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  • In Public

    Sean2001 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Gabraham247: “...But unless I'm being too naive, there's no way jobs can see your socials unless they're ur friends... ” American employers, especially, seem to concern themselves with their employee's and potential employee's lives outside work. Like you, I hope they don't have a back door into social media sites that do have some idea of privacy, i.e. where everything isn't automatically public. You can be, though, that if your application gets past the initial stage of looking at t…

  • In Public

    Sean2001 - - Teen Sexuality


    I don't know what the legal position is here in the UK. I know that it is not illegal to be naked in public. I have been to a music festival where some people walked around naked and some places have naked bike rides. It is illegal, though, to cause fear and alarm by exposing yourself. That clause is clearly there to be able to prosecute flashers. So, possibly, the fear and alarm clause would also take in doing obviously sexual stuff in view of passers by. There may be other legislation too. Mor…

  • Quote from royalemeraldbuilder: “...Since starting? 5 1/2 weeks or thereabouts. ” That's a long time. Was that a challenge or just circumstances.

  • Dry humping

    Sean2001 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from smithy21: “probably just happy she made you cumit can be so fun to make another guy cum especially when you get to see the results ” Yes, though even better to see it happen unencumbered by clothing. But, part of the excitement is that the other person has been sufficiently turned on by you and what you were doing to them to have enjoyed an orgasm, and that bit remains whether there is plenty to see, and maybe even hear, or just some subtle signs.

  • Masturbation

    Sean2001 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from kyle_ca: “Yeah, that's basically like me, especially when. I first get up some mornings I really need to do it. Or when I'm in my bed and thinking of like a girl in my class. ” I think the vast majority of guys masturbate last thing at night; the relaxed, sleeping feeling afterwards is ideal for falling asleep. But, as long as, in general, you are keeping up with other important aspects of life such as school, a social life, some exercise etc. then any time you feel like you want to m…

  • Sex feeling

    Sean2001 - - Teen Sexuality


    I think there are going to be similarities and differences. In the same way that both sex and masturbation usually end with orgasm, so girls and guys both have orgasms. As I don't think anyone has been a fully-functioning person of each sex at different times, I don't think anyone can say for sure how similar they are but it is probably reasonable to suppose that orgasms for girls are more like dry orgasms for guys, i.e. how it is before you start to ejaculate, both because they don't ejaculate …

  • Quote from Gabraham247: “Yes it's awkward. Seeing that most of us masturbate between 1-20+ times per week, it makes sense that we switch up what and who we fantasize about while masturbating. Most of us probably have chosen some weird friends and taboo people to fantasize about. Your bff may even think about you. But it's best to keep those things secret. ” I completely agree with this. Guys, at least, like to have some variety in their fantasy and don't stick to people or situations where somet…

  • Uncircumcised

    Sean2001 - - Puberty


    Quote from maseb: “And @Sean2001 another reason years ago to circumcise boys was to prevent masturbation. I believe I read that was a much more common reason than hygiene at the time. Maybe the masturbation prevention argument fell out of favor and it was replaced by the hygiene theory. Which I think I can safely say is something so basically simple to teach, like washing your face, that it's a ridiculous reason to perform one. I understand religious reasons based on tradition but that doesn't m…

  • Uncircumcised

    Sean2001 - - Puberty


    Quote from Kyle07: “I still hate the term “uncircumcised” - it implies that circumcised is the standard / normal when it’s not,... ” I think this is bringing a particular perspective to this. As far as language goes, my crtiicism is that, in English, the prefix 'un' does not always distimguish between "not done in the first place" and "done but then undone", and uncircumcised and undone are examples of the variations. On using the term "natural" instead, the disadvantage to that is that it needs…

  • Urge to have sex

    Sean2001 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from CooperJ: “In this country 18 is the age of consent. So the parents are liable ” Here in the UK we also have an age of criminal responsibility which, at ten years old, is different from the age of majoriy. This is the age at which people can be arrested for their own crimes rather than it being considered the parents responsibility. So here, even if the age of consent were 18, or the couple concerned were a couple of years younger, it would be they who were committing an offence by hav…

  • Urge to have sex

    Sean2001 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from CooperJ: “I agree to a point. But I do know a family who allows the 17 year old to have his gf sleep over. A lot. There are four other kids in the family. Odd. Very odd. Probably illegal af ” That depends where you are. Here in the UK, the age of consent is 16 so assuming the g/f is his age or the year below they should be fine.

  • First Time Seeing Opposite Gender

    Sean2001 - - Puberty


    Quote from theletters: “Do you remember the first time you saw the opposite gender nude? Yes, my best friends little sister i used to be alone with How old were you? 15 How old were they? A lot younger Had you started puberty? Yes Had they? No How did you see them, changing or other? She showed me, and I showed her Was it the first time you did something sexual? No but it was the first time i had sex Was it an accident? No Were you both naked? Yeah Did you feel uncomfortable about it? No i was j…

  • Quote from collin13: “But what defines sexual maturity? An 11 year old can have pubic hair ... does that make the 11 year old mature enough to make a decision to engage in sexual activity with say a 16 year old? I'm thinking not quite honestly... ” I think we may be disagreeing about semantics, and do agree that having started puberty does not mean someone is ready for sex. My original response was, in part, due to the word paedophile being used. According to Wikipedia: "Pedophilia (alternativel…

  • Waking up with semen every night

    Sean2001 - - Puberty


    Quote from Aaronlsn02: “i have made that a birthday wish for 2 years and whamo nothing ” Do you really mean your wish is to have a wet dream every night like tucat? Or is the wish to start ejaculating? To tucat, I echo what others have said about masturbating. I've never had a wet dream and that may be because I have never gone very long without ejaculating either though masturbation or sex and, while it is not a guaranteed connection, for most people it does seem that the more they masturbate t…

  • Quote from theletters: “this is insane. im not a pedo and ive seen WAY WORSE SHIT on this forum that nobody else got upset over. i dont really care. ” Psychologists generally define paedophilia as being sexually attracted to a child who is not sexually mature, so being attracted to someone who is sexually mature, just young, is not a mental disease. On the other hand, law makers set an age of consent for a reason. I can't help thinking that part of the issue is that we (humans) attach all kinds …

  • Giving the benefit of the doubt that this is not a huge wind-up, the situation described here is seriously messed up. Pre-natal paternity testing is apparently possible without risk as it compares genetic markers in the mothers blood with DNA from the possible father. I don't know how much it costs in the UK or if there are specific circumstances in which you can get it done without charge, for example on the NHS. One way of another, if the mother to be wants to keep the baby, her situation will…

  • Quote from theletters: “The girl i lost my virginity to was more than five years younger than me so a hugeee age gap. I think its kind of hot, but there's definitely limits. As long as nobodys being hurt or taken advantage of, its cool. Some people find it weird tho. Personally, i dont really care ” Here in the UK, having sex with anyone under 13 is considered rape. If anyone complained to the police you would be dealt with, even if she actually encouraged you, exactly the same as if she had bee…

  • Natural Scent Attractiveness

    Sean2001 - - Puberty


    Quote from maseb: “A turn off for me is over scenting yourself, either gender. Too many boys seem to swim in Axe, and some girls must think dumping a bottle of perfume on yourself is a good thing. Subtle scents work the best for me. ” That reminds me of a biology teacher we could all smell from the opposite end of the corridor, such was the amount of perfume she applied. It is more understandable when we first start using scented products as it can be hard to judge how much to use but, by the ti…

  • Natural Scent Attractiveness

    Sean2001 - - Puberty


    Quote from Gabraham247: “The 1st and 3rd paragraphs are at least partially in conflict with each other. Are human noses too insensitive or can we smell immune systems? I suppose it's similar to most studies, you go with the one that makes your case (sad but true). I have read and watched some studies on noses and pheromones. It would seem that there is some truth to the theory that humans can be attracted to certain pheromones. But its a fact that our sense of smell pales in comparison to many o…

  • Quote from Gabraham247: “My mind gets blown when I see those memes that say "I was today years old when I learned ..." They're always basic shit like how to open a soda can easier that we shoulda learned when we were 6, but we didn't lol. ” That's related to what you were saying about Apple. I've seen these "life hacks" videos that include such things as how to open various kinds of packaging and I am sure the designers thought it was obvious but, to most people, it was anything but. In fact it …