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  • Re: How should i style my hair

    OnEMesSduPKiD - - Fashion


    I think you should cut it.

  • Re: Makeup advice?

    OnEMesSduPKiD - - Fashion


    You should lose the scene/emo look, it makes you come off as immature.

  • Re: I'm worried

    OnEMesSduPKiD - - Teen Sexuality


    Your tonker? Wet dreams are a product of not masturbating enough. I, have never had one myself. I guess you can assume the reason for that. But aside from un-needed information about my penis, yes.. your circumstances are completely natural. Not everyone matures as the rate that their friends or the other people around them do. It may take a little longer for your penis to grow, and it will progressively over time, without you even noticing it. Don't worry about it, you're 13, you won't (or shou…

  • Re: Forum question

    OnEMesSduPKiD - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Spaceman Spiff: “What exactly is giving you said boners? ;)” You, most likely. Or at least that's what gives me boners.

  • Re: Forum question

    OnEMesSduPKiD - - Teen Sexuality


    Probably when you grow up

  • It was bigger 5-10 years ago. Pretty sure a lot of girls couldn't care less anymore. And statistically, Guys go for physical, girls go for other things (security, financial, aspirations, etc etc).

  • Re: Corsage or no?

    OnEMesSduPKiD - - Fashion


    Just get her a tiny bouquet of flowers.

  • Re: Horny!!

    OnEMesSduPKiD - - Teen Sexuality


    Because you're a guy. Try jerking off next time.

  • Re: World of Warcraft

    OnEMesSduPKiD - - Video Games


    Quote from The Final Fear: “You have to create a new account on the private server's server to play on said private server. Therefore, i assume you used your retail account's information as the information for the private server account. you deserved to be hacked for giving away your account information.” Or he played on a private server and instant level'd to 80, had ridiculous gear, etc etc, got very bored of the game

  • Quote from Dice Kid: “you kept saying no? thats rape, youve been raped.” Lol, this. I'm guessing it was forceful as well... would explain the tightness and pain.

  • Re: suggestions.

    OnEMesSduPKiD - - Fashion


    Quote from paperdollkittie: “If your friend isn't skinny, why would you buy her skinny jeans? Do her a favor and find something else.” Gonna have to agree here. Hate it when fat girls wear clothes meant for skinny people.

  • College is a time of having fun and being free. Don't be surprised if it doesn't work out.

  • Re: call of fuckin duty

    OnEMesSduPKiD - - Video Games


    Quote from Tombgeek: “Call of Duty 3 and Call of Duty: World at War. Yes, I know they were made by a different company apart from Infinity Ward. I know. But regardless if they were made by a different company, it still has "Call of Duty" on the box. Therefore, it is part of the series, therefore I can compare it to the others. I still say that the series went downhill after COD2.” Cod 3, 4, WaW, and MW2 all had significant differences from each other to set them apart. Oddly enough they were har…

  • Re: call of fuckin duty

    OnEMesSduPKiD - - Video Games


    Quote from Tombgeek: “Quite frankly, even though Call of Duty 4 was a brilliant game, I feel the series went down hill after Call of Duty 2. I feel COD is a world war II game, not a modern warfare game. And COD: World At War was really average. It was just COD4 with old guns and zombies.” It wasn't at all though , they were made by two completely different companies. If you played both more than casually you would notice that.

  • Re: World of Warcraft

    OnEMesSduPKiD - - Video Games


    Quote from Neglected: “How's ICC25-ready geared protadin with a 72 mage and all 'looms? >:” ICC 25 ready technically is right out of ToC. If you're the main tank and can tank more than just first wing, that's a different story.

  • Re: is this normal?

    OnEMesSduPKiD - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Kevmo7: “well lots of straight girls experiment and stuff and thats fine isnt it? there still straight arnt they?” No one is implying that being bi-curious, bisexual, or homosexual is weird. Regardless of everyone's feelings on it though, people experimenting with same sex partners is homosexual. There is no arguing that. How we are raised to view those types of situation is a different story, obviously some of us think it is completely ludicrous and some of us are all for it. Quote f…

  • Re: World of Warcraft

    OnEMesSduPKiD - - Video Games


    Quote from Neglected: “I think I'll be selling my account judging by these people getting 1 grand haha :P” You can only get that much if you're ridiculously geared, and even then you need more than one char. An undergeared level 80 might run you 100-200$.

  • Re: World of Warcraft

    OnEMesSduPKiD - - Video Games


    Quote from Klose: “My friend hacks Wow lmao, he has like a lvl 80. But he is pretty hooked on it.” It's extremely hard to hack Blizzard's servers, and even the people that can do it can't sit there and toy with them.

  • Re: call of fuckin duty

    OnEMesSduPKiD - - Video Games


    WaW is trash. Zombies is better than the entire game.

  • Re: is this normal?

    OnEMesSduPKiD - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Izzie :): “You guys never see it before? Loadsa guys I know all watch porn together and wank, all the freakin' time, its pretty usual, around here anyway, my boy mates have all done it before too, and trust me, they are anything BUT gay ¬_¬” I, and none of my friends have ever masturbated together, or would even consider it. Maybe it's a geographical thing, because it sounds pretty ridiculous to me right now.