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  • Quote from JennyColada: “Am I the only one who doesn't automatically think that a guy is a jackass to be honest enough to realize that he isn't mature enough or ready enough to handle everything that comes with a child? Sheesh. Some of you are so quick to jump on the judgment train.” But part of being a decent parent and a decent person is putting aside your own problems and still stepping up to the plate to do whatever you can when necessary. And any guy - or girl - that doesn't do that doesn't…

  • Re: 911

    Goddess of Judecca - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from DamnImGood: “There was an unconfirmed report that Vice President Dick Cheney issued a "stand down" order to NORAD regarding the hijacked planes. Catlin said it's hearsay. It is, but as I've already said, whether you think it's true or not doesn't really matter as the result was the same.” Well, that depends on the circumstances. Was the unconfirmed report even possibly made by the person he said it to? Was it made by someone who directly heard it? If the former is the case, it's not h…

  • Quote from Jhax: “ive cut myself by acciedent but im not a emo just cut myself for the attension like some people do!!!” Oh god, my brain cells. They're dying. Oh god.Quote from Qween Panda: “I've been cutting myself extremely on and off for 8 years and hair pulling, biting, punching, burning. mostly everyone's right, it doesn't solve anything. I have deep scars everywhere, not little cat scratches that people do for attention I've got stab wound scars tooo but i'm getting them all covered with …

  • You Are a Carousel carousel.gif You are young at heart and a truly playful person. No one would ever accuse you of taking life too seriously. You are definitely in things for the fun. You find joy easily, and you are often building up anticipation for your next adventure. In relationships, you tend to want to be babied and taken care of. And while you may be a bit high maintenance, you are incredibly loyal. Your life is simple and satisfying. Each day you treat yourself to something you enjoy. Y…

  • A Lily Says You're Very Enticing lily.jpg You are playful, flirty, and friendly. You can easily light up a room... or someone's heart. Your unique personality attracts a lot of attention! Your cute ways get you in trouble. People can't help but be a little jealous of you. What Do The Flowers You Pick Say About You? ~Maggot

  • Your Rising Sign is Virgo virgo.jpg Well put-together and elegant, you sometimes seem standoffish. And truth be told, sometimes you do feel superior to those around you. A bit shy and introverted, you tend to stay quiet - even if you're feeling social. At parties, you can seem like you're very serious while you're having fun. You clever and ingenious, with an alert and active mind. Good at facts and figures, you excel at logical and mathematical tasks. What's Your Rising Sign? ~Maggot