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  • I don't have any that are saved on the likes of photobucket or anything, so if you want, have a look through my myspace? Jamie Randall Photography© (Jamie Randall) | MySpace

  • I've been caught going down on a girl before

  • I tried thinking about it once.... It made my head hurt ]=

  • iTunes or I go down the shop

  • Re: Songs with alot of BASS?

    ShadowNinja - - Music


    Anything by Hadouken! really. Especially M.A.D. and Mic Check

  • Re: Anyone help me out?

    ShadowNinja - - Video Games


    nope, sorry man

  • Re: Tasty, Tasty...

    ShadowNinja - - Teen Sexuality


    Each girl tastes different. If you get with a girl who is good on personal hygiene, it won't taste anywhere near as bad as you think it will

  • Anyone help me out?

    ShadowNinja - - Video Games


    Right, to start, THIS ISN'T AN ADVERT!!! I'M NOT TRYING TO SELL ANYTHING, well, not here anyway. I have collected the Pokemon RPG's since the release of Red & Blue many moons ago (1998). Since then, I have bought every one that has come out, with the exception of Emerald. I'm looking to sell them now, but I have no idea how much I should expect to sell in a mass bundle, especially as they may be collectables to some collectors or completists. The games (and condition) are as follows: KEY - GC = …

  • 5ive (I have their greatest hits on my iPod :)) The Prodigy Old Trance tunes [=

  • Re: 'emo' music?

    ShadowNinja - - Music


    Quote from Jayvee.: “ im already in love with: hawthorne heights saosin mcr bring me the horizon the used jimmy eat world rise against (i know they're not emo lol) && tonnes more. thanks :):D ” Hawthorne Heights, out of all of them, is most considered to be emo, although (if I'm not mistaken) the band themselves, do not like the tag. Emo has had two previous waves to this one. Jimmy Eat World are considered the last remaining Emo band from the last wave in the 90's. BMTH are not emo, Neither are…

  • I've been in a similar situation for the last year or so. The way I got round it, was I got sent a text from her saying "You have a free ticket to ask me anything, and I've got to answer 100% truthfully" So I asked "What would you do if I said I had feelings for you beyond friendship?" She replied "Sorry Jamie, but thats just wrong. You're like my brother" The way me and her act is very similar to boyfriend and girlfriend. We'll cuddle on the sofa, hold hands/link arms randomly, heck, we even sh…

  • Re: Any musicians in the house? =D

    ShadowNinja - - Music


    Does vocalist count? I sing pop-punk, metalcore, death metal, that sort of stuff. I have a bass, and am slowly learning to playing it. Oh, and I'm trying to save up for a Microkorg Synthesizer and a Korg Kaosilator. I wanna be a synth player [=

  • Re: Did any of y'all watch...

    ShadowNinja - - Music


    I swear thats the same prison they used in the video for "The Bitch Song" by Bowling For Soup! Just me?

  • Re: Am I a rare breed?

    ShadowNinja - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from isitso: “You could be asexual, like me. Welcome to the land of rainbows and flowers that is asexuality <3” Asexual is not liking either gender isn't it? *checks wikipedia* Hmmm, just looked it up. I love to do everything else, I'm just not particularly bothered about intercourse

  • Am I a rare breed?

    ShadowNinja - - Teen Sexuality


    Ok, probably a misleading title. I'm a 19 year old Male, and I lost my virginity in December '08 at the age of 17. Since then, I've had sex two more times (once I was absolutely wasted). During High school and my first year of college, I was always the one sitting and listening to other people's sex stories and wondering whats so great about it. I've come to the conclusion that sex doesn't bother me as much as it does with most teenagers (males and females alike). I just don't see what the big f…

  • Re: finallyyyyy

    ShadowNinja - - Teen Sexuality


    Well done [= I believe in doing what you love, so I'm happy for you [=

  • Re: Which is Better?

    ShadowNinja - - Teen Sexuality


    I had partially planned my first time, but didn't think I'd go through with it. I would of loved it to of been spontantious with a certain girl though.

  • yahoo is crap for webcam! MSN is pretty decent for webcam, not too good for audio. Skype is your best bet

  • right, some of the responses are abit cunt-ish on here. If he dosn't like you for you, then he's not the right one. He may like the larger girls, you never know. Just because he hangs around with the skinny girls, dosn't mean thats what he goes for. I say ask him. See what he says. And too everyone saying she should lose weight.... You are what you are. Youy shouldn't change for anyone. Hope this helps

  • So...... whats the link? Haha, I joke, I joke. You tell them haterz!