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  • Quote from ayyehdyeg: “I’m still a virgin and am honestly pretty jealous of those who aren’t, I just wonder how the experience goes. So if you aren’t how and when did it happen? ” i lost it to a carrot. no comment

  • Quote from jaredcal: “My friend said they make you take off your clothes but pretty sure hes a lier lol ” That would be interesting lmfao teacher be like HEY EVERBODY GET NAKED NOW

  • Congrats on finding someone, i hope you two have a good relationship. I agree with the others on their advice as its realistic and helpful overall. You know best in the relationship and i recommend taking it slow and only moving when both of you are ready. Although sometimes taking the first step and going out your comfort zone is needed otherwise the relationships stales and dont progress. Take her out on dates or just hang out, see a movie or just get something to eat. Maybe hang outside of sc…

  • What are you playing right now?

    DragonV2 - - Video Games



  • Video Game Music

    DragonV2 - - Video Games


  • Masturbating with/wo clothes

    DragonV2 - - Puberty


    Quote from TaylerL: “Quote from Kara Zor-El: “Quote from BlackParadePixie: “I put on my robe and wizard hat ” 9TRahZ.gif ” BOOBIES! ” smh her smile is really nice.

  • Kissing

    DragonV2 - - Gay


    Quote from kirishima13: “Quote from Starlord: “Quote from kirishima13: “i don’t remember i’ve kissed and still do kiss my brothers ” I dont think he meant kiss in that way ” yeah ik but i haven’t had a real kiss with a boy yet. ” Yo lets meet up Also im sure you'll find someone one day you're an awesome dude

  • Sex ed for me was really cool. They taught both girl and guy stuff together which to others was "eww" but i felt that it helps us understand the opposite gender and introduces us the future things that we may deal with. Generally sex ed isnt really helpful in terms of teaching u masturbation or covering really deep stuff like sex practices or hygiene ig? It just teaches u what classic changes u go through, what sex is, protection and so on. I learnt more through talks and just researching online…

  • Are you Demisexual?

    DragonV2 - - LGBT


    I'm not really a demisexual but i did consider it during my still ongoing struggle to discover my sexuality. You see i do not know if im asexual or pansexual. I rarely find people i truly love or feel sexual desire too. I feel that being asexual is easier for me since i feel comfortable loving friends and that I'm not wanting to date people or that the one im looking for is not known to me. I want to have sex with someone that has an attractive personality and i'm emotionally close to. I feel th…

  • Masturbating with/wo clothes

    DragonV2 - - Puberty


    Usually with clothes on or just boxers. You should get a tissue/cloth nearby or just shoot into the toilet if you're able to cum or just making a lot that you cant catch then wash your hand.

  • Quote from Reuben_13: “not unless your me ” depends. Can we kiss and cuddle first? you're kinda cute

  • Handholding and cuddling only i dont need anything else

  • Masturbation and gaming

    DragonV2 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Funnyhaha: “Quote from Pultost: “I'm playing Stardew Valley these days, and let me tell you, it doesn't get any sexier than that! Of course I masturbate while playing it. ” IDK maybe girls can but I don't think guys can. ” I mean you only need one hand. It is possible LMAO Quote from iTeen: “I often play online with my friends so no. I don't think they would too happy if I did. ” SAME. I'd imagine they'd probably get pissed or weirded out lol Quote from corey_stratton: “I can only thi…

  • Proper way to measure

    DragonV2 - - Puberty


    Ngl i find it funy when people go around bragging about their big sizes or they somehow fuck it up using a ruler to somehow get an inch or 5 onto their dick size. I agree that size doesn't really matter but its just how society is. Its always going to be talked about and the curiosity of people. I remember 2 years ago people would brag about being 6-9 inches. Literally a classmate said they were 7 inches and a black dude was like "lies mines only like 6". I just see the whole dick size thing stu…

  • Proper way to measure

    DragonV2 - - Puberty


    Quote from Pultost: “303b2b813dd98c1a7b92af6560815ad6a2d73224r1-275-205_00.gif ” Quote from kathyFL: “what ? ” Quote from TaylerL: “why on earth are you worried about the size of your penis, much less a quarter of an inch? Bragging rights? ” i do wanna say like i get its annoying when boys ask these things or get obsessed over it but i treat this question similar to a girl asking how do they measure their boob sizes. Sure when women measure it they often use it for things like buying bras but fo…

  • Cousin body shy

    DragonV2 - - Puberty


    I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt rather than bash you as the others have already done that for me. Just talk to your cousin. If you're truly the same age then ask him how he feels about that stuff and try to be considerate. He's shy and he's allowed to be modest/shy about that stuff. There's nothing wrong with it. During PE and stuff you do have to strip to your underwear to get changed but you should just explain that calmly and tell him that its expected that he should be able to…

  • What pets do you have

    DragonV2 - - Friends and Family


    Quote from collin13: “I live on a hobby farm! We consider the animals our pets, even the chickens! We have 12 chickens, 2 horses, 4 alpaca and 2 sheep! We also have a golden retriever puppy (he is 15 months old) and a golden lab! ” Do you go horse riding? if so do you enjoy it? Will we get Puppy pics? Whats it like having/working on one if you do chores

  • Quote from Claudia06: “Yes, I think I am becoming more and more horny the older I get. I don’t know what age it will stop ” My friends are usually way older or younger than me. One of them was 19 and she kinda told me that You may get hornier as u get older as you have more hormones pumping through ur body and eventually as you get older you may feel less horny or gain control. It probably helps by then you may have a relationship with someone and yeah.. I believe the same applies to boys. When …

  • Quote from xols: “Quote from Alexiswinter: “from what I read in other threads boys seem very "concerned" with their dangle parts. ” Are you really making assumptions from what people post on this site????? On the site you were formerly on, there were far more 'boob' threads, and true obsession about it, than they were 'penis' threads. Some troubled girls even started a 'club' for girls with small boobs lol. The girls I know IRL are normal. ” LMFAO. Boys: obsessed with boobs n penis Girls: obsess…

  • question guys

    DragonV2 - - Puberty


    Quote from kirishima13: “Quote from erik599: “Quote from kirishima13: “Quote from erik599: “i was jerking off and some clear stuff came out is that the cum? nothing ever happened before ” Curious did u feel like something different was about to happen? I can’t cum yet and I’m wondering if it’ll be a complete surprise or if I’ll no it’s about to happen ” it was a suprise for me! it felt like i had to pee kind of and then it just sort of of dribbled out. thats the first time i ever got anything fr…