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  • Religion is a joke. It doesn't even deserve this thread.

  • Eh, as long as it performes well I don't see the need for it to look good. I don't think the 360 or the Wii look outstanding either.

  • Re: Holographic concerts?

    Aannddyy - - Music


    Quote from LOLFag: “Let's assume another scenario. Suppose your favorite band died. Like Michael Jackson, or Elvis. Would you go to a holographic concert then?” Maybe. Only to pay my respects. This is beginning to sound like some sort of money guzzling idea. Could you imagine how much money a Michael Jackson holographic concert could generate?

  • Re: Holographic concerts?

    Aannddyy - - Music


    Quote from LOLFag: “ But of course, real life > holograms.” Exactly. I can see why people may want to attend holographic concerts but if I were to go to a concert I wouldn't care about the flashing lights or whatever, I'd be there primarily for the music... and the actual band!

  • Re: My pessimism doesn't help.

    Aannddyy - - General Advice


    I like your attitude.

  • Re: Feeling guarded

    Aannddyy - - General Advice


    You're not alone. I am very much the same. I almost never talk about my life; people know very little about me.

  • Caviar? Fish eggs, right? Not my thing.

  • Re: Holographic concerts?

    Aannddyy - - Music


    I would definitely not go see a holographic concert. It's pointless, really... I'm not a fan of the whole "virtual band" thing either.

  • Re: Trends...

    Aannddyy - - Fashion


    Quote from Lachlan4815: “Yes totally agree. That's why I think having a school uniform is both a good and a bad thing It's good because it stops to a certain extend the fashion trends that normally spread like rapid-fire, and bad because i can't really express any form of individuality.” To me, individuality is more than just appearance.

  • Quote from goingpostal: “ As a side note, some of you sort of seem confused as to what the thread is actually about. I've already looked up symptoms of schizophrenia and have researched it to a pretty complete extent. I'm not really asking if you think I have schizophrenia or not, or what I should think about it. I'm asking what you would do if you already firmly believe that you are displaying the early signs of schizophrenia.” I think people are reluctant to believe you have schizophrenia as t…

  • You're jumping to a very big conclusion here. First of all let's make sure you know exactly what schizophrenia is, what symptoms it may cause and how it's caused. After some research, if you still strongly feel you have schizophrenia then I would suggest looking up the various treatments and then go see a psychologist. Whether it be at your school or a local youth group.

  • There is no god, honest.

  • Quote from Alexia: “The reason I opposed your theory, was your reference to sex as unnecessary. Sex is necessary because that is a method of reproduction. ” My "sex is not necessary" remark had nothing to do with reproduction. I guess it is slightly misleading though. Quote from Alexia: “ Now, your questioning the relevance of human reproduction, is not an arguement I want to attempt with you.” Why not? It will be fun.

  • Quote from hodgeheg: “Since time began.” Still doesn't answer my question.

  • Quote from Alexia: “I would, but you probably couldn't decipher what it meant.” I wouldn't be so quick to jump to conclusions if I were you. My question remains unanswered by the way...

  • Quote from Alexia: “:lolz: Stupidity is too common.” Tell me about it.

  • Quote from Alexia: “Sex is VERY Necessary, seeing as that is the only way human life can continue. ” Since when is the advancement of the human race necessary?

  • Beautiful, smart and funny is a generalisation, everyone has different interpretations of qualities.

  • Quote from dawoel: “ That does not mean I would approve of it. Because, first of all it is not necessary” Sex in general is not necessary either. Quote from dawoel: “ Tthe stigma and predjudice is such that if anyone finds out what your doing you will be shunned and hated” I'd like to think not everybody in this world are cold hearted as to hate someone for committing such an act. Quote from dawoel: “ sex with a sibling has the same dangers as any other sex, one might get pregnant or one might g…

  • Re: vagina

    Aannddyy - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Kazaman: “Yet another troll I guess. :rolleyes:” Maybe. Or another inquisitive 10 year old.