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  • Quote from Makis4: “For me NOOOOOOO OP!!! Absolutely not! Why should it be considered as a sport?” Because that would allow it (in the United States) to have all of the same legal benefits as sports. It would give it better safety precautions, recognition, etc. and it basically just deserves to be in this day and age. Cheerleading in high schools has the highest number of serious injuries than all other school sports combined. 6a00c2251d306b604a00cd978a2c98f9cc-320pi I mean come on. Not recogniz…

  • Quote from Trevor: “He looks like you. :o” I am NOT as pretty as Jim Sturgess

  • I mean, for some people even sleeping together can be seen as a casual thing. I'm just trying to be realistic here. If you think that he's not that kind of person, then he's most definitely interested in you. Try flirting with him a bit and see how he responds to it. It does sound like he's interested is the bottom line. So don't pass up this opportunity. And don't worry about his sister, it's whatever. Good luck.

  • Re: smoking....

    Poo-tee-weet? - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from Red Stripe: “It's all psychological...” This is simply not true, sorry captain. On subject, the easiest way to quit are nicotine patches. They can be expensive, but if you go to a drug store, they usually have their own brand that is significantly cheaper.

  • Inhalants Street Names: Duster, freon, gasoline, etc. Class: Anaesthetic; Intoxicant; Dissociative Legality: Most of the chemicals abused are legal chemicals you can buy in any hardware store or at the gas pump. Inhalants are most likely the most immediately dangerous drugs of abuse out there. Many of the substances that are abused in this fashion have a chance of causing death on first use, most notably computer duster (Intervention, Episode: Allison). These chemicals are very dangerous, and “t…

  • Cocaine Street Names: Coke, blow, snow, crack Class: CNS stimulant Legality: Cocaine in all forms is illegal in most parts of the world. In the United States, cocaine is Schedule I Controlled Substance. Its sale, production, transportation, and consumption is illegal and prosecutable under federal, state, and local laws. “Cocaine, a naturally occurring substance produced by the coca plant, is consumed in several preparations (e.g., coca leaves, coca paste, cocaine hydrochloride, and cocaine alka…

  • Popular Drugs, Their Effects, and Substance-Related Disorders By Chris Introduction With the assumed success of the mood disorders guide, I figured it a good idea to write something on a subject more of the people on this site can relate to. In the guide, I’ll be using information primarily from the American Psychological Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fourth Text Revision, other sites I feel are truthful and trustwort…

  • Quote from JoBro: “I can't though - I have no money to pay for the visit, I have no way to get there... And I doubt my parents have the money right now either. I dunno.” Typically, if they have health insurance, the visit would be covered and they would just have to pay a co-pay of around 15 bucks. I'm sure for the sake of their daughter they could pay the fifteen dollars. I'm sorry if I sound harsh, I'm not trying to. If they find you do have an eating disorder, even therapy would be covered by…

  • Quote from JoBro: “That has nothing to do with me not being able to talk to the doctor. My mom won't take me unless I can prove there's something wrong. About a week ago my appetite started dropping, and last night I reached the point where I felt something was wrong.” If your mom won't take you when you're experiencing these symptoms then...jeez. The thing is, we can't diagnose you on here. We cannot spell out a differential diagnosis. We can't draw up a treatment plan. All those things have to…

  • Quote from JoBro: “Going to the doctor isn't a viable option unless I'm sure there's an issue. We can't afford to go.” Just because I said anorexia and anorexia nervosa are the same disorder doesn't mean you can't talk to your doctor. There is obviously something disordered going on if you can't eat and you're experiencing all those unpleasant symptoms. Being malnourished is something you really need to seek medical attention for, whether you have AN or not. Did this come out of nowhere? As in, …

  • First of all, there are not two types of anorexia. There is only anorexia nervosa. What you're describing would be clinically diagnosed as "Eating Disorder NOS, or not otherwise specified". I don't want you running around with false information. My advice to you is, if you feel there is a problem, to talk to your doctor about it. We can't do much via the internet, but your doctor can connect you with the proper treatment.

  • Hold on a second. First of all, what's DEE?

  • I'll keep that in mind :).

  • Quote from ThailandTom: “I would say that they are all needed... but from my personal experience in life substance disorder and anxiety.. I personally think that many disorders stem from childhood events anyway. But yea, for me those 2 are relevant or were relevant. BTW, nice new pic, however I did quite the other pic a lot, very inspiring and cool :p” Ah, we have a Freudist in the house. :p I figured those two would be a popular choice. I'll have to see what other people say, I'll keep those in…

  • Come on people!

  • OMG i love this woman so much [ame=''][/ame] So is so cute.

  • Quote from dusk: “I don't believe that at all, I don't actually like marijuana all that much myself, but if it can help people, even a little, I'm all for it, and in all but the most extreme cases there are virtually no negatives. Beyond that with the huge amount of people that use marijuana illegally, I've only known a couple people to get arrested, and they were incredibly weak minded. Ive known many people that defy just about every negative about marijuana you could think of. Of course for s…

  • Re: Sexiest Singers

    Poo-tee-weet? - - Music


    Enrique I'm not even going to try to spell his last name. I saw that I like it video, and I never knew he was that good looking. I agree with Shakira as well, and also muh gurl Regina Spektor

  • Okay guys, this isn't really an advice topic, but I have something important to ask of you. My "specialty" you could say on these advice forums are mental disorders, so I wanted to ask you a question: What do you want to know? I have a guide to mood disorders up there, and apparently a lot of people have been reading it. However, there's a whole world of disorders out there. I want to know what you guys would like to see added to that guide. I'll give you a few classes of disorders, and you tell…

  • ^RMG will disagree with you on that one. :p