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  • Slipknot. I don't care what anyone says, I love them. ~Maggot

  • Quote from Number Juan: “I noticed the sarcasm and I Agree with your point.” Sorry, my bad. :p ~Maggot

  • Quote from Number Juan: “People should not be bullied no matter who they become =/” That was sarcasm. I was pointing out that the OP's argument that people should feel bad for bullying her was that she's now beautiful and successful, as opposed to the argument that would make more sense to me - that she just didn't deserve it. ~Maggot

  • What are you're opinions on Spongebob? I LOVE Spongebob! Do you have a favourite toothpaste? Nah What deodorant do you use? Dove What's your favourite month of the year? July Do you enjoy school? I'm in college and that's pretty sweet How often do you wear make-up? Nearly everyday. Are you a jealous person? Not really How many people have you dated? One What shoe size are you? Nine, I think? Who's your favourite singer/band? Slipknot What's your most prized possession? My kids What way do you us…

  • You Are 42% Pure pure-3.jpg You're not so innocent... in fact, you're quite unpure. You have seen and experienced a lot. And you're no worse for the wear! The 100 Question Purity Test Blogthings: We'll Tell You The Truth... Someone Has To! ~Maggot

  • Quote from oompaloompas: “Stopped reading” Hahaha. Sorry, that was lulzy. Anyway, yeah, they're gonna have sex. I know it's easier said than done, but there's no need to feel awkward about it. Just be thankful their relationship is good enough for them to have sex without killing each other. ~Maggot

  • Nah, my first time was good. I was super tight and I still am, but he was gentle, let me go at my own pace, and we used lube. I was very sore and the next day didn't feel too awesome, but it was definitely worth it and definitely didn't suck. I've been sorer after other times. ~Maggot

  • Yeah, we should be ashamed because now she's pretty and successful. Lulz. ~Maggot

  • Quote from Tombgeek: “It's called the human brain. We learn the difference between right and wrong by our parents, environment, our mistakes and their consequences. God does not guide anything. This is where religious contradiction come in. You say that God guide us to make the right decision, but then most Christians would say that God gives us free will, and if we do anything that is called an abomination by the Bible (such as believing in paganism, total rejection of Christianity, homosexual …

  • Pink ~Maggot

  • Change your sheets. I know it sounds silly, but if you change your sheets every other day, you will see a HUGE improvement. Acne is caused by the pores getting clogged with oils and dirt and shit, and laying in it while you sleep makes things a lot worse. Keep them clean and it'll help a lot. ~Maggot

  • Quote from team jacob: “how is that fucked up?! guys always get to be the dominant in a relationship and i think that for strong girls, that's hard to just sit and not have any power.” Ha. Guys don't always get to be dominant. In fact, in actual, healthy relationships (ie not fictional ones involving Bella) the two people are equal. That's the entire basis of a healthy relationship - equality. And saying you go for younger guys so you can be dominant? 1) That means the basis of a healthy relatio…

  • Re: Ladies..

    Goddess of Judecca - - General Advice


    Quote from FlyWithMe: “basically anything bigger, turnoff.” I think that's too big, honestly. I don't like it. ~Maggot

  • Quote from Lilpollishman11: “haha yeah it hurts the girls boobs to if u hit them there” Only if it's a direct hit to the nipple. THAT is extremely painful because there's so many nerves there. But yeah, I've never kicked a guy in the balls. But I have stomped, punched, and headbutted. They shouldn't have been being douchebags. ~Maggot

  • Quote from Nesmaha: “Alright, well not over night or anything, but in the past year or two i've noticed that older girls are getting more and more attracted to younger guys. I would have thought that they would be interested in older guys with more experience... so confused.” You think there has been a sudden, noticeable shift in the male-female age ratio in relationships in the past year or two? Yeah, not too likely. More likely it's the same as it's always been - depends on the girl's preferen…

  • I'd abort the little fucker. ~Maggot

  • Re: Adhd

    Goddess of Judecca - - General Advice


    Quote from recondinent: “Simply put, ADHD is a disorder that your diagnosed with if you have trouble sitting still and focusing on something for a long period of time (long in this case being like 30min+).” That's pretty much everyone ever. How many people can really sit and pay full attention to something incredibly boring, whether it be class or a board meeting? I dunno, I guess ADHD could exist in extremes, but I'm not really a fan of its practical existence. I think it's mostly bullshit. ~Ma…

  • Quote from roundsquare: “Is this guy a clown? Forgive me but I fail to grasp his piece of logic. If something has been designed then it doesn't matter whether or not we know who the designer is, much less who the designer of designer is. Put differently our knowledge of the designer or his designer doesn't alter the fact that the object in question has been designed. Simply because the two are seperate questions. namely, is an object designed and who is the designer, they are two questions that …

  • Quote from Dr.Carter: “What we perceive as "life" is simply advanced biological functions in the brain. When you die, that's it.” I dunno, I believe that's exactly what life is. But I think, at the same time, it's possible that our own personal energy can be imprinted, so to speak, on the universe or something along those lines. I do believe in ghosts, although I'm not any good at non-visual science, so I couldn't explain exactly how I believe such a thing could occur. ~Maggot

  • Quote from NinjaGuy1337: “Yeah, but then you have to ask what created all the matter which was involved in the big bang. I say a God.” Bahaha. You gotta read "The God Delusion." Dawkins addresses this point extensively. He calls it an infinite regress. "The temptation [to attribute the appearance of a design to actual design itself] is a false one, because the designer hypothesis immediately raises the larger problem of who designed the designer. The whole problem we started out with was the pro…