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  • You're young, don't worry about it so much. That's the best advice you can get. High school is all about discovering yourself, as cliché as it sounds. Don't listen to the people who tease you about it, because it's something that really doesn't matter at your age. You have a boyfriend or you don't, it really doesn't matter either way. What's important is getting good grades. You say you're a serious person, so surely you agree with me. Just wait for some who actually appreciates you for who you …

  • Talk to her. If she really is your best friend, then she should listen. She's young, and believe it or not, at that age I was much like her. Making big plans, deciding my future with my significant other, and it seemed okay. But it's not. It makes you way to close to someone way too quickly. I think the maturity level in this relationship is very low. Anywho, I think you need to take a good hard look at what's going on, and ask yourself, do I really want to be a part of this? Obviously she's cau…

  • Depression and ADD medications...they don't work the same way. There's a correlation between depression and serotonin levels, and a correlation between ADD and it's medications and dopamine levels. I don't think the two are related, but that's just my personal opinion. ADD medications like Adderall and Ritalin will do that to you, I know from personal experience. It happened to me at first, but once I built a tolerance to them I could eat again. It got to a point where I could eat without feelin…

  • Basically what Linda said is what I would've said, but I wanted to add something else. From what I can tell from your picture, you're not ugly. A problem that you might be having could be your confidence issues. Females are typically turned on (not in a sexual way) by a guy who has a lot of confidence in himself. Even if you're attractive, if you don't have confidence they might be holding back from complimenting you. It's just a theory, but it could be why. Try to talk forcefully. I don't mean …

  • Quote from dusk: “I agree with you about there being other options of course, but for example I know that the same friend I mentioned earlier would have never agreed to take therapy, and IMHO breaking the law is a lot better of a choice than letting a friend suffer, or suffering yourself. Especially because the law is not always rational or responsible in the way that it affects people. The whole concept of people chasing down someone for getting stoned while they aren't hurting anyone is ridicu…

  • Quote from dusk: “Really? It's Irresponsible to try and help someone? Because I wasn't joking around when I said that it worked for a close friend of mine, they are fine and actually very attractive and healthy to this day. ” Now sir, you're putting words in my mouth. Never did I say it was irresponsible to help someone, the way in which you proposed to help someone is irresponsible. Quote from dusk: “ I'm not forcing weed on anyone, I'm offering an opinion on what I've seen work. Obviously if s…

  • Re: How many songs on your itunes?

    Poo-tee-weet? - - Music


    Quote from ShadowNinja: “7,330 tracks, and counting. And thats just on my laptop. Not too mention the 320gb hard drive and 160gb hard drive FULL of music. Easily in excess of 100,000 tracks! :D” penn73.jpg Even if you weren't lying, I doubt you've listened to all of them.

  • Quote from dusk: “Give her marijuana, I wouldn't say this, but it worked for a close friend of mine (multiple friends actually)” Whatever you do, don't listen to that. Anecdotal evidence is just that, anecdotal. ^ Assuming she's in school, try talking to a guidance counselor. If possible, they could hook her up with some intensive treatment. She'll need a therapist, obviously, but also someone who can help her with her diet, like a nutritionist. The parents also need to be straightened out, so l…

  • This is simple really. I'm writing a speech for my public speaking class, a short one, about the most influential person, thing, event of the 1900's. I picked the founding of Microsoft. I know I'm an avid Apple user, but hey, whatever. What I need from you guys are some interesting facts you might know about Microsoft. Anything that I could use to spice up my speech. I will double-check said facts, so don't try to give me a line of crap. :p Any ideas?

  • I've heard this movie is terrible, sorry to be a buzzkill.

  • Re: How many songs on your itunes?

    Poo-tee-weet? - - Music


    6,797 To infinity, and beyond.

  • ^Ew I didn't make it past ten seconds.

  • Re: Lyrics That Make You Laugh

    Poo-tee-weet? - - Music


    I love GaGa but... "And in the shadow of the night, I touch myself and it's alright"

  • Ya'll are poop Avett Brothers own all these songs: [ame=''][/ame]

  • I've been through breakups, once with someone who I was truly in love with. I can tell you simply that all it takes is time. You will get over her, I promise. It also helps if you try to find someone new, or just get yourself involved with other activities. Basically anything you can do that will keep your mind off of her will do the trick. Take care.

  • I believe nothing crash landed here. The above idea sums it all up. I also believe people who case UFOs need to find a less psychotic day job. I believe aliens are out there somewhere, but I also believe that if some of them ended up here on Earth, we wouldn't need sophisticated I-just-wasted-way-too-much-money-on-this equipment to notice that they're here.

  • JimSturgess43.jpg I thought you would appreciate this RMG. Jim Stugess is a beautiful man. He's been in movies like Across the Universe and 21. He also has a purdy singing voice. Let's all bask in the glory that is Jim Sturgess.

  • Quote from The Final Fear: “If it gets shut down, the U.S. loses.” I like how you ignored my post, tiger.

  • Quote from RollinRightInuit: “Right, so, no touching the screen with gloves on =/ Also, I have a habit of going "I want to listen to THIS song and THIS one and THIS one" on a bus or something and making a random playlist of anything and everything I feel like listening to at the time and saving it. And last time I used someone's iPod, I remember being really annoyed that this was just not possible to do =/ Might have changed since then, but if not... Lisa would not be a happy person with one =/ …

  • Re: Axis of Awesome, Four Chords

    Poo-tee-weet? - - Music


    I love it.