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  • I agree with what Chris said. Also, realizing you are 18 that you have to start taking responsibility for yourself. Your mother and father shouldn't have to do everything for you. You are capable of finding food for yourself. It all comes down to priorities, is it a priority to have a computer/camera or food for the day? Also, if you are a good shopper, you can find food at grocery stores that is fairly cheap and fulfilling. It couldn't hurt to help your parents out with the laundry and other su…

  • Age: 20 # of Relationships: 6 Longest Relationship: 2 years roughly Shortest Relationship: 4 months

  • Oh man Well, I guess the best way is just to be completely honest with him. He's probably going to be mad, but I think he will come to his senses. If ya'll want to be together and that's what is going to make the both of you happy, then he should realize that and let it happen. As much as I am against friends dating other friends' ex's. Sometimes, it just happens. Just tell him that you respect him as a friend and hope that he'll be able to forgive you. Just keep the honesty. He should respect t…

  • ManyCam - Home - webcam graphics plus use your webcam with multiple programs simultaneously! Not to mention she's tried 2 different webcams. I bought her one and she bought this one. Neither of them worked.

  • If you've had this happen to you, been cheated on that is, what was your initial reaction to it? I was really upset. Especially upset that I had to ask him about it and he lied to my face about it the first time I asked. Do you believe a relationship can survive infidelity? If so, what steps do you believe could be taken to fix such a great problem? No, I really don't. I've just always believed that if someone cheats in a relationship, they are going to continue to cheat in that same relationshi…

  • Well, it's all up to you guys. If you think that you want to be with each other and it's what you truly both want, then go for it. Talk to your parents about it, explain the situation. Maybe they would be more understanding then. Good luck.

  • ^ Wrong. There are some people who simply are life dependent on mood stabilizers. It's not uncommon or necessarily a bad thing. You often cannot help what the chemicals in your brain are doing, so these drugs become important in everyday function. In reality, you shouldn't be not taking them at random because then they aren't effective. You should take them continuously until you are otherwise told. Depression is hard to beat, but there are also things you can do on your own to help your moods t…

  • Long distance is hard, so I have to give him props for staying in a relationship like that. Just talk to him about it. Tell him exactly what you told us. That you're upset he doesn't want to see you. Try to reason with him. Explain that you're going out of your way to see him and that he should go a little of his way to see you. Hopefully he'll see that and the idea of seeing you will overpower the idea of having to meet your father. Good luck.

  • Go in person. It shows you care. Texts are good for quick conversations and the like... But talking things out is always better in person and if that can't be done then call her on the phone.

  • Quote from Dayved: “He'll sweat like a stallion whenever you're near. ... I'm sure no one will understand that reference........ But if ya do, free rep!!!” The Crucible?? haha

  • Agreed. Getting closer will come in time. Just keep spending time with her and getting to know her better... It'll help with her getting to be more comfortable around you and she'll want to do those things. You can't rush things in relationships. They come when the moment is right.

  • Just show her that and tell her that. It can't hurt.

  • Good luck! I'm sure everything will go fine and if not then it's just not meant to be right now.

  • Re: Who's in the wrong?

    kellylee - - Friends and Family


    Ask the neighbors?

  • It could be the case of she knows that her cousin questioned you about kissing her and now she feels awkward about it because she called you out. If the moment feels right just go for it, if you ask me. How else will you ever know?

  • Quote from DeaExMachina: “Would you like your neighbor to send you to jail because he knows what you look like, has your license plate, and can come up with a story? No evidence, no case. Should have made better use of that video camera.” I have to agree. Although you said you do have footage of you realizing the stuff was gone. It's not great evidence as it could have been staged, but it's something. But I'm sure Canadian law differs, but I don't suppose there is enough evidence for them to get…

  • Re: The GAME.

    kellylee - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Some are and some aren't. I'm giving my personal preference... Not all girls feel the same way I do.

  • Re: The GAME.

    kellylee - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    It doesn't work that way for me. I'm more than delighted when guys pay attention to me and do nice things for me every once in a while. Like buys me some flowers for a special occasion or some small things. I'm all about the small things.

  • Re: The GAME.

    kellylee - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    There are various methods, but which is correct? The method is correct when both partners are happy and satisfied. Whatever that may be is whatever makes them happy. It varies between couples and relationships. No 'one' method is correct. Do we need to be cruel to our partners to keep them loving us? No. There is never a correct reason to be cruel to a partner. If you find you need to be cruel to keep a partner you are not in a healthy relationship and you need to hit the exit key asap. Does bei…