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  • Re: Ultimate fantasy

    Sharkbait - - Teen Sexuality


    Twins would be AWESOME, every guy would sell his kidney's to have that, unfortunaetly, twins are never up for it Personal fantasy though would be having a 3 some with my girlfriend and her friend, maybe somewhere a bit different, the showers at the swimming pool would be good. Ohhhh id get such a beating if she knew this haha.

  • Re: 16+

    Sharkbait - - Teen Sexuality


    boobs of people on the forum but like i said, theyre not bare boobs, its just a peak down the top style thing, like what you'd do in school if you saw a girl with a nice rack, except on a computer screen.... there are some good ones ill admit but you get new content about once a week, if that, and good stuff about once in a blue moon, and you could certainly get better on the street. Edit: Btw theres nothing wrong with any of em, all nice, im just saying id rather look at boobs irl, before i get…

  • Re: I have a problem

    Sharkbait - - Teen Sexuality


    Normal size weiner, stop worrying.

  • Re: 16+

    Sharkbait - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Tryon: “is there like acutally pictures of dicks in there?” lots.... Lots of boobs though aswell, probably more cock though, but theres few nipples, so it doesnt really count, could walk down to the pub and stand outside on a friday night and see the same amount of cleavage but with my own eyes, if i was inclined to do such a thing

  • Re: 16+

    Sharkbait - - Teen Sexuality


    Its quite inactive and the content is a mixture crap, cockteases posting semi nude pictures and just plain cocks. edit: In other words after youve looked through it once, its crap. edit 2: might aswell just go on an amateur softporn website, save you time and would be better anyway.

  • Re: Bulking For Rugby

    Sharkbait - - Health and Fitness


    Started recently? where do you live? rugby is played during the winter, should be well into the season now Ok assuming the season has started: 1) Bulking during the season = hard, you can maybe hit the weights once a week, mid week, but not anymore otherwise you wont be able to recover before your next game. 2) Definaetly worth working on your fitness, i used to play tight 5 and i know how tiring it is running loops from ruck to ruck. The backs will call you fat and unfit but i play centre and w…

  • High school is a sit off, i quite like my current job and id STILL rather be at school listening to some miserable ol' git yapping on about something i dont care about and mooching everything off my parents. Things suck way more when you have to start worrying about money all the time and getting things done. I dont even go to work thinking "atleast im getting paid" because virtually nothing ends up in my wallet. I go to work thinking " if i dont do this, some fucker will come and take stuff off…

  • Re: Free Running

    Sharkbait - - General Advice


    Since alot of my friends bum off free running i can answer this i think: 1) People do come in during half term but there wont be many people, most of the time there probably wont be anyone. 2) The camera's will be on but they never check the tapes anyway unless they know something has happened in that time. 3) If you get caught, the school might get pissed but the police never do anything more than tell you to piss off and warn you if they catch you again theyll be pissed off. Either way if you …

  • Re: How is sex going to work?

    Sharkbait - - Teen Sexuality


    Support your weight a bit... you wont squash her unless you intentionaly do it. Height is not an issue unless your standing, trust me.....

  • Re: Worried!!!!!!

    Sharkbait - - Teen Sexuality


    itll be nothin, get her on the pill anyways.

  • untill youve won, you have nothing to loose, she might be charmed by your determination, then again she could think your a stalker, but who cares, untill she makes it quite clear she doesnt like you and doesnt want you around her, keep at it. If youve been rejected at first and give up, youve failed, if youve been rejected, tried again, been rejected again, youve failed but your no worse off. If youve been rejected, try again and succeed, youve won.

  • Quote from Mr X: “Play role playing games. Pretend that she is a damsel in distress and get one of your friends to be her "attacker". Then come in with a fake pirate sword, stab the attacker (not really stab, but you know) and then grab your gf and lift her up high in your arms (are you strong?) and carry her to "safety" where you can both make out and have sex :D” :rofl::rofl::rofl: You can tell you didnt spend long thinking about that, hahaha, genious, in my mind im imagining some corny panto …

  • Most relationships are going to fail anyway, whether your 13, 18 or 29. There is no point saying there is no point going into a relationship at 18 because it will almost certainly not be the love of your life, because with that logic, there would be no point ever getting into a relationship because it is almost certainly doomed to eventual failure. You might aswell get the life experience from having the relationships and hope for the best.

  • very little, if anything. Looking great already, maybe 5lb's less or so and you'd be perfect but i dont know why you'd bother wasting the time when your lookin good anyway. Your shaped how a woman should be shaped, curvy and a tiny bit of squidge, not one of those grotesque boney 80lb skeleton beasts you see in the magazines.

  • how do you weigh so little at 6'1? you weigh about a stone more than my 5'3 gf and shes pretty thin.... especialy if your doing alot of sport you should have somethin on you:eek: i doubt youll get much taller though, especialy considering the height of your parents.

  • Re: Tattoos!

    Sharkbait - - Fashion


    If i keep hearing "we're really looking for a woman to fill this post" from the police for much longer, aka if i training as a plumber before i have a job secured with the police ill get some decent tatoo's....

  • Re: Guys with tight shirts

    Sharkbait - - Fashion


    Quote from Jono: “If you have muscle then it's fine...the problem comes when a skinny runt decides to use tight shirts...” Whats even more annoying is when a 130lb runt who has 0 body fat and therefore thinks hes a tank wears a tight t-shirt.

  • Dont waste your time on him, hes a retard anyway. Dont worry about him being a black belt, most martial arts are useless outside of a competition anyway, it especialy doesnt mean he can hit any harder than an average dude. If he punched you, odds are most of the other guys in the room would kick his ass.

  • Re: Steroids.

    Sharkbait - - Health and Fitness


    maybe some of the people on this teen site have done more than their fair share of research? More than someone is likely to do out of pure curiousity anyway. If your a healthy adult male, and you use a safe dose, for a limited amount of time, the chances of permanent side effects are VERY slim. they wouldnt use a drug medically for aids victims and cancer patients if the odds were that it was going to cause them to have eternaly small balls, a knackered liver and heart damage? (im not using this…

  • Re: One Night Stands

    Sharkbait - - Teen Sexuality


    Any1 who thinks having sex with someone you've just met is a good way to start a lasting relationship needs a brain transplant.