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  • Re: Zits

    AffairesRisque - - General Advice


    I feel your pain completely. I've been having problems with acne since I was in junior high, and it feels like I will never be clear. However, I found this really great website last night about treating acne. The guy who created the website had suffered from acne since he was eleven, got incredibly frustrated, and came up with this routine he calls The Regimen. He shows you how to do it with videos, gives you advice on what products to use with The Regimen, and has even created specially-designe…

  • Quote from Assaultrifle: “A Marine” Proud Marine sister right here! OORAH! Quote from summer_is_here!_0:): “G-l-a-m-o-r-o-u-s!” Quote from summer_is_here!_0:): “ohh yay my 200th post x” Why don't you just edit your posts instead of double posting? O.o Anyways... I want to be a middle school English or social studies teacher.

  • The whole Virginia Tech situation really struck a chord with me as a college student. I was glued to my television when all this was going on. I'd never thought I wouldn't be safe on a college campus, but I was proven wrong. I guess I forgot that bullies went to college, too. I understand how you feel, armyforthebroken. It was hard enough to watch Columbine happen and have to go to school in the aftermath of that tragedy. Now, it is hard for me to feel safe at college, but we must carry on with …

  • Sperm do not die as soon as they hit the air. This is a misconception that many people have. According to the Mayo Clinic website, the amount of time sperm can live depends on the environment in which they are ejaculated in. Sperm ejaculated into the vagina can live in the cervix for up to three to five days. Sperm ejaculated outside of the vagina stay alive for only a few hours. If you had any of your ejaculate on your fingers while fingering her, it is possible that you could have gotten her p…

  • Re: college question

    AffairesRisque - - Education & Jobs


    It probably depends on the institution you're looking at. For example, I looked up the Bachelor's (Degree) of Fine Arts in Photography program of study at Ohio State University, and it is a four year program. I also looked it up at Ohio University, and it is also a four year program of study there. (I hope you're not from the UK because you will never know what the heck these schools are. lol.) If you're interested in photography and have some colleges in mind, look for their websites and find t…

  • Re: Should I move out?

    AffairesRisque - - General Advice


    Quote from summer_is_here!_0:): “am i missin something? x wats a ged?” A GED is also known as General Educational Development diploma for those who don't finish high school by actually graduating. You take a test, and if you pass, you receive this diploma that is equivalent to a high school diploma. There are certain age requirements (probably different in every state in the U.S.), and you have to be officially withdrawn from school. So, no. It's nothing like an ASBO, which is an Anti-Social Beh…

  • Quote from woodz: “yes my dear, the training thong is specifically designed to work your rear muscles as you walk, therefor increasing the firmness, and inevitably the size of your ass* *results may vary” Hmm...

  • Quote from woodz: “i think im going to invent the training thong. just like the training bra, but for those that have no ass. so that they can easily be distinguished...” So, this training thong...will it magically make their asses blow up a la J.Lo?

  • I think thirteen is too young to be wearing a thong. It seems more appropriate around fifteen and up.

  • Re: Do you smoke?

    AffairesRisque - - Health and Fitness


    No, but I get caught up in the secondhand smoke due to both of my parents' habits.

  • Re: so pissed

    AffairesRisque - - General Advice


    Quote from Neal: “Um no. I can't think of any good reasons for good intentions on stealing a girl's underwear if you're a guy. ??” My point exactly.

  • Re: so pissed

    AffairesRisque - - General Advice


    Quote from Neal: “In these particular cases, to sniff them, show/share with other guy friends, harass, etc.” And these are good excuses to do this? O.o

  • Re: so pissed

    AffairesRisque - - General Advice


    First of all, I never would have let this shady dude in my house to begin with. Period. But, you shouldn't jump to any conclusions. You THINK this guy took your underwear, but you don't know for sure. You need to ask your friend if she took them or if she saw him take them. If she took them, make sure it's known that it was not cool for her to steal your underwear even if it was a joke. Who does that shit? It's just weird... If he took them, however, you need to ask him to return them; try being…

  • Re: sexual abuse?

    AffairesRisque - - General Advice


    Quote from armyforthebroken: “I agree, if it makes you uncomfortable, tell him to stop. If he refuses to stop, just avoid the guy. If he keeps coming on to you, tell your parents to do something with him.” How is avoiding him going to help the situation? She needs to stand up for herself and let the right people know what is going on. He may go and do it to someone else; he needs to know that there are consequences to his inappropriate actions and avoiding him won't bring the consequences to him…

  • Quote from dokueki: “Interesting. Grade school is 1st through 6th grade here, junior high is 7th through 9th, and high school is 10th through 12th.” There are a lot of junior highs in the States where it is grades seven through nine instead of just grades seven through eight. The school I went to all my life was divided up like this: 1-4 - Elementary 5-6 - Middle 7-8 - Junior High 9-12 - High School

  • Quote from kinetic: “Public school 2 more years in dat shytty place lol americans..whats junior? freshmen? sophmore? senior? it confuses me alot lol coz i hear it in movies and” It most American high schools, students have to go through four years of high school. So, it's like this: Freshman - 9th grade (Year 10) Sophomore - 10th grade (Year 11) Junior - 11th grade (Sixth Form College?) Senior - 12th grade (Sixth Form College?) Anyways, I attend college (university) in Ohio. I will b…

  • Re: Anonymous

    AffairesRisque - - Debate and Discussions


    OMG. I totally saw these people protesting Scientology by an old shopping center about an hour away from where I live, and I'm like, "WTF?" Now, I get it... I believe that they're entitled to their opinions, but when it comes to the safety and well-being of others (i.e. blowing up football stadiums), it's not cool.

  • It seems to me like she may have been uncomfortable with your asking her out on a date instead of just hanging out like friends. That may be why she has become distant from you in the past couple of weeks. Maybe she doesn't feel that way about you even though she said she would tell you when she's ready. Or she may feel that way, but she may be afraid that you will try to put pressure on her about it. You should just talk to her about it. You need to ask her how she really feels and prepare your…

  • Quote from Tomski: “Yes it is compulsary to do work experience in either year 10 or 11 in England and Wales however I'm not sure about Scotland and NI as their school systems are different.” Quote from james0192: “It's not actually compulsory i dont think, some people in my school aren,t doing it and the school seems okay with that. It is highly recomended though - most universities now require you to have done it to get in” I think it's a good idea. I don't know of any schools in the United Sta…

  • Quote from Sasha Vassily: “What about the majority of Americans who support what these soldiers and their supreme commander is doing in the middle east? Ever heard of the concept, "crime by association"? Which is, at best, a lie and at worse an arrogant attempt at creating self importance. No one really cares what you do in the world as long as you keep your long ugly noses out of other people's business. The Soviet Union was a superpower, so is Russia today and so will China be in the near futu…