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  • Re: Book Suggestions.

    dreamland - - Films, TV and Books


    ..No. -- I don't know that I could get through that, lol. I've read parts of it, someone in my Sociology class was reading it. the library has it though!

  • Book Suggestions.

    dreamland - - Films, TV and Books


    i need BOOKS. because i'm tired of just looking around for something that's good. I'll read just about anything, really. my libraries (2 diff. town ones + school) are really shitty though, so they might not have it. SO YEAH. go!

  • I see emo as like, three different.. parts? I guess. 1) The style - hair, clothes, whatever. people who have the stereotypical "emo" look. as in the whole freshman class in my school. =\ 2) The music - different people consider different things emo, I suppose. but that's where emo started, yeah? 3) Emotional - people who act like what one would consider "emo" or emotional or whatever. some people will have all three, or just one, or whatever. I would say I'm not into labels, but that would proba…

  • Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Nope. Do you hate your last boyfriend/​​girlfriend?​​ ..I wouldn't say -hate-. Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurt? Umm, not really. Have you ever made a boyfriend or girlfriend mad? I guess. Are you happier single or to have a boyfriend/​​girlfriend?​​ Single. Ever dated some one with a STD? ..Not that I know of. Have you ever broken someone's heart? Yeah, I guess. Think any of your ex's feels the same about you? Um, no? Do you belie…

  • I've seen both, and definitely the 1968.

  • Re: Gossip girl

    dreamland - - Films, TV and Books


    Yeahh, the books are pretty girly. They're a lot different too, in terms of story-lines and stuff. Oh yeah, I've seen them all, season 1+2.

  • Re: Gossip girl

    dreamland - - Films, TV and Books


    I love Gossip Girl. The books and the TV show.

  • Re: The Sims 2. (opinion needed)

    dreamland - - Video Games


    Quote from The Wolf: “:) Thanks. Why did you chose those two if I can ask? -.- Messed up the poll. Wanted it to where you could click on more then one.. ” ummm, mostly 'cause I use the apartments a -ton- because it makes more sense for single sims and stuff. and seasons because.. the same weather all the time is really extremely boring. i like the rain and snow and all that.

  • Re: The Sims 2. (opinion needed)

    dreamland - - Video Games


    My favorite, and the one I use the most, is Apartment life. Seasons would probably be second.

  • Re: College

    dreamland - - Education & Jobs


    Either Western or Central probably (in Michigan). Because.. that's all I can afford? (Kind of, at least)

  • Re: =]

    dreamland - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    1. Favorite city? No idea. Nowhere I've been. 2. Do you like sports? Not really. 3. Have you dated anyone you met online? No. 4. Have you ever beat someone up? Aha, no. 5. What's your favorite color? Light green. 6. Are you rude? I can be. 7. Who do you want to meet? Idk? 8. Where did you last go on vacation? Uhh, New York, forever ago. 9. Have you ever been hit on by the same sex? Yeah. 10. Do you like to learn? Sure. 11. Disney or Warner Brothers? Warner Brothers.. I suppose. 12. Orange juice …

  • Re: Cheating

    dreamland - - Education & Jobs


    Quote from Mayank: “ya same i agree” 2006 Quote from (Secret): “I never cheat, I can pass without, but I will tell you a funny story from 4th grade. I was taking a spelling test, and I new all the words, and the teacher was going soo slow. so I was looking through my desk and apparently I pulled out the spelling list for that very test, the teacher saw me and sent me to the office and I was like wtf. Anyways when I went back to class I got to re take it and I wrote swear words into the lines.” 2…

  • Re: ROCK vs. RAP

    dreamland - - Music


    Rock. I do like some rap, but not more than rock. Although neither is really my -favorite- genre.

  • Re: do you like school?

    dreamland - - Education & Jobs


    Nope. I don't like the people, and this year's incredibly boring. The only class I actually like is Biology, and mostly because the people aren't fucking stupid, and that's my favorite teacher.

  • Re: Post a Picture of Your Crib

    dreamland - - Fashion


    Quote from Dr. Illmatic: “I didn't know where I should post this, but I think posting it in the Glamour section will work. Anyhow, post a picture of your room! I'll post mine later. :p” Oh wow! :eek: you're back now, then? I don't think you'll remember me though... different username.

  • Re: Height

    dreamland - - General Advice


    Ahh, no. 5'6 is fine. That's about -my- perfect height for a guy, 'cause I'm pretty short too.

  • Re: Age of Consent.

    dreamland - - Debate and Discussions


    I think it's fine where it is. Which, last I knew, was 16 in my state. And ^ he has a good point. I know people who had sex when they were like 12, despite the law. But 16 is a good age, IMO.

  • Re: Siblings

    dreamland - - Friends and Family


    I have one sibling, a brother, who is 18. So I'm the youngest.

  • Re: What's your favorite sport?

    dreamland - - Sports



  • I like the movie a lot, but the TV show looks kind of.. sucky to me. =\