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  • Refractory Period (Boys)

    DragonV2 - - Teen Sexuality


    After cumming once i usually stay hard for another minute in which i can continue rubbing to full hardness in 30 secs then jack off again. After that it takes 4-5 mins to get hard but by then i get bored. it depends on horniness and how good the first nut was

  • Sperm consistency

    DragonV2 - - Teen Sexuality


    Personal experience: - If you masturbate after 1-3 weeks and its a good wank then you're gonna be shooting a lot/something thick - Drinking water after and beforehand can help improve thickness/amount - How long you masturbate (for me i go for 6-10 minutes to 15 mins) can determine if you shoot/dribble or how thick/white your cum is - Horniness (if you're really horny you'll shoot a lot) - getting older (as you age during puberty you make more sperm and its more developed) personally, i just lik…

  • Pubic hair color (Boys)

    DragonV2 - - Teen Sexuality


    Black hair and black pubes. Gonna be honest but i always thought orange hair is cool and orange pubes kinda interesting cause you could say "my crotch is on fire"

  • cut or uncut

    DragonV2 - - Puberty


    Looks liike im apart of the cut gang. Tbh i wish i was uncut but at the same time pulling back your foreskin can be painful according to my uncut friends

  • Advice

    DragonV2 - - LGBT


    Quote from Avado: “How do you deal with feelings for both sexes. I have crush on a boy and a girl. ” My advice is to talk to your guy crush first since he knows a lot. Explain how you feel about him and the girl and ask him if he'd be open for a 3-way relationship or let you have time to think things through. If you can talk to the girl as well. However if you dont then try talking to the girl a bit more, get to know her and see if you really want to date them. To me it looks like you love this …

  • The others basically summed up what i'd have said. I wish you the best of luck in finding out your identify and thati i really recommend you just be patient and that you dont need to decide now. Its okay to still be deciding and in fact you dont even need to. We humans just love giving ourselves labels so we feel more comfy. Be yourself and let the self discovery journey go on.

  • Bjade has some really solid advice as usual Congrats on your relationship and heres to it lasting a happy long one Dont worry too much about the duration (how long something lasts) of your relationship but just enjoy it. Just be yourself and have fun in the relationship. Do what you both feel most happy and comfortable doing (be it holding hands, hugging, kissing, going on dates, spending your time with her, or something you both enjoy doing) there isn't a certain thing you must do within a cert…

  • I'd really wait a bit to see if your feelings change or not. Sasha's advice is something i really recommend going with. Get to know her more and get over your nervousness of talking with her. Shes your friend, the one you known for like your whole life and feel really close with. She hasnt changed and you dont need to treat her differently. Be yourself and in your own subtle way just let her know you really care about her and may want more. She may show signs or just outright ask you out if shes…

  • Mixed Couples

    DragonV2 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Well on behalf of a friend i know lmao. he and another guy liked each other a while (5 weeks) and no one really noticed anything except me cuz usually im the guy that steps into fight and be the last person awake if you couldn't sleep and they both told me so they got together one day and told everyone on my friends birthday. I wasnt shocked and i said finally dude i told you both that you both liked each other, the family was shocked and was like i didn't know you were gay. His dad kinda was ma…

  • Never really agreed with the idea that girls cant ask guys out. If you like someone then ask them as they might not know how you feel + you want that relationship. Personally if a girl likes me then i want them to ask me, not me ask them out cause i "noticed"

  • Boners on a daily basis and moodswings

  • soft boiled eggs with buttered toasts and a glass of orange juice

  • What is everyone wearing right now?

    DragonV2 - - Fashion


    Black pants with a red jumper cause its a bit chilly here.

  • Wrist Watches

    DragonV2 - - Fashion


    I have a samsung smart watch. Looked at an apple one but was like cant justify my bday money on this lol

  • Quote from corey_stratton: “Quote from naturelover-VT: “Quote from corey_stratton: “whats innappropriate? Me with my shirt off? Cuz Ill change my pp if it is. ” Yes, because nobody wants to see your chicken breast. ” heyyyy Im working on that ” I believe in you just keep on working out, eat healthily and all that shit Also yeah trust me no one wants to see a tiny noodle. Once you have seen one. you basically saw them all. Also you being shirtless is fine. Casper's in his boxers in his one and I …

  • Quote from rossjulie: “Men you are the prize.Make decisions and stand firm.These ladies do not understand logic.Do not be too nice.You will be heart broken mercilessly.Stay dangerous. ” Oh great we got a pedo that decided to signup on a teen site thinking saying this would excuse the fact you have to be 13-19 upon signing up. Also your advice doesnt make sense and seems more sexist/something an incel would say

  • Quote from BJade: “Quote from joannainthemiddle: “Quote from BJade: “Shes just right ” But is she too hot, Goldie Locks? ” she might be too hot for me ” Nah. there no one too pretty or hot for you i think its the opposite

  • Abandoned

    DragonV2 - - Friends and Family


    Quote from Karifox: “I've discussed it here briefly before I think but I've been abandoned by my first crush (was my neighbor) he ended up hurting me and after I told my papa what happen he completely ignored me and eventually his family moved away. He came back and now is back to acting like I don't exist. It hurts because I just wanna know why and understand ” Some people just find it hard to share their feelings and commit to a relationship or friendship. Sometimes you grow apart or you get b…

  • Weird Parent Comment

    DragonV2 - - Puberty


    Quote from mw24680: “yeah mines never received a compliment ” i'm sure its soo big and muscular. you sir have a wonderful dick. best dick in the worldddd. certainly bigger than any i seen

  • Abandoned

    DragonV2 - - Friends and Family


    Quote from Aimie: “Anyone ever have a close friend, bestie, family member etc just… seem to forget you exist? my stepbro started seeing this girl and now we don’t hang out or anything I’ve never felt so invisible ” I think he'll get used to the idea of he's in a relationship and make time with you. Sometimes when you're in a relationship you spend more time with them and spend less time wit your friends. You should talk to him and ask to spend time with him or explain how you feel. He'll realize…