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  • Quote from tfkbuggy: “Quote from kirishima13: “Quote from tfkbuggy: “Quote from kirishima13: “Quote from tfkbuggy: “Quote from kirishima13: “Dad’s grilling some burgers ” Did you all eat it? ” Yeah why wouldn’t we? ” 10-15? ” ??? ” burgers! ” Oh I see we each had two including my parents so it was actually 14

  • Quote from tfkbuggy: “Quote from kirishima13: “Quote from tfkbuggy: “Quote from kirishima13: “Dad’s grilling some burgers ” Did you all eat it? ” Yeah why wouldn’t we? ” 10-15? ” ???

  • Quote from tfkbuggy: “Quote from kirishima13: “Dad’s grilling some burgers ” Did you all eat it? ” Yeah why wouldn’t we?

  • I have adhd and that has made learning difficult for me. It also makes me very figety excited and impulsive to the point where I think a lot of people find me annoying. It’s taken a while for me to accept this about me and I’ve found friends that accept it as well which makes me so so happy. does anyone else have disorders that they’ve had to learn to accept?

  • Demon slayer

  • Dad’s grilling some burgers

  • Groped / Rubbed against?

    kirishima13 - - General Advice


    Quote from maseb: “I've been rubbed against at the mall and groped at the movies, could feel the person's hand squeezing my butt but I kind of froze and by the time I turned couldn't figure out who it was ” Ah I’m sorry that happened, that sounds really scary

  • Quote from ScottFremont: “About every other day. Now that it's summertime, I want to be outside swimming and enjoying fresh air. I have all winter to play with my dinky. ” lmao I’m trying to balance doing both

  • Zelda / Breath of the Wild

    kirishima13 - - Video Games


    Omg I loved that game when it came out. Me and my big bro had so much fun with that game

  • what age?

    kirishima13 - - Puberty


    Quote from collin13: “Quote from kirishima13: “Quote from collin13: “I'm still waiting. At least I have some hair growing now though. ” Same for me but at least dry orgasms r a thing ” An amazing thing! Back to backs are amazing! ” So fkn tru had a back to back this mornin

  • Quote from just.some.random.boy: “Usually on my back ” That’s how my bro sleeps

  • Morning wood

    kirishima13 - - Puberty


    Quote from Butlersbus: “Quote from Starlord: “Quote from Richie909: “I wake up every morning with a morning wood, is this normal? ” I wake up with one too nearly all the time too ” Every. Morning. Like rock hard too, not talking a semi here. Like throbbing. ” Same lol my biggest boners r always when I wake up

  • what age?

    kirishima13 - - Puberty


    Quote from collin13: “I'm still waiting. At least I have some hair growing now though. ” Same for me but at least dry orgasms r a thing

  • How Do You Tell?

    kirishima13 - - LGBT


    Idk I’m have a crush on this girl but I have no idea if she feels the same

  • Quote from Butlersbus: “Quote from kirishima13: “Quote from Butlersbus: “Quote from kirishima13: “Quote from Butlersbus: “Omg. The worst. I have no idea what I was thinking. I was going at it on the floor of my room with the door open. Heard my mom coming at the last second, I jumped up and stood face-in to the closet and pretended like I was changing. But I was already at the point of no return and was cumming on the floor while she was in the room. Never did that again ! ” Did she know what wa…

  • Quote from collin13: “I have my own bedroom but when my step brother is here, he stays in my room because I have bunk beds. He is here every other weekend. I'm cool with it because we are close and it is like a sleep over with a best friend (we are best friends as well). ” That’s nice do u have the top or bottom bunk?

  • what age?

    kirishima13 - - Puberty


    Quote from Ryzen: “Still waiting... ” Me too man

  • Quote from Butlersbus: “Quote from kirishima13: “Quote from Butlersbus: “Omg. The worst. I have no idea what I was thinking. I was going at it on the floor of my room with the door open. Heard my mom coming at the last second, I jumped up and stood face-in to the closet and pretended like I was changing. But I was already at the point of no return and was cumming on the floor while she was in the room. Never did that again ! ” Did she know what was going on? ” I’m not sure. She obv didn’t say an…

  • I don’t, I don’t know if I ever will

  • Quote from Butlersbus: “Omg. The worst. I have no idea what I was thinking. I was going at it on the floor of my room with the door open. Heard my mom coming at the last second, I jumped up and stood face-in to the closet and pretended like I was changing. But I was already at the point of no return and was cumming on the floor while she was in the room. Never did that again ! ” Did she know what was going on?