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  • No real preference, I have both, but I don't really use/like either.

  • Quote from Call Me Miss Loo: “:| I seriously don't understand half of the things you say. Read back on it.” I'm actually almost too scared to even read this page, I'm at school right now. =| lulz. I read that somebody had a pornographic or otherwise NSFW picture in their signature, and you had said something about people under 15 not being able to view this forum. So I just made comments on both of those issues. And yeah, my posting style is very... sporatic, I think, it's hard for me to group m…

  • Quote from Call Me Miss Loo: “If a guy is being prosicuted for having sex with an underage girl, or even having photos of an underage girl. You think they're going to be let off because they're 'mature' ? ” Wait, what? I thought you were talking about making it so only peopel 16+ could view the forum? Never did I mean anything about what you're saying. =s

  • Quote from T.N.T: “im tired of feeling like shit..i feel lyk im just another person god put on this earth...i try so hard to make myself happy instead end up makin ppl around me happy and get nothing back in return... i cant take it any more...its lyk im dyin on the inside and theres no1 to turn to and no1 notices...i cant even turn to my family coz they luk at me funny and force me to isolate myself that way i feel abit better... i feel so numb inside and my chest and heart hurt to the extent t…

  • Quote from cassie--valentine: “australias emo because heath ledger is australian. we lost a very good actor.” I lol'ed. He was a good actor, I have to admit.

  • Maybe just have it password protected, and people would have to request the password from an administrator? I think in a lot of cases age could be somewhat judged by maturity, I mean, sometimes it would be obvious, but like somebody mentioned earlier, there would be no way to be 100% positive, and because of the shitty registration on this site, there would be no stopping anybody from just making another account with a higher age and coming here then. I guess it's really pointless no matter what…

  • I like the storyline more than anything, and I do think it's a great game, but certainly not the best. I was never a fan, nor am I now, of any of the CoDs or HL, Halo was the first real FPS shooter that ever appealed to me, which is probably why I have such a connection with it. Before the first Halo, I had never played anything like that (aside from 007: Goldeneye, but I just don't really attribute that to any of the FPS games on the next gen systems). I think the main pluses for the Halo games…

  • Re: Emo's

    ssraistlin - - Depression, Self Harm and Suicide


    To me, emo's are just some stupid way for teenagers to get attention, and personally, I think it's quite immature, mainly because I see 'em' kids all the time, but I don't think I've ever seen anybody being 'emo' past their 20s, and I think it's because they just grew up and realized they were being stupid. It's just people who wallow in their own self-pity because they think they have it so bad, yet they never do anything about it, they just whine and bitch about it all the time. And they write…

  • It's sad that he died, and yeah, he did have some good movies, but it annoys me that he died from ODing (or at least that's what the most likely cause was) and it just seems like all the celebrities get caught up with that kind of stuff, and I don't have as much sympathy for him because of it. I seriously hope the new Batman movie doesn't get pushed back because of it. =|

  • You should just disassociate with her and don't hang out with people like that, you don't need her at all, and if she isn't giving you any attention or worthwhile feeling at all, forget her. Too many people these days are caught up on being popular and getting boyfriends/girlfriends, but none of that matters, it's all just pointless, because in 4 years, you'll be out of highschool, and chances are you're never going to see any of them again. In the end, it's all about you, and what you want. If …

  • Re: >:|

    ssraistlin - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from The Clever Poet: “whoa, thats really low heey, give me his address and i'll send some people after him for you >.<” GUYS TRYING TO BE MACHO ITT Also, going to have to jump on the 17 year bandwagon. =[

  • LOL WHAT "yeah what this one said I LOVE TAKING SHOWERS WITH MY NICE SHOWER CURTAINS OH YES. ;.;" Quote of the day right there, rooooofl. Also, why would you need to take a shower after masturbating? Most times I'm doing it while I'm in the shower. >_>

  • Re: Circumsized or not?

    ssraistlin - - Teen Sexuality


    I'm not.

  • Quote from RedRevolver: “I'm a girl.” Don't care. Quote from princeton_girl: “oh, well that was kinda hard to figure out. ” It really, really wasn't. Quote from tomski: “The word is really quite offensive in most parts of England, one of the worst words you can say. And where I live saying "pussy" isnt really acceptable either. I don't really see much point in swear words and hardly use them. ” I suppose I'd have to agree with you on the last bit. I don't say anything or like, make a big deal if…

  • Re: I wanna try drugs!

    ssraistlin - - Health and Fitness


    You should be a real macho man and do all of them at the same exact time. Don't worry, there's really no such thing as an overdose, that's just what the doctors say to scare people.

  • He was referring to the word cunt. And yes, I do find it to be pretty offensive, I don't like it when people say it, especially girls, it's just not like... a good thing to say.

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    ssraistlin - - Teen Sexuality



  • Quote from Confuzzled: “Myth: It's a sin to masturbate. (Okay that might be true but sins are a myth themselves along with the rest of religion.)” CHRISTIANITY IS TAKING OVER THE THREAD, QUICKLY, RUN OR YOU SHALL BE PURRGEEEEDDDDDDDD

  • Quote from WaitWhatsMyName?: “tht makes no sense same stuff happens to your body wen havin sex. so does tht meen sex more than once a week results in hair loss at age of 30?” ya man ur gunna loss ur hair but only if u masturbate,but u can stil haev sex, its different man.

  • Quote from Andy93: “i once heard that if you masturbate to much that you'll have premature balding... thats not true, right????” RETARD ALERT It is actually true, doing it more than once a week will cause your hair to fall out at around the age of 30.