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  • Describe Your Ideal BF

    Dracaufeu - - Gay


    Being sweet, cool and funny is a good start

  • God doesn't like (x)

    Dracaufeu - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from BJade: “Doesn't like war and killing people... unless they don't follow "God's rules"?... there's a Crusade against another religion?... There not part of your Christianity?... I guess God does like killing people... or they would stop all the killing in Middle East (and everywhere else) problem in Syria is just a continuation of the medieval Crusades (2 groups of people and religions believing they own the holy lands) ” I think God doesn't like it when people kill in his name while o…

  • Interracial

    Dracaufeu - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Quote from Rocky Basin: “is anybody in a interracial relationship or have been in one. Is anyone on here besides the product of an interracial relationship. ” Technically there's no such thing as an interracial relationship given that we all belong to the same race : humans

  • When Dating.

    Dracaufeu - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Quote from P8000P: “just wondering for boys and girls but mainly boys, does skin color matter to you. ” No I like people for what they are inside, not for the color of their skin

  • wished him luck by text msg for his athletics competition today You're the best you're gonna smash 'em all

  • Circumcision

    Dracaufeu - - Puberty


    How old are you? 13 Are you a boy or girl? Boy What state or country do you live in? Buckinghamshire, England How common is circumcision where you live? Not common at all For boys Are you circumcised? Yes If so, when was it done and why? When I was a kid and because my dad is Do you like being or not being circumcised? Yes If your not circumcised, have you had any trouble retracting your foreskin? Has your doctor or anyone else recommend you get circumcised? If you could change your circumcision…

  • Uncut dicks

    Dracaufeu - - Puberty


    Quote from Gizm0w0: “It’s not common where I live and I was nervous about showering in the locker room but I’ve never had issues just guys looking cuz they were curious about it. My guy friends have asked about it when they’ve seen it but that’s about it. ” Quote from sweetcaden: “i’ve had some of my friends ask me about mine too ” In England only few people are circumsized, in my class we are 2 and in volleyball team I'm the only one. I've been asked a lot of times about it too

  • Quote from pahern0317: “Quote from Dracaufeu: “Quote from pahern0317: “white briefs ” As always. I just wonder why you post every day on this topic given that your answer is always the same ” Maybe I will surprise you one of these days. ” If one day you reply you're wearing a thong, I will definitely fall off my chair

  • All my peers are so imature

    Dracaufeu - - General Advice


    My bf acts childish sometimes, I'd say he's immature too, but that's what I find funny in him he's so much fun to be around. Maybe you are too serious ?

  • God doesn't like (x)

    Dracaufeu - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Pultost: “Quote from BJade: “maybe God was like a little kid (or some adults) started playing with his new toy (humans) but quickly got bored, now we're just the equivalent of an old toy forgotten at the back of a cupboard ” I support this theory. Eventually, he was probably like "Meh", and moved on to do something else. ” Quote from D. Falcon_11: “If God were a little kid and he's now a bit grown up and has a new toy (new strain of SARS) he just might inflict another worldwide pandem…

  • Quote from pahern0317: “white briefs ” As always. I just wonder why you post every day on this topic given that your answer is always the same

  • Quote from HeyCameron: “Gray Gap briefs. These are often my answer because I have like 5 pairs ” My mum also gets some there, I have a pair with sharks on them

  • Quote from sweetcaden: “Quote from Dracaufeu: “Quote from sweetcaden: “Quote from Dracaufeu: “Quote from sweetcaden: “Quote from Dracaufeu: “Quote from sweetcaden: “no bf so far ” I take it you prefer boys ? ” absolutely wbu ” I'm complicated I have only dated girls before since I was 11Then I had a crush on a boy last summer but I didn't dared to tell himI got another crush on another boy like in november, I only dared to tell him a couple weeks ago ” what did he say after u told him ” He said …

  • Quote from sweetcaden: “Quote from Dracaufeu: “Quote from sweetcaden: “Quote from Dracaufeu: “Quote from sweetcaden: “no bf so far ” I take it you prefer boys ? ” absolutely wbu ” I'm complicated I have only dated girls before since I was 11Then I had a crush on a boy last summer but I didn't dared to tell him I got another crush on another boy like in november, I only dared to tell him a couple weeks ago ” what did he say after u told him ” He said he had never dated anyone boy or girl But that…

  • White briefs from Hanes

  • Quote from sweetcaden: “Quote from Dracaufeu: “Quote from sweetcaden: “no bf so far ” I take it you prefer boys ? ” absolutely wbu ” I'm complicated I have only dated girls before since I was 11 Then I had a crush on a boy last summer but I didn't dared to tell him I got another crush on another boy like in november, I only dared to tell him a couple weeks ago

  • Quote from sweetcaden: “no bf so far ” I take it you prefer boys ?

  • Quote from Lewio001: “I don’t anymore, but I did when I first started masturbation and was trying all kinds of things that felt good ” I did the exact same thing

  • Quote from ImAidesP: “Younger, I look like a fetus ” Are you 2 ft tall and 8 lbs ?

  • Orange and black briefs