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  • Ejaculation amount

    Starlord - - Puberty


    Quote from Birds18: “So for the guys that are capable of ejaculation. Does it squirt out or just dribble? Do you think it feels better if you can make a lot? How old are you now? ” I'm just starting, the first time it was like 2 drops flying out lol I'm soon 15

  • Majority or Minority

    Starlord - - Puberty


    Quote from Rishad: “for boys, at your school or you in the majority or minority for being cut or uncut. ” I live in UK most boys are uncut so I'm in the minority

  • What age did you start boys

    Starlord - - Puberty


    I started boys at 13.5-14

  • Age at first ejaculation and now.

    Starlord - - Puberty


    Quote from Ethan1: “I was 12 at my first ejaculation and now I'm 13. ” Nearly 15 Just last week

  • Unusual I Think

    Starlord - - Puberty


    Quote from Justin.Kaden.White: “I am asking something that's probably unusual and less common, but guys has someone ever made fun of you because you have a long dick for your age. Not bragging but I was made fun of and called a long dick freak. These guys always pick on me in the locker and shower area. ” Just tell them in front of everyone "why are you looking so much at my dick ?" Or "Are you jealous ?"

  • Morning Wood Frequency

    Starlord - - Puberty


    Quote from NotRllyFriendly: “How frequent do you guys wake up hard? For me it's about once each three days. ” For me it's about every day lol

  • Embarrassed being seen nude

    Starlord - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from kyle_ca: “For guys, how did you react when you first saw a girl nude? Same for guys when you first saw a girl nude? We're you embarrassed, scared, thought it was awkward or were you like curious? ” The first time I saw a girl naked we had sex, it felt weird, maybe a little curious, I was like omg what on earth am i doing lol

  • Nudity with lover.

    Starlord - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Billy Dean Howard: “this my sound crazy, but are you ever nude with lover besides during sex. ” Usually if we are naked and just together at home, some kind of sex will be involved But if we are outside like at the swimming pool or PE for changing.... not really lol

  • Is my style too basic?

    Starlord - - Fashion


    It's fine but you can dress a different style according to what you're doing or where you're going

  • Yes we kiss often sometimes we play I try to catch them to kiss them and they try to escape out of it lol

  • First ejaculation

    Starlord - - Puberty


    How old were you when you started puberty? 13 How long after starting puberty did you have your first ejaculation? 2 years What was your first ejaculation from (wet dream, masturbation, sex, other)? Jacking How did your first ejaculation feel? Weird lol. But good Where did your first ejaculation happen? In my bed Did you know what ejaculations were when it happened or was it a surprise? I knew what it was but it was a surprise coz I didn't expect Did anyone witness your first ejaculation? No Did…

  • Quote from kmcd: “Are you left or right handed? What leg goes into your pants/shorts first? What foot do you kick a ball with? What hand do you throw with? If you could play guitar....strum with right hand or left? ” Left Right Right Right Right I do everything with the right hand except writing

  • Quote from jessiiam: “Quote from Starlord: “Quote from jessiiam: “what counts as a a start? I would say like 10ish, maybe early or later, depending on what you count. ” For girls that would be either boobs starting to grow or pubes or periods ” Well then more like 9yo. ” Is that not early ? Like primary school 3rd grade ?

  • Quote from jessiiam: “what counts as a a start? I would say like 10ish, maybe early or later, depending on what you count. ” For girls that would be either boobs starting to grow or pubes or periods

  • Quote from Gabraham247: “Tons of variations (many probably too explicit to share here) basically this is the most popular type is just a pouch to stick your junk in…af268cc70a73fdc9a242badf3 ” Thanks for the explaination But what's the point compared to standard underwear ?

  • Quote from kyle_ca: “blue briefs with ball and penis holder ” What is this again ??

  • Quote from gmckinney: “When you had sex for the first time, how old were you? 8 How old was your partner? 30 How did you know them? He kidnapped me and then raped me and 7 other children he kidnapped. ” Really...

  • Green trunks (yes trunks today )