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  • Quote from AEgirl1: “Umm...update? My teacher still wants to do tutoring after-school although my grade went from and 86% to 92%. Should I still go cuz before it was like 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm, but he asked me would I mind switching it to a 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm session. Idk if I want to do that cuz there is literally nobody left on campus at that time. :” How old is your teacher? Because honestly, that sounds pretty shady to me. Did your grade jump because of a test you improved on, or did it just mag…

  • Re: Wii Zapper+CoD:MW:R=Ownage?

    Linda - - Video Games


    I've tried it before, its really not as easy as you think. Aiming is a bitch.

  • With both of them, theres really two ways to handle it, whichever way you choose should be the decision you could be happiest with in the long run. As for kissing your teacher, you could either not say anything and act like it never happened, personally I think that would be the least awkward choice. If you want to confront him, then you can do that and simply say you're sorry and it won't happen again. Is he tutoring you again in the future, or do you just have class with him? For your boyfrien…

  • The first time I can understand why she was upset, but it wasn't even THAT big of a deal. As for all the other time, I'm not in that situation so its hard for me to judge. If you think she needs some space and some time to heal, then give her just that. Since she can't break up with you, maybe you should tell her that you need some space for a week? If you don't want to do that, then try to limit your amount of hanging out for the next week or so, give her a time to get her thoughts together and…

  • Start talking to him again, make sure you get your attention and hold it. See if he drops obvious signs that he likes you like he did before, they'll be easy to notice. It seems like he still has some interest in you, so just get his attention again!

  • Quote from Æxitosus: “well would you know what the symptoms of it are, when its successful? im guessing its different for everyone but generally speaking... we used condoms at first. i couldnt feel anything and she felt like she was having sex with a pickle so we kinda threw that out the window. (this was back in february) since then we havent really used any kind of protection.” This is quoted from the Plan B website: "When used as directed, Plan B® One-Step is safe and effective. Side effects …

  • Quote from Æxitosus: “i think she took it 2 days or so afterward, im not entirely sure. i thought it was kind of late to be taking it though, it wasnt the day after. ” You can take them from 1-3 days after, but obviously within the first 24 hours is the most effective. If she had all the symptoms she was supposed to have, then what most likely happened is the pill messed up her cycle, which is a side effect from taking it. I wouldn't be too worried, but just to be safe, make sure she takes a pre…

  • The morning after pill can sometimes change your period, it can make it either late or early, it depends on her cycle to begin with. How long after you guys had the incident did you get the morning after pill? They're very effective within the first 24-36 hours. I highly doubt she's pregnant. If you're worried about it, get her a pregnancy test so she can take it. As for if she actually wanted an abortion, the best thing you could do in that situation is be there for her, not talk her out of any…

  • Quote from randomme: “shameless bump... please help?” Are you looking for someone to tell you if theres a physical reason why you can't orgasm, or what?

  • Re: I just got my own account!

    Linda - - Video Games


    Quote from DomGTR: “Yeah, I'm usually on COD too. I have all three, but 4 is my favourite :cool: I do need to do veteran spec ops though :(” Currently 4 is all I have, so we're twins!

  • Re: I just got my own account!

    Linda - - Video Games


    Quote from DomGTR: “What games do you play?” Lately, just COD. You?

  • Re: Sex and UTIs.

    Linda - - Teen Sexuality


    Okay so this actually happened to my best friend recently too. Do you use spermicidal lube/condoms? Also, do you pee after you have sex?

  • Re: I just got my own account!

    Linda - - Video Games


    Quote from Whiteout: “I will possibly give my Gamertag, but I have special friends who have *cough*JTAGs*cough* and do not want to be pestered with 10th Lobby Invites.” Uhhh, I don't know you, so none of that will be an issue.

  • Re: I just got my own account!

    Linda - - Video Games


    Quote from JohnDoe: “ADD ME xpowerfulxx I can help with Spec Ops, Nazi Zombies, etc” When I get to know you better I will!

  • Quote from shadowsnip: “so your saying that since i only think about her in real life my mind makes me explore my sexualness through my dreams? like i dont even look at other girls.” Even if you don't look at other girls, the sexuality is still in the back of your mind. Sometimes thoughts that you don't think are there, are. In your dreams they come out more.

  • Has he been hitting your g-spot when he fingers you? Have you guys tried different positions? Honestly, I'm the same way when it comes to getting pleased, it'll feel good, but not good enough for me to have an orgasm. Can you bring yourself to orgasm? If so, then you might want to show him what you do, and what makes you feel good. I used to blame myself too, but in reality, its not you. I can bring myself to orgasm, just not with someone else, so I know its possible, its just a matter of findin…

  • This is an interpretation of what your dream means: To dream that you are cheating on your spouse, mate, fiance, or significant other, suggests feelings of self-guilt and self-betrayal. You may have compromised your beliefs or integrity and/or wasting your energy and time on fruitless endeavors. Alternatively, it reflects the intensity of your sexual passion and exploring areas of your sexuality. It is actually a reaffirmation of your commitment. I've had dreams like that before myself, and it d…

  • Quote from AidNowhere: “Poo-tee-wett?, you forgot one thing. As I proved in my last post, he will think she says it because she doesn't love him, which isn't true. So she really has to explain how she feels on the good way... :)” Not necessarily, every guys reaction to that sort of issue will be different, theres no saying that he'll ONLY think its because she doesn't love him. She may not LOVE him just yet, anyways. I'm sure she'll tell him how she feels about him within her talk with him, howe…

  • I know how you feel, I was the same way in my last relationship. This isn't really something you can hint at and hope he gets, I think you just have to come out and tell him the truth about how you feel with it. Just tell him that the way he sends you those texts is cute sometimes, but constantly is just a little much for you, and that he should try to tone it down a bit.

  • It sounds like maybe she might of given up on having a relationship with you in the past because you didn't ask her out, or make a move. Thats just one option though. She might of started to like someone else and didn't want to hurt you, she might of not been ready for a relationship, there are a million options that could of made her like that, but in reality, you'll never know the truth unless you ask her. She might want to try to keep her distance from you for now because she's scared of fall…