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  • White Lacoste briefs with a teal band.

  • Last Thing You Ate?

    HeyCameron - - Health and Fitness


    Cherries. I bought $17 worth of them at the farmer's market yesterday. Cherry season is so short and I eat these like they're crack.

  • Where did you lose

    HeyCameron - - Teen Sexuality


    It was at home, which was probably the best place it could've happened. We were both just out of high school and we were both virgins, though we'd been dating since nearly the beginning of senior year and we continued to be together for another year after that, so yes, we "did it" throughout the relationship after that first time. Sometimes I wish that relationship hadn't ended, but I wish her well. I certainly didn't rush to tell anyone afterward, sex as a point of boasting has never held much …

  • Gray briefs as well. Calvin Klein.

  • I go for regular walks and bike rides (and I bike around campus most days). My roommate and I go to the gym together a few times a week (I can't seem to go as often as he does, but I've been going more this year than ever before).

  • Minestrone with sourdough bread.

  • Yes, my siblings and I hug each other. Sometimes my sister will kiss me on the head. My brother, not really the kissing type. But I’m the youngest so they’re protective of me

  • Uncircumcised

    HeyCameron - - Puberty


    You know, if you so desire another term, you can always use “intact” for “uncircumcised”.

  • Can people tell you're gay/bi?

    HeyCameron - - Gay


    Yes. I have bi face. Just kidding. I don’t think anyone assumed I was bi until I made comments about finding guys attractive. In most ways, I just seem like any other guy.

  • White Ralph Lauren briefs

  • What is everyone wearing right now?

    HeyCameron - - Fashion


    Grey athletic joggers and a black Adidas jacket.

  • Early this morning I had a toasted pastrami sandwich at a cafe near my apartment. I’d have this sandwich every day if I could…

  • Naked in front of ther boys

    HeyCameron - - Gay


    Only around my best friend, on a couple occasions (such as when we shared a small dorm in college). Around my brother, yeah, but not in a while. Other than that, few have seen me nude. For me personally, it's not really about the gender of the person seeing me. It's about how close I am to them and how comfortable I feel around them.

  • Triangle of Sadness It was...alright. It was a bit long and unfocused. It was sort of like Parasite meets The White Lotus. I didn't dislike it though. There's also like a ten minute scene of various people throwing up and it's very realistic. That was a bit much.

  • In general I think people should stick to a range around their own age. I think this gets a bit precarious with teenagers. I think an 18-year-old adult should not be dating anyone 15 or younger. I think people in their 20s should not be dating anyone in high school. I think a pubescent high schooler shouldn’t be dating a middle schooler. When a 35-year-old man says his limit is “18”, I raise an eyebrow and wonder “would he go lower if he legally could?” The word “pedophile” is thrown around quit…

  • Precum when soft?

    HeyCameron - - Puberty


    This has happened to me but it’s not just a random thing, it seems to coincide with getting aroused even if I don’t get fully hard or if I get soft soon after (and it’s then that I will precum). Random precumming during the day with no arousal involved doesn’t make much sense to me.

  • Small Package

    HeyCameron - - Gay


    Wow, I can't believe no one has said "good things come in small packages" yet And yes, I would, that is of no consequence to me. I say that as someone who's smaller than average.

  • Pozole and tortillas

  • Mushroom Dick

    HeyCameron - - Puberty


    Sorry, this post made me laugh. I hate the phrase “mushroom dick”. The word “glans” literally means “acorn” in Latin, due to the shape. There is nothing abnormal about what you saw.

  • What are You Listening To?

    HeyCameron - - Music


    This song is hilarious and may not be as dated as it seems: