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  • Thoughts on nudism

    Gabraham247 - - Puberty


    Quote from Miko-chan: “Quote from Ryanschmo: “My thoughts are: there's a lot of people on this site who claim to be nudists, but when you get right down to it, you'll find that most people have a much broader definition of nudism/naturism than they should. ” It’s more that they claim to be but haven’t been socially nude outside of very quickly changing in a locker room or maybe went skinny dipping in the dark on a dare when they were 12 and just like to fantasize about nudism and so pretend onli…

  • Experimenting

    Gabraham247 - - Teen Sexuality


    I don't consider what I did experimenting, but I know it's what people call it so whatever, that's fine.I've always been aware I'm straight and that I like girls. Like most people I'm curious about my same sex peers and their bodies but not in a sexual way (for me at least). When did you first experiment with someone? How old were you, how old were they? both 12 Who were they? Best friend Was it planned or did it just happened? Just happened What did you do? Compared size and jerked off. He was …

  • Where did you lose

    Gabraham247 - - Teen Sexuality


    These comments tho! Hilarious! To be fair tho, some people do tell their parents they became sexually active. Sorta rare, but it happens. Where were you when you lost your virginity? A party at a friend's house how old were you/them? I was 15, she was 14 Did you enjoy it? yes Did you do it with them ever again? yes Was it their first time? Yes Were you dating? no Did you tell your friends/family? No but some knew

  • Quote from BJade: “there's actually quite a few books in history that have been banned There's probably more now of book being censored or changed. For Language or opinions that aren't suitable or used any more ” That was interesting. I like Wikipedia despite it getting a bad rap sometimes. It's interesting to me to see lists. That's sort of how my brain learns best I guess. However regarding banned books, I still don't think it's a ton…

  • Quote from theletters: “i think you can get a uti technically if you don't piss after cumming. so yeah its probably best to go anyways ” True. But unlikely you will. But if you want to be safe, pee every time.

  • Nudity/Sexuality

    Gabraham247 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from theletters: “i mean... its not that often that people get naked for no reason, unless youre a nudist or something. it probably shouldnt be like that, and yeah im kind of intrigued by nudist ideology, but its fair to say that opinion is fairly rare in todays society, so i think you need to keep that in perspective ” But what does "get naked for no reason" mean? I mean I actually do know what you mean, but there are grey areas. This weekend at the Pride Parade I saw women topless just w…

  • None. Just Hurley swim trunks


    Gabraham247 - - LGBT


    Quote from migo3864: “I went last year with a friend. Not this year, he did not go either, because of the militia guys hanging out around it with guns and burning pride flags and stuff. Its not a safe thing anymore. ” Our pride parade was sooooo fun. There were protesters there but no guns. Plus the police were there. Last year at a pride parade near us the police arrested like 30 proud boys with guns before they made it to the parade.

  • Bi or Curious

    Gabraham247 - - Gay


    Quote from NoahWilson66: “Thanks for the advice everyone. Maybe follow up questions, how did you know you were only curious or really bi? Would experimenting with a guy help? ” If you're that open to experimenting with a guy, I think u probably are bi. But sure, try it and see. Just be safe of course.

  • That's what I mean @Sean2001 IF a school board actually banned a book (not too likely, possible, it happens, but typically just talks about it) it would still be sooooo easy to get that book somewhere else.

  • Quote from Quantico: “Quote from Gabraham247: “Could just be a troll. I HOPE the person is just a troll. ” I actually kind of hope they're not, just because that would mean they're going through life either being really angry or having a really bizarre sense of humor (or both...), and that would be really sad if either one was the case. ” The person is angry regardless. If it's trolling, perhaps the person can mature or get a different hobby someday. If it's truly mental issues, the therapist ha…

  • Could just be a troll. I HOPE the person is just a troll.

  • Yes there have. To my knowledge it hasn't worked. Or hasn't gone into affect. I don't follow it super close. But from what little I know it's usually much about nothing. In other words, have many books actually been banned in free countries? Like honestly banned? Like i couldn't get them from my school, city library, barnes and noble, or online? I am 100% for free speech and 100% against banning any book, but I just feel like a lot of people are scared of the boogeyman that doesn't even exist. I…

  • Quote from Darian: “Well, even though the original asker seems to have been banned, I'll answer anyway just in case anyone else is wondering the same thing (I've had a couple of other people ask me some form of the first question in PMs): Quote from shimmer: “You should just do it before. ” This is what's so strange about it and what's bugging me - I don't have to go before, but after I blow my load, there are times where suddenly I've really got to go a few minutes later. Quote from shimmer: “Q…

  • Longest answer ever. That's not negative. It was a good answer tbh.

  • First time

    Gabraham247 - - Teen Sexuality


    How old were you the first time? 12 for oral. 15 for dick penetration sex Who was it with? School friend Do you regret it doing it with that person? No. If anything tho i wish i did it with a gf earlier

  • plaid boxers

  • Parent exposing porn to me

    Gabraham247 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from hdmistory: “Quote from sbpepe: “It's strange to me that you use the same computer ” I have a phone and laptop that is mine. But for games we share on a powerful computer I don't think this is strange. ” Having a family computer isn't strange at all. Especially a family computer for gaming and streaming movies. But also think about all the non-rich families who can't afford a computer for everyone in the family! Fuck there are some families who can't afford even one family computer.

  • Parent exposing porn to me

    Gabraham247 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from migo3864: “first, don't leave your account logged in, and change your password. I don't think I would ever bring up the subject to my parents. I can't judge your parents though, because I don't know them. How would they react? Generally, I think it's their business what they do. The creepy thing was that it was on your account. So delete the history and clear the browser, then change your password and log out. ” This. Definitely delete folder. Change password. And always log off. Thos…


    Gabraham247 - - LGBT


    Going to the Pride Parade today. Ready to get my dance on!