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  • Does anyone else like this?

    collin13 - - Teen Sexuality


    I don't know what BDSM is ... and I'm not googling to find out but absolutely not!!!!!! This is deranged!

  • Colin's Music at Work

    collin13 - - Music


    As much as I hate to say it ... this song kind of sums up events on the world stage currently. Sad times we live in.

  • Bullies

    collin13 - - Friends and Family


    Sad. Unfortunately a lot of times the only way to put an end to it is to take the matter into your own hands. I think bullies bully because of their own insecurities. If he pushes back and puts a beat down on them, they stay away. They seem to always only target those that they consider easy targets as harsh as that sounds. I don't think schools do anything to prevent it either. I hate to say it and promote violence but a nice punch square to the face usually ends it. Just like the scene at begi…

  • Nudist beach

    collin13 - - Puberty


    We have a walk in decline into our pool that's kinda like a beach and I've swam nude in that. Does that count? I'm a wee bit too shy at this stage of my life to be nude in a crowd, but then again haven't really experienced it other than group showers with other boys my age, its hard to say. If everyone is naked and in the same situation it may be alright. I've heard that they come in all shapes and sizes at nude beaches too. Lots of really fat old people. Might be gross.

  • multivitamins

    collin13 - - Health and Fitness


    Nope. Parents are docs and say we get everything we need from our diets alone. I've talked to them about this cos a lot of the guys on my team take them and they said it's unnecessary and pharmaceutical company marketing for profit and unnecessary at our age. If you eat a well balanced diet (and not just chicken fingers and Mac and cheese) you are good to go. Lots of fruits, veggies, and reasonable amount of protein and fats. Not a lot of sweats either, except fruit.

  • The Talk

    collin13 - - Puberty


    LOL !!! My brother, sister and I apparently came from a pick a nut farm. Or at least we believed that till we were about 10 or 11.

  • a change in taste

    collin13 - - Puberty


    I think around that time my what I like to eat expanded a lot. Same thing with my brother. I think it's just a willingness to move away from a diet of chicken fingers and Mac and cheese to more sophisticated things, or a willingness to try new things. Maybe it's all just a part of growing up? I eat a shitton more than I used to as well and gaining weight has always been an issue for me. I've been told to enjoy that now cos when we get older, the weight can pile on if not careful!

  • Elections and Voting

    collin13 - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Kyle07: “Quote from nibri: “Uplevel the voting age to 21? I wonder what happens if they either lower it down to sixteen/fifteen. ” Interesting thing I read is the “no taxation without representation” - if they raised the voting age like conservatives seem to want to do around the world (because they know younger people don’t want them) then those too young for the raised voting age technically shouldn’t have to pay tax before reaching that age ” The thing is that if you truly believe …

  • Nude odor

    collin13 - - Puberty


    Quote from Kyle07: “Quote from collin13: “Quote from AshleighB: “Who goes round sniffing people ” The President of the United States? ” The previous one probably did anyway ” both are pretty diabolical. But anyway … I’m not sure clean clothes can cover the order from lack of cleanliness. Case in point … the bus ride home from school with a bunch of stinky kids who are too afraid to shower after gym.

  • Nude odor

    collin13 - - Puberty


    Quote from AshleighB: “Who goes round sniffing people ” The President of the United States?

  • Nude odor

    collin13 - - Puberty


    Quote from HeyCameron: “It makes sense that you can smell more of a person when they are nude vs. clothed. The odiferous parts of the body include more than just the armpits. That doesn't mean it's a bad thing; it could be an intoxicating musk. Or it could be a combination of ass and sweaty balls. So it just depends. But yes, sometimes you will not notice a person's smell much when they are clothed. ” Locker rooms leave me wanting to escape as fast as possible. Especially hockey ones lol. No int…

  • Colin's Music at Work

    collin13 - - Music


    It's been awhile and the last week of my life has been pretty trying for me. This is just a fucking great song by a great band! Even better live and remastered!!!!

  • There's a school in the Toronto, Ontario area that removed all books published before 2007 in order to create a more inclusive library. Its created quite the shitstorm apparently. I find it completely mind boggling and asinine quite frankly.

  • Covid Opinion

    collin13 - - Debate and Discussions


    My parents hospitals aren't even wearing face masks in general anymore and neither of them seem concerned about it. Sure if you catch it you can be pretty sick but it's like every virus. Wash your hands, if you're sick stay home so you don't get others sick. Not a big deal and there is no need to shut down schools and businesses like they did for it again!

  • Puberty with Nudity

    collin13 - - Puberty


    Agreed that you get used to it quickly and the bottom line is that most of us are nervous or apprehensive about it at first. Just go in and go about your business of washing up and it won't be a problem. I'm gay and would think that I'd be aroused in there, but that's not the case at all.

  • shaving differences around the world

    collin13 - - Puberty


    I conducted a locker room survey at soccer the other day and have duly noted that none of the boys on my team shave their pubes off. I didn't observe close enough to determine if they trim or not. This is in Canada and its a team of mostly 16 year olds (1 other guy is 15 still).

  • Last Thing You Ate?

    collin13 - - Health and Fitness


    chicken breast and beans.

  • Still a kid, but either surfing if I'm by the Ocean or soccer. To pass time, definitely lego bricks though.

  • Colin's Music at Work

    collin13 - - Music


    In honour of an absolute kick ass concert last night!!!

  • Parents and Puberty

    collin13 - - Puberty


    The fellas covered it wisely for you. I'm sorry you are dealing with this as well. It is a normal activity that most of us participate in and it's a shame they don't realize that. You'll have to find privacy and go about your business that way. Sorry mate.