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  • What'​​​​​s a fact about​ the last perso​n who texte​d you? She's a mate Hones​tly,​​​​​ what'​​​​​s on your mind right​ now? Driving... Do you think​ someo​ne is talki​ng smack​ about​ you behin​d your back?​​​​​ Dont give a shit lol Does anyth​ing hurt on your body?​​​ Yes Have you told anyon​e you love them today​?​​​​​ Yes Do you fall for peopl​e easil​y?​​​​​ Yes ​When is the next time you'​​​​​ll see your close​st frien​d?​​​​​ Haven't got a clue What'​​​​​s the last thing​ you put in your…

  • Bed usually

  • Get a hobby or find something else to do and think about.

  • Re: The Shower

    BrunetteHeaded - - Teen Sexuality


    Nope. Do in the bath sometimes, but rarely have a bath.

  • I'm in the UK and I got my GCSEs last summer. I got 2 As, 3 Bs, 5 Cs and a D

  • Re: Lubricants

    BrunetteHeaded - - Teen Sexuality


    I only really used lube when I first started having sex and it was a little on the painful side. We'd use Durex Feel. It's really sensitive on both partners, used to give me tingling sensations was rather good and would reccommend it!

  • 1. What was the highlight of your week? Driving! 2. Whose car were you in last? Mine 3. When is the next time you will kiss someone? Dont know 4. What color shirt are you wearing? Green 5. How long is your hair? Medium length 6. Are you good looking? Prbably 7. Last movie you watched? Cant remember 8. Who were you with? - 9. Last thing you ate? Sandwich 10. Last thing you drank? DR Pepper. 11. When was the last time you had your heart broken? ermm 5 mnths 12. Who came over last? Hel 13. Are you …

  • Re: Just a question

    BrunetteHeaded - - Teen Sexuality


    Yeah just take them as normal, have a period but when you're having sex use extra contraception to prevent pregnancy.

  • Re: Just a question

    BrunetteHeaded - - Teen Sexuality


    If you've been vomiting Cass, you need to take your pills as normal, have your period but use a condom or extra protection during sex bcos your pill may not be working well and your chances of getting pregnant are higher. x

  • Re: Just a question

    BrunetteHeaded - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Kevmo7: “just do it in the shower and then you dont need to worry as much about the mess” Yeah, or lay a towel down or something. My ex was pretty laid back with it all really and when I suggested it to him he said it wouldn't make a blind bit of difference to him. Some guys are fine with it, others wouldn't go there, but whatever floats ya boat ey haha.

  • Re: Just a question

    BrunetteHeaded - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from cassie--valentine: “Thanks guys, im just worried. Lol. I want to skip my period. if i dont ill have my period when i visit dylan and i dont see him often enough.” I can understand you being worried. I just reccommend not skipping periods, cos I did that and it caused more trouble than it was worth.. Have you ever considered trying sex when you're on your period if you don't want to miss out on sex when you're with your bf? I'm not saying go for it, cos I know lots of people are very u…

  • Re: First time

    BrunetteHeaded - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Kevmo7: “I agree Also, you should try fingering yourself in the bath or something and slowly use more and more fingers :)” Ahh memories, I used to try doing this before I lost my virginity, reckoned it would make first time sex pain-free, however it didn't work too well. All it takes is a few times of having sex and it's not as bad and you'll start feeling the pleasure from penetration. Basically, vaginas aren't used to having something inside them really, so it has to stretch in orde…

  • Re: First time

    BrunetteHeaded - - Teen Sexuality


    Being turned on and wet is the key really. Other wise sex is going to be painful. Don't just jump in to proper sex if you're not turned on beforehand, it's not going to work too well. Try foreplay before having sex, unless you're very wet beforehand and ready to have sex. My first time was painful for me, I even bled where he must've broke my hymen. However, this got better after having sex 4 or 5 times.

  • It's so hard to see any form of 'way out' when you're feeling depressed. I hate it SO much when people say "Oh you'll feel better soon" or "Oh get over it, it's not the end of the world, you're just having a bad day" because it's bullshit and it really takes you to understand this once you've actually had to put up with depression yourself or even someone you're close to having it. I'm saying how I feel on this matter simply because it's not fair on those who've suffered with it and I've been di…

  • I can see where Linda's coming from. Yeah alright it may be 'possible' to prevent depression in a scientists eyes but when you're suffering with depression and you feel like you're in one big black hole you just can't get out of, it's hard to see preventions and cures and all that shit.

  • Re: How do you feel?

    BrunetteHeaded - - Teen Sexuality


    The guy I lost my virginity to was very sensitive and caring. He kept checking with me that losing my virginity and having sex was what I wanted to do and if I was ready with it. It was very kind but I was more than ready and remember saying to him in spur of the moment "oh shush and shag me" haha. But he was lovely really.. very kind especially as I bled. It was his first time too, so he was bound to be feeling a little nervous himself.

  • Quote from Kevmo7: “ titties.jpg” Lmao Not really. I often rest my hand on my leg when I'm sitting down.. and I'm not always turned on, the two arent really related. But it depends, I would only feel remotely turned on if it was someone I liked really.

  • It turns me on, but I find it hard to orgasm from just fingering alone, lots of women need/like clitoral stimulation too, as its easier to achieve orgasm that way.

  • Quote from Sharxbyte: “all I have been told from my friends is that it gets hot and damp.. but my armpits do that... seriously, does it tingle or get ultra sensitive, or feel really restless(hold your arm as still as you can and you should get the idea of what I mean) so you ever swell so much its painful? I have had erections that refused to go away (even after "taking care of myself") and were so hard they were painful. and its really embarrasing when they just spring up pout of nowhere... Mor…

  • Re: pregnancy scare

    BrunetteHeaded - - Teen Sexuality


    I hope you don't take this the wrong way, because I really mean no offense by it, i'm just being plain honest and it has been asked before. Why on earth, if you're going to have and you're not planning on starting a family, did you not use any form of contraception?? There's condoms, pills, injections etc the list goes on and believe me, it's not hard to get on the contraceptive pill and buying condoms is plain easy. Everyone's pregnancy symptoms are different. Most common ones are missed period…