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  • Quote from artizhay: “A Facebook relationship will never be real and will never be healthy.” 1) Yay for blanket generalisations. Absolutely there could never, EVER be an exception to that rule. OH WAIT. My friend's parents met online and now are happily married. Awww, awkward. 2) She said the girl is straight, so obviously they're not gonna have an online relationship. 3) To the OP, I would say that telling her will make you feel better. And it wouldn't be fair of her to treat you any differentl…

  • Quote from Treebark2268: “I dont have proof that shes fucking anyone, just heresay. . LIke I said, I was upset and blah blah blah.. Imma let it go, move on, yah kno?” Okay, wait. You just heard a rumor that she's fucking someone after you guys broke up, and that's why you wanna be a dick? Wow, this is even worse than I originally thought. ~Maggot

  • Quote from dusk: “Better than trying to make someone look stupid, but yeah your right.” Honestly, in my opinion, if a guy wants to cheat on his girlfriend with me, that's his decision. Unless I know the girl and am loyal to her as a friend or person, I think it's up to the guy to decide. I mean, she's not my girlfriend, right? I dunno, I just don't think that's my decision to make for him. ~Maggot

  • Quote from ~+ Bear +~: “And I don't blame you. No sense bringing a child in that's going to have a fucked life sittin in an orphanage.” You jerk. The entire point of that novel was to emphasize the fact that I CAN'T carry a kid. X) ~Maggot

  • Quote from ~+ Bear +~: “haha no, and i'm sorry that happened to you. just couldn't resist.” Well thanks, but it's no biggie. Shit happens, right? But I won't think twice about what I'm gonna do if I am pregnant. ~Maggot

  • Quote from ~+ Bear +~: “haha oh good. you're not the kind to flip shit at a joke :)” Not too much. Was a pretty boring story anyway. ~Maggot

  • Quote from ~+ Bear +~: “boredcat.jpg [/troll]” Sorry, that made me giggle. X) ~Maggot

  • Quote from dusk: “Just knock the guys teeth out and dump her hard and fast (don't go there, raunchy mind) You shouldn't try to manipulate her man, just be deliberate.” It's not the guy's fault. She made the decision to fuck him. He might not even know about the whole situation, and even if he does, they're EXES. Henceforth, there's no fault on his part. ~Maggot

  • Quote from Heather: “I just bought some new jeans from them. Buy 1, get one 50% off. It was a good deal, the jeans fit amazing. They started trying me in size 6, and they were like falling off of me. Size 2, ftw.” Haha, not for me. I have big hips and kind of a black ass, sooo I'm not fittin' into size 2 anytime soon. ~Maggot

  • Quote from California Livin: “just because it's not the "advice" you want to hear doesn't make it trolling. for one thing, you gave absolutely no background information to the situation. all you said was you wanted advice to make a chick want you more than you appear to want her. and if she is fucking someone behind you're back and you know about it, and if you know she's playing mind games with you, why are you even associating yourself with her? sounds like a slag, and sounds like you should d…

  • Quote from Heather: “:lovey:” Oh hell yeah. Every time I go to the mall I get thongs from there - 5 for $10! I'm like fuuuuck yeah! ~Maggot

  • TJ Maxx, JCPenny's, Charlotte Russe, and Good Will. ~Maggot

  • So you're trying to get over her but manipulate her to make her feel like she needs you while you're moving on? Wow, dick move. ~Maggot

  • Quote from skyanna1990: “I don't agree with abortion at all , not even if someone was raped . If you were raped or are unable to care for a child , then there is always adoption . I know a couple of people who are adopting because they can't have children . It isn't my right or anyone else's right to snuff out a life just because they weren't using any form of birth control or because they got raped or will be judged because they got pregnant . Children are precious gifts that not everyone can p…

  • Re: Okay, so...

    Goddess of Judecca - - Teen Sexuality


    Dude, ignore what people are saying about whether it's 'right' or not or what 'should' happen. The answer comes down to these questions: 1) Do you want to? 2) Do you feel ready? 3) Is she willing to take no for an answer and still be with you? 4) Is she okay with you being a virgin? It's really entirely up to you. But if you're having these questions, you should be talking to her about them, not us. See what she says, see how understanding she is. She might make you feel totally comfortable with…

  • Quote from grewks: “can you elaborate a bit more on 'trying to make me try' please? :)” Make an effort to talk to her. If she's throwing stuff at you, don't ignore her; that just says you're not interested. Go up to her and engage in conversation. If your friends are going by, DON'T leave her to go hang with them. Show her that you're interested in her at the moment, and other things can wait. ~Maggot

  • Quote from Dr.Carter: “48% pure, but I think that's a little skewed to be honest. If I were gay, it would have knocked of 10% alone. How messed up is that? Sexual preference has nothing to do with how good of a person you are.” I don't think they meant it that way. Anyone who recognises they are gay obviously has explored their sexuality more than someone who may be gay but doesn't realise it. ~Maggot

  • Quote from FalseReality: “haha, didn't read first post xP?” Didn't read last post?Quote from Tombgeek: “Digital is a troll. He is supposed to say random and offensive crap.” ~Maggot

  • She wants to see you make an effort to know her and maybe more after that. Plain and simple. She's giving you opportunities, but she's also giving you opportunities to not do so. And she wants you to actually try. ~Maggot

  • Quote from Tombgeek: “I wish I could read The God Delusion, but I don't think it would go down well with my Catholic family. It is controversial enough that I am a fan of Dan Brown's books (I'm still forbidden to read The Da Vinci Code) and that I don't want to get confirmed in the church, even despite the fact that I have a logical reason not to (prejudice and hatred. My parents know very well I can't stand it).” It's an excellent book. A lot of people take offense to Dawkins', um, pretentiousn…