Re: So.

    Jarndyce - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Pretty - the only criticism about your appearance I'd offer is you should wear less makeup!

  • Re: Blushing.

    Jarndyce - - General Advice


    Quote from Aannddyy: “Blushing is a symptom of anxiety, and stage fright triggers anxiety. Even if you're fine in any other social scenario, there can be certain situations where you feel uncomfortable and anxious, and hence, blush. Overcoming your stage fight would be the first step to take towards ending your red faces, or you could try taking a beta blocker.” Andy pretty much has it, though I don't agree that medication is necessary. All you really need to do from the sounds of it is to work …

  • Sometimes, but I have one friend who I love to debate it with. It just depends on who they are and how well you know them!

  • Over-active imaginations be damned! I don't know what to suggest personally, however you've managed to create more than the normal fear of the dark which most people have. Perhaps you could consider talking to a councillor or therapist of some sort about it? If you've explained it to your parents then I'm sure they would want to help you to rest easy at night and could arrange for you to talk it over with a professional.

  • I enjoy arguing about political systems actually. Hobbes ideas about a single *un*constitutionally bound monarch have some appeal to me, but despite my study on the subject I've yet to see any great thinker propose a system which is infalliable, and which anyone ever really wholly agrees with! As Churchill famously said though: "Democracy is the worst form of government except for all those others that have been tried" Edit: My apologies OP, I've gone and strayed off the topic, thanks Andy :P

  • Quote from Kevmo7: “awww thats like taking in a stray cat or dog, except for the sex” What an analogy!:lolz: Edit: A nay from me, never had a girlfriend, so nobody to sneak to or sneak in!

  • Quote from Aannddyy: “Yes, complaints in a minorty go unheard as the majority rule. Avoiding this would involve completing changing the form of a government, or no government at all. The irony is that in a democracy, change is only brought upon by the majority. I'd say the justification behind the banning of the burka isn't rock-solid at all. Far from it.” I agree, I wasn't attempting to say it was completely justified, or even completely justifiable, I just appreciate the reasoning behind it, a…

  • Quote from Aannddyy: “Tyranny of the masses is opressive to the minority. A decision based on the majority vote isn't always reasonably justified. The French ban on the burka is a fine example.” I don't disagree that the rule of the majority is a bad thing, it is one of the greatest condemnations of democracy. If you don't like the outcomes of a system however, one needs to change the system, not complain about the outcomes. Within the system however, this can be justified, even if we don't like…

  • Quote from Esmo: “ No, it's not. Unless you think that the majority vote is always infallible.” Haha, nothing like a flat denial. Then putting words into my mouth. The French democratic system works on the basis of the majority vote. As such, if the majority of French citizens want a law passed chances are it will eventually be passed, and the sooner the better for politicians if people feel strongly about it. As such if the majority want something of this nature it is reasonable to ban it. Quot…

  • If the majority of the French want the burka banned then it is reasonable to ban it. Security wise I agree that it is reasonable to ban it. If a whole lot of people went around wearing ski masks and covered all their body with nondescript clothing such as theifs wear to avoid detection I suspect it would be banned, so banning the burka in that respect is not unreasonable at all. There is always the fact that people have chosen to live in France, they are not obliged to, and France is not run by …

  • Re: God Stuff.

    Jarndyce - - Debate and Discussions


    "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic". Just because we can't understand the exact reason or explanation for something doesn't justify a belief in a deity. It is a possible explanation, but it's the explanation of a person who doesn't require a high burden of proof for their beliefs. I prefer to know as much as possible before choosing to place my faith in something. The more important something is the greater amount of proof I would want. The existence or lack th…

  • Re: Opinion

    Jarndyce - - Debate and Discussions


    Valid isn't really a particularly fitting word, seeing as it has a formal definition in logic, which is essentially what we're referring to. Furthermore I'd point out isn't actually entitled to an opinion. One is entitled to present a point of view if they can provide reasonable support for why they hold that opinion. I can say that it is my opinion that the sky is purple at midday, however just because I hold that opinion doesn't mean I'm entitled to it. If I can provide reasonable support for …

  • Re: Life After Death?

    Jarndyce - - Debate and Discussions


    Nothing's ever offered me a reason for why some part of us would exist without the aid of our body. I'm unable to detach my conciousness while I'm alive, so I don't currently understand why it should detach and survive without a body to sustain it. I'd like to know that there's some sort of afterlife (a good one of course!) but I can't know or believe something with no reason.

  • Re: Im Confused about my friend

    Jarndyce - - Gay


    Quote from Jjplane: “Well at your age it's really common to want to experiment. It doesn't make you gay or bi, just curious. Most "straight" guys want to experiment a little with their buddies, they just won't admit it. But if you get the 2 of you alone.... it sounds like he may want to try something, I have a friend who is the same way. Invite him over to spend the night and offer to play truth or dare, or start talking about sex and jacking off and then mention u feel like jacking off. Start s…

  • I've never heard of Christians only dating Christians! I know of several married adult couples where one partner is Christian and the other isn't. One example that comes to mind are my parents. Just treat her as normal I'd suggest, being Christian shouldn't be a romantic death warrant for her!

  • Re: Help im a virgin!

    Jarndyce - - Teen Sexuality


    Rather sounds to me that you need to become a little more mature before having sex again all together.

  • Certainly doesn't worry me, though I'd never go there myself. It seems to me though that if it's open, it's not really much of a 'relationship' in the way we think of the word. I probably wouldn't really think of any friends who were in one as being in a relationship with one another, as to all intensive purposes, they wouldn't be... Nevertheless, nothing against them, what's there to dislike?