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  • Re: Abortion

    LOLFag - - Debate and Discussions


    I consider it a part of the mother's body. I really don't want to elaborate for the millionth time why.

  • Quote from Mattster: “No, I never said it was.. I mean, I've never really used it but its supposed to be one of the good ones. I just found it funny how you said you installed it after the covnersation. :p” Well, he doesn't need to know that bit of information now, does he? ---------- Post added at 08:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:15 PM ---------- Quote from Tombgeek: “ Anyway, I give LOLfag credit for keeping his system clean without getting a virus. Knowing me, I get 48 viruses for …

  • Quote from Mattster: “Lmao.” Why, is it shit?

  • Quote from Mattster: “Lol, THis shit is funny. I find it annoying when people can be so dumbfounded about things and can't actually give a good enough reason as to why something is better then something else.. And then to make it even worse accuse something for being unbreakable. Pfft, Anything is breakable. Also LOLFag, You can't tell if you have viruses if you don't have a scanner. :p” No, no, I installed Kaspersky afterwards.

  • Quote from Tombgeek: “ But what I am trying to say is, if the companies just listened to the community and focused more on security, then this whole debate between Mac vs. Windows vs. Linux would be: Mac :"My Graphical User Interface is so much more pimp than yours!!" Windows: "Really? You are sure?" Mac: "Yeah." Linux: "Shut up both of you! We can settle this once and for all. Whoever can find Word fastest is the winner." Windows: "Done!" Mac: "What!? You...I mean...wha?" Windows: "Haha" Mac: "…

  • Quote from Dr. Drew: “Wow, that dude (or rather, troll) was a dickstain. Allow me to use my diplomatic skills to rinse out the bad taste and make everything better. Alrighty, let's see...I'm going to answer this just from personal experience. I am currently running Windows 7 RTM build 9600 with WebRoot SpySweeper installed. But in the months before I got the AV software, I was downloading shit from TPB and Windows Defender caught something called "aleurion.CT" or something like that...a Trojan. …

  • Me: Windows 7? Virus? I have no anti-virus. I have no security whatsoever. I've been using 7 for a couple months now. I've been indiscriminately downloading and torrenting over 150 GB of trash and crap. I've been insecurely visiting random websites. No viruses. I don't know about you, but I've got a feeling you can't exactly get a virus on a Windows as easily as you Mac fanboys claim. Youtube Mac fanboy: I do not Believe you that you do not have anti virus software, thats fucking bull shit, I h…

  • Re: Jailbreak ipod

    LOLFag - - Technology and the Internet


    I downloaded Osu! It's an extremely awesome rhythm game that owns TTR. BTW Air impossible to use...

  • Re: Sentry guns as offense

    LOLFag - - Video Games


    Quote from firstsleep: “sappin-valdis-matas.jpg Spies sappin mah sentry? wrong game?” Not at all. Sentries in TF2 are more defense-based, though, due to construction time, whereas sentries in MW2 are instantaneously spawn. That said, it isn't uncommon to see a sentry on offense. But the role of the sentry in TF2 is more defense-based.

  • Re: Sentry guns as offense

    LOLFag - - Video Games


    Most players I see use it to cover their backs (along with claymore) when they're camping. Obviously however the sentry gun works wonders by diverting attention and spraying bullets.

  • Re: Modern Warfare 2

    LOLFag - - Video Games


    MW2? Please, BF BC2 will be the true MW2.

  • Quote from Heisenberg: “Can we please, as a species, just get over skin color?” Seeing how humans are the only ones who discriminate, kill, and hate on its own species for no survival reason, just pure ignorance, I don't think this is a possible.

  • Because there's no such thing as heaven. :allnight: By the way, you can edit your title by double clicking it and hitting the stop loading button before it goes to this thread.

  • Sentry guns as offense

    LOLFag - - Video Games


    So while most people use sentry guns as a defensive measure to defend a point of a player's back, I found out they could actually be used as a very effective offensive weapon. Take this case in point. I was trying to charge the house in Estate, but it was heavily defended and almost impossible to break through. As communication between players is a tad bit difficult, I decided to launch the offense myself. Obviously, I was outgunned and outnumbered, but this is when the sentry gun comes in usefu…

  • Re: Religion or Science?

    LOLFag - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from schmedes2: “This is one thing my physics teacher told me that really got me thinking for a long time. He said the sheer possibility of everything on earth happening just right was so small that it was nearly impossible. But then I see pictures like the hubble deep field where there are just thousands of galaxies full of billions of stars in an area that is no bigger than a tennis ball 1 football field away. Imagine how many galaxies there are in the entire universe full of stars and p…

  • TV? I think the more appropriate acronym is MTV.

  • Re: Which gigs have you got coming up?

    LOLFag - - Music


    Quote from Eccentricity: “Are JFAC and August Burns Red supporting for Lamb of God?” Not that I know of, why?

  • Re: Which gigs have you got coming up?

    LOLFag - - Music


    Europe-3/31-4/4 Lamb of God-4/9 Deep Purple-5/8 Ever since GnR came to Taiwan, we've been getting an influx of great bands.

  • Read the book.

  • Quote from Niceguy7: “I digress.” ...and? You do realize the definition of digress, right? You've yet to finish (or start, in this case) your digression. Or did you mean disagree? Because that's just bordering on utter ignorance. Quote: “But there you go, you just said it. And it is to capture Bin Laden, we are still looking for him.” Uh, no, the Bin Laden issue is probably already out of the issue's scope. Nobody cares about him now. The primary objective of the entire operation isn't to captur…