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  • Has the weather become to get warm where you are? Yes! The last video game you were playing, what player were you? Mmmm . I honestly don't remember the last video game I played . Do you think you get enough physical acvtivity each day, or not? Probably not. When at an amusment park, where are you most likely to be found? Oh . Somewhere in line for a roller coaster or something exciting like that . What movie coming out are you really excited to see? I'm really not sure . I like movies in general…

  • You Are Sun You have a past history of being secretive and deceptive. You're the type of person who will protect yourself at all costs. While you can be crafty when you need to, you are usually giving, friendly, and likable. You truly care for other people, and you are very sensitive. People tend to underestimate you. You seem like a fragile flower, but you're not. You are gutsy and clever. You have a way of getting what you want without anyone noticing.

  • Your Creative Power is Your Intuition You just seem to have a knack for knowing what's going to work. You can't really explain your creative process. You just get started, and magic happens. You have a lot of endurance, and you're a hard worker. Once you get focused on a project, you don't stop. You are a trendsetter, and you seem to understand what people love. You are very forward thinking.

  • Ok , so I'm bi and I've dated more girls than guys , but am currently attracted to a couple of guys . One is my ex and the other is a new guy . The ex has a girlfriend but every time we get messed up or sad or whatnot , we both call each other . A couple of months ago while I was drunk and he was not I asked him how he really felt about me and he said he loved me and always had since the first time he told me he loved me . That was four years ago . Plus , he's recently told me he's not sure he m…

  • Re: Burden or Gift?

    skyanna1990 - - LGBT


    To me it is a gift . Other people may sometimes make it feel like a burden , but if you think about it , it takes a lot of love to actually be able to be open about romantically loving the same sex . You open yourself up to way more hate , criticism , and overall negative emotions . But in the end , you have a way bigger heart than those jerk-off's who have something bad to say about it . I think it's a courageous thing that more people need to be open about . I honestly think there are way to m…

  • You can't just change someone's sexual orientation . You and her both need to come to terms with that . As for her missing her ex , maybe she doesn't need to be in a relationship . Sounds to me like she's still hung up on the ex . Definitely not a good sign . Also , you need to realize that just because she is bi doesn't mean that she has the right to have both a girlfriend and a boyfriend . A real relationship involves you giving the other person your whole self eventually and if you are dating…

  • Re: Help idk if im bi

    skyanna1990 - - LGBT


    First off I'm bi and I definitely don't like looking at penises . They are totally gross looking ! l0l . Anyways , are you in any way aroused by guys or have you had any sexual experiences with a guy . If not , then you probably aren't bi and are just comfortable enough with your sexuality to see the beauty in every human body . I look at lots of people that way . It doesn't mean I want to go fuck them . Anyways , hope I helped

  • Re: Im so screwed- help!

    skyanna1990 - - LGBT


    First of all , being bi is hard , especially on a guy . It is way more acceptable for women to be bi/gay , but you should really embrace your sexuality and love yourself . If someone doesn't want to be your friend or wants to antagonize you just because of your sexuality then in all honesty , they aren't the type of "friends" you need . Hell , they really aren't even friends . Your ex-girlfriend , well I hate to say it , but she's just a bitch ! I'm sure whether you make her happy or not she's g…

  • Re: I think my Friend is a lesbian!

    skyanna1990 - - LGBT


    You need to accept her apology first and foremost ! Alcohol causes people to act way differently than they normally would once they get enough of it . You're friend may be a lesbian or bi , but that doesn't mean you can't still be her friend . I'm bi and I can tell you I'm not attracted to every girl or guy I see just like you aren't attracted to every guy you see . I've done lots of things I wouldn't have normally done with both girls and guys while I was drunk. Just let your friend know where …

  • Re: Unrequited Love

    skyanna1990 - - LGBT


    First of all , I love the poem . I'm a poet myself so I'm always up for a good poem if you ever wanna send me any . Secondly , I have went through that . It's hard to be attracted to someone that you know is NOT attracted to you because they're straight . Just try to not do anything drastic , especially if you want to keep the friendship you have with both people . Maybe you should search for people that are bi or gay that have the same qualities as the guy you like .

  • Re: I just need some help

    skyanna1990 - - LGBT


    Sounds to me like you are probably bi . If both gay and straight porn turn you on , then it's a possiblity . Have you noticed that you are attracted to both men and women ? Does one sex turn you on more than other ? For me I get off way more on lesbian porn , but find myself attracted to both men and women . As for the whole penis situation , maybe you should just casually ask your friend what he remembers from last night . He probably remembers you rubbing his penis . And if he does , talk abou…

  • I love this ! I think I will post this on MySpace and Facebook

  • Re: Going commando

    skyanna1990 - - Teen Sexuality


    I do it all the time The only time I ever wear underwear is if I'm wearing a skirt and that is almost never .

  • i don't personally . that's just me . of course i think balls and dicks aren't really attractive so maybe that's it . if you have your dick out , i'd much rather you be using it to please me than just to please yourself .

  • Re: Erection when kissing

    skyanna1990 - - Teen Sexuality


    Honestly , sometimes it's kinda hot , especially if you've known the guy awhile and are attracted to him . I would hope you are attracted to him if you're kissing him , but anyways . It pretty much means that you've turned him on . Maybe you can just not put your erection so close to her if you're so worried about it ? And I don't know of any quick fixes . I don't have the sort of problem that is easily felt . l0l . Good luck ! Just know that it has never really bothered me .

  • Ok . so here's really what you should know about this . Your ex-boyfriend is your ex for a reason . Sure , sometimes people deserve second chances , but if this guy was really cheating on you the whole time then he'll probably do it again . You even said so yourself ! If someone can't give you their whole self then they probably don't need all of you either and if you are in a relationship like that for very long at all , it won't work out . The best friend of your ex is the one I'm more worried…

  • Honestly , if a girl seems really interested in you until she finds out you don't have a car , then she didn't like you for the right reasons . If some girl is bitchy enough to decide NOT to give you a chance just because you don't have a car then she really isn't worth your time . If someone isn't going to be there for you when you're down , then they damn sure don't deserve to be with you when you're on your feet .

  • That is definitely rape . If you told him to stop and he didn't , even if you didn't fight back it is still considered rape . You should definitely break up with this guy and even consider filing charges . If he forces you to do things you don't want to do or makes you feel like you have to do things you aren't comfortable doing just to be with him , then he definitely isn't the kind of guy you want to spend forever with .

  • As bad as this may seem , some of us just have bad parents , me included . It's normal to be scared of things , especially when they are different and hurt so much . As much as you don't want to admit it , you love your dad despite all his faults and all the times he has hurt you . It is normal to fear losing something you are used to . It sucks that you weren't blessed with good parents and it may not seem like it now , but it makes you a better person in the end . You seem like you have a good…

  • Yes you are definitely being emotionally abused . Emotional abuse can be caused by anyone by words that hurt , trying to control everything, etc. I was emotionally abused by both my mom and dad . It was horrible and I ended up being emancipated when I was sixteen. You should really talk to someone you trust about this. I know how hard it is to do , but a lot of times you need to ask for help. The first thing I would recommend is talk to your dad about how it makes you feel when he says/does hurt…