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  • Re: How safe is this?

    dolce_amore - - Teen Sexuality


    Yes you have to go to the gyno. But it takes like 10 minutes..if that. Or just go to planned parenthood.

  • Then what was the point of this thread? Because Im sure everyone knows that.

  • The part that I did understand of your statement was not to tell someone to stop cutting. Im pretty sure no one would actually tell someone that. Seriously, maybe say you NEED to stop. Which is completely different. And it is possible to stop. Im an example of that.

  • Re: How safe is this?

    dolce_amore - - Teen Sexuality


    And why would they care if she is 18? They have no control over her now. Birth control is pretty expensive. You buy like 4 units at a time and its like 60 bucks. A unit is one month. Its better to do that then dish out the thousands of dollars a baby would cost though.

  • Re: How safe is this?

    dolce_amore - - Teen Sexuality


    No it wont. Tell her to call the doctors office. I'm sure the on call doctor can answer any questions your girlfriend has. Thats what they are there for. And its better going through this "huge deal" then getting your girl pregnant and being stuck with a baby when you aren't ready for it.

  • Re: I owe £120 apparently

    dolce_amore - - General Advice


    Selfish bitch much? Fuck her. Don't pay her. She doesn't deserve the money. Or your attention. Completely ignore her and move on. Don't have any communication with her what so ever. She can't do shit if she can't talk to you. Bleh. If she gets that guy to kick your ass Ill fly my ass down their and beat her trashy bitch ass face up:]

  • Re: How safe is this?

    dolce_amore - - Teen Sexuality


    Not all antibiotics affect birth control. All she has to do is ask her doctor.

  • Even being over the age of 21 some drugs are illegal to any age. Pretty much every drug that is not an over the counter drug or prescription is illegal no matter what age. So that goes that theory.

  • I hate ignorant assholes. And what makes me feel like shit: When my parents tell me Im a disappointment. When I know Im not good enough. Thinking about the past, and shit that I went through. When I see signs of him going back into that depression state, and wondering if I will get moved to the curb again.

  • Being watched.

    dolce_amore - - Teen Sexuality


    This was brought up in another thread so I thought I would make one specific to it. Do you like being watched while doing something sexual? Either it be your significant other or another party. I loooove to be watched. I love when I'm doing something and my boyfriend watches me. And I know he is, or I look in his eyes. Bah. Gets me everytime.

  • I like how you completely didn't mention anything about TN in your last post. Because you know I'm right. I was not part of you leaving. So that idea is out the window.

  • Re: left or right handed?

    dolce_amore - - Teen Sexuality


    Hella blonde moment. I said left thinking you asked what hand you WRITE with. But I use both.

  • I wasnt even there when you left! When you acted like a boy and got everyone pissed off. I couldnt get on the computer for awhile and when I came back you had already left. I had nothing to do with you leaving. And I like how you result to name calling. I have never once called you a name while talking to you, shows how mature you are.

  • Honestly some times I think you and Lexie are the same person. You both act alike. Both crave attention. Both cant decide who they are in this world. And demand attention from guys.

  • Oh its Fay. That explains a lot.

  • I was trying to be nice by just asking the simple question of what you expected to get from that. Obviously your not mature enough to even answer the question. Is this Lexie?

  • I dont even know who the hell you are. This is the first time I have honestly seen you post since me being here, so no I did not "fallow" you. Okay, honestly, what did you expect people to say to this post?

  • Im not the one ASKING for attention by posting something like you did. You didnt really pose a questions so obviously all you wanted was for someone to come in and say. "Its alright sweetie your life will get better. just gotta look up." Hence, attention seeker. It was a simple question. You dont have to be a bitch about it, trust me sweetie I can be one right back.

  • If you dont care what people say, then why did you post this expecting replies?

  • Re: group sex?

    dolce_amore - - Teen Sexuality


    I would do it. But more if I was single, I dont like the idea of sharing my boy. Or having to share myself with another guy while he is there.