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  • Consider going on the pill. Though no form of contraception is 100% against pregnancy, it's just impossible. When I first started having sex I was on the pill and quite paranoid about getting pregnant (or extra careful whatever) and we were using 2 forms of contraception. Pregnancy scares are no fun, I can tell you that so you need to be careful and perhaps speak to a doctor about your options if you're unsure.

  • For a girl having sex for the first time can be painful regardless of the position.. for me, the one I was most comfy with when I first had sex was missionary. I preferred my boyfriend to be on top but taking it slow. After you've had sex a few times, things get less painful and then you can find your favourite position.

  • mydesktopz.gif

  • I wouldn't lie to your boyfriend, I'd come clean and tell him the truth. You don't say how old you are at the moment, but I'm sure your parents wouldn't think any less of you just because you've been sexually active. My parents know I'm not a virgin and they don't think any less of me or treat me any differently. I would be honest with your doctor too. Because of confidentiality, your doctor has no right to tell anyone that you've had sex anyway. You need to be careful when having sex though, pe…

  • We don't all parade around naked but on the other hand we don't all freak out if we see each other naked. Its no biggy really. My parents know I'm not a virgin and I didn't really have trouble telling them I wasn't either. They respect my privacy and vice versa.

  • Don't really find anything embarrassing. Period's can be annoying but after having them for about 5 years I'm used to them now.

  • Deciding whether to keep a child is something only you can decide if you're ready for. You've gotta think about how fair it is trying to raise a child you're really not ready for etc. If your period is late and you're worried your pregnant, you need to get a pregnancy test. Pregnancy scares are no fun, I know from personal experience so I'd recommend you getting a couple to add to the accuracy/reassurance.

  • It could be something a little like a UTI. When I lost my virginity I remember after the 2nd or 3rd time I had sex I had similar pains and it could be something to do with bacteria going near your urethra during sex (so a bit like a UTI). Also, if the penetration was deep your body may not be used to it. Best thing to do is to drink plenty to allow any bacteria to be flushed out your system and just rest. Maybe wait a few days till it feels better before having sex again. x

  • That's ages away lol, it's not like planning a wedding.. or at least I didn't think it was haha. When I lost my virginity it was a nice experience and my boyfriend respected it was my first time and took things slow so I was able to feel more comfy. Use some foreplay as well to get you both turned on and ready to go. Get to know what your girl likes, cos communication is the key.

  • Really doesn't bother me, it's neither a turn on or a turn off. There's as much chance of me dating someone with red hair as there is dating someone with any other colour.

  • Quote from hheartstrongg: “My boyfriend at the time, his little sister came in. That was awkward as fuck.” Similar thing.. was having sex with my ex boyfriend in my room and little brother comes barging in to see my ex boyfriend on top of me with his bare ass showing (luckily he was on top, not me haha). Very embarrassing, just had to tell him 'we were just having a bit of a cuddle' haha as he didn't quite get the whole 'sex thing'. Luckily me and my ex can laugh it off now but I remember it not…

  • Haha, sorry, I couldn't help but laugh :p

  • Re: Bored

    BrunetteHeaded - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Would you introduce the last person you kissed to your parents? They know him already Have you ever been a gymnast or a cheerleader? No Is the person you last texted single? Yes Where were you at nine pm last night? Home Do you have someone who you can be your complete self around? Yes, I am myself around everyone Do you hate it when there is a fly around you? Fuck yes haha kill the bastard! Why did you last laugh so hard? And when was it? Today on the phone the Kay Have you ever taken dance cla…

  • Re: surveyyyyyy

    BrunetteHeaded - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Be honest; first & last name of the last person to text you? Ryan Smith This time last year, what was your relationship status? Single Does someone like you right now? Not sure What does the 15th message in your inbox say? Aww bummer. Ah well will be good anyways x x x Have you ever gone up to car thinking it was yours, and almost got in? Yeah, hahah When was the last time you were in a car with someone besides family? Few days ago Have you told anybody you loved them today? Yes What are your pl…

  • One - Where was your default pic taken? Lanzarote on hols Two- Your relationship status? Single Three - Have you ever lost a close friend? Yes Four - What is your current mood? Ok Five - What's your sister(s) names? Haven't got one Six - Where do you wish you were right now? Nowhere... lol, fine here Seven -Have a crazy side? Yes, dont we all Eight - Ever had a near death experience? Yes Nine - Something you do a lot? Sex. haha jokes um sleep? Ten - Angry at anyone? Nah Eleven - What's stopping …

  • Re: Tea or Coffee?

    BrunetteHeaded - - Health and Fitness



  • I was 16 and I don't regret it. I'm not still seeing the guy I lost it to, but even still, I do not regret it. It was a good time and an experience I'll hold forever. It was a bit on the painful side and getting the first time out of the way, wasn't a bad thing for me.

  • Re: survey . (:

    BrunetteHeaded - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    1. This survey gets a little personal; can you handle it? Yep 2. If you married the last person you texted, what would your last name be? The same as the one I've got now haah 3. Were you happy when you woke up today? I was ok... really tired but ok 4. When were you on the phone last? And with who? Earlier today with Kay 7. What are you excited for? Wednesday night... 8. What were you doing yesterday? Working 9. Honestly, who was the last person to tell you they love you? My 2 mates 10. What's t…

  • Re: Survey...?

    BrunetteHeaded - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Is there anyone you would seriously punch right now if you had the chance? Nah Do you think blondes are stupid, honestly? No Last person you were on the phone with for more than 20 minutes? Kayleigh Would you go out in public looking like you do now? Yeah, might get dressed though, haha. Does your ex miss you? I'm not sure.. He's said he has. Did you sleep alone last night? Yeah and it was cold .. Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is okay? Nah Has anyone ever san…

  • Re: experiences

    BrunetteHeaded - - Teen Sexuality


    Worst so far would definitely be younger brother walking in on me and my ex having sex. Another bad time was when me and my ex were in his room and his dad walked in when the ex had his hands down my trousers, 'doing things' hahaha. Best was again, with the same ex when we were having sex and timed things so well we both reached orgasm at the same time, it was really good and made us feel a lot closer to each other in a weird way..