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  • Dead Space. I'm a pussy and I panic when I run out of ammo, okay?!

  • Under 18 in a game shop?

    DontBother - - Education & Jobs


    Someone told me differently the other day, but I'm pretty sure I've seen evidence against what he said.. Are under 18s allowed to work in Game shops like Gamestation / GAME? He said no, because of not being able to sell 18 Games to people, which I agreed with, but they wouldn't deny someone a job because of it would they? I'm sure I've seen someone working in GAME who looked younger than me.. Also, my friends who work in general supermarkets have to get a colleague to sell the Tobacco / Alcohol,…

  • I just can't stand the main person woman thing in it. She's always so damn fucking depressed, the fucking wolf guy should just maul her to death and give her what she wants. NO personality at all.

  • Re: Trouble sleeping

    DontBother - - General Advice


    I always have this problem.. I read ages ago that eating some turkey & milk helps if it's possible about 30 minutes before you sleep. Try not to drink much caffeine past like.. Dinnertime. If you're really having that much trouble, you could always try and purposely crash yourself.. - Get a nice big can of Relentless - Down it at about 7PM - About 10/11 you will just want to die - Go to bed, and you should fall asleep Don't forget about making your room comfortable to sleep in though.. Get rid o…

  • Adding onto previous comment - You need to lose the hat and get some hair I think ;/ You just seem quite bland, and like you're half trying to go for a look, and it doesn't really suit you much..

  • Didn't have a date, didn't want one. Too much freaking hassle, and I enjoyed it more with my mates. That's not saying that I didn't hook up with anyone there, I just didn't want to have to bring someone haha. Some people get nervous, and they really shouldn't. Doesn't matter if you can't dance, half the other kids can't either, and you can get drunk before

  • No, but you're a fairly skinny white kid trying to act gangster, which makes you fail anyways.

  • Quote from Novemberlove: “Being with a guy that wants to take things slow would be a welcome change, but part if having a relationship is intamcy, that's far from the worst but if your worried about it ask her if she's alright with it” That's actually probably quite a good idea.. If you're really that worried, just ask her. If she's your girlfriend she's not exactly gonna think WTF? Some people would probably even find the nervousness and the fact that you went out of your way to make sure she w…

  • Recommend me some HipHop / Rap

    DontBother - - Music


    Okay, seem to have come to halt with my music, need some new artists to listen to. Can't be bothered to name all that I have, too many. Some lesser known ones would be great, thanks

  • It's good that the first thing you think about is nailing her.

  • Re: Dreams

    DontBother - - Teen Sexuality


    Honestly, I'd be worried if I had a dream with no boobs in it.

  • Don't tell her your parents died.. She might laugh by accident, and then you may actually have to butcher one of your parents to make a point.

  • Quote from Jt93: “You are FOURTEEN. Giving up now would be IDIOTIC. You have ideally almost SEVENTY FIVE years left. Why on Earth would you consider giving up now? You will probably meet more girls than you could ever imagine in those years.” Optimistic lol. I don't plan on living much longer than 60.

  • So do you like get turned on when you look in the mirror now?

  • Re: Blue Body Paint

    DontBother - - Fashion


    Thought about it yeah, can't order till monday.. and it might be wrong

  • Blue Body Paint

    DontBother - - Fashion


    Okay, so I'm looking for places in the UK that would sell some blue body paint? Going to a fancy dress party soon, so I'm going as a smurf haha. Will need quite a lot of it too.. I'm quite tall Needs to cover about 80% of me too. Absolutely important is that it must come off fairly easily! I'll get chucked outta sixth form if I'm bright blue heh.. Any suggestions welcome :D! Also, if anyone's done this before - How well did it work for you & how much did it cost?

  • Also, the second one ends with a young girl and the man going fishing together at the end in the rain!

  • Okay, the first one was called Unbreakable if anyone wanted to know Still looking for the second one!

  • Looking for a film..

    DontBother - - Films, TV and Books


    But for the life of me I can't remember it's name. I think I saw it on channel 5 ages ago, and I think (think!) I remember the basic plot of it. There's a train crash at the beginning, and there's only one survivor.. He then realises, he's never been ill a day in his life, and later meets a man who has "skin like paper, and bones of glass". That's the main thing I can remember.. ALSO - If this is a seperate film, I'd love to see it again.. But it might well be part of that film ^ There's a genet…

  • Quote from Liam: “I used to be a man, is that ok?” Liam.. You were neevvvveerrr a man