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  • Quote from Digital: “Kevmo is Omvek backwards?” [ame='']YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

  • It doesn't look bad. Go ahead and use it

  • You Are a Black Eyed Pea black-eyed-peas.jpg You are a naturally energetic person, and you've always done things in your own, wacky way. You know that you'll never fit in perfectly, and you never really even tried. Most people consider you to be extremely lucky. You may find friends hanging around you hoping that your luck will rub off a little. You've done well for yourself in life. You know how to thrive, and you're good at keeping pests away.

  • lol....diary of a wimpy kid. Aldous Huxley's novel appeals to me, but my teacher picked life of Pi for me. Its still a good book choice Thanks

  • Re: Recent Photography!

    username #92 - - Creative Writing


    I cropped and edited this while travelling today. Looks pretty good IMO. 5007762052_f71cf19ee9.jpg

  • Re: Recent Photography!

    username #92 - - Creative Writing


    5006084932_4fda78eeec.jpg Playing around with a watermark from Lightroom. Version 3.2 is so much better performance-wise than 3.0 that I can actually edit 21mp raws on my netbook!

  • All 3 versions have minor changes in between them. V3 looks too bright at the right, while v2 is the best IMO, lacking only the better coloured cloud-like things that V3 has.

  • I've had the iPod 5g, and I had a case with a thicker plastic covering the scrollwheel. The scrollwheel is a bit different in terms of sensitivity between 5G and 6G, but the 5G should have no problem with a thin laminate of plastic (unlike my 6g :nono:)

  • You Are Sweet grilled-cheese.jpg You have a mysterious personality. It's hard for people to fully understand where you're coming from. You are always looking to add a little more intellectual stimulation to your life. You love to learn. People can count on you to be calm and level headed. You are the voice of reason. People don't realize that you're much more old fashioned than you seem. Values are important to you.

  • Quote from Aleksandr: “Wow, yall being fooled. Them there processors aren't putted out with 24 cores.” wat

  • Well, I think he should apply for an internship at intel, so he can product test the new 24-core processors.

  • Re: Recent Photography!

    username #92 - - Creative Writing


    Well... Thanks blur :blush: I'm only 17 though, lol Baal, I am almost sure that I want a career in photography. Its just schooling I'm worried about for now. And thanks ...Megatron thinks ducks are cute? That's a nice thing to say :3 Unfortunately only facebook pictures for now. Can someone let me know if they are *in fact* viewable to you? kthx n550416442_1351902_1131.jpg One of my very earliest attempts of HDR... not too bad I guess 4594_95670351442_550416442_2462073_839281_n.jpg facebook real…

  • Have you had a job before? Go to fast food chains like McDonalds and things, they usually hire. That was my first one. But like Pat said, food is hiring. My current job is dishwasher/prep cook, and I really enjoy it. Restaurants can always use a dishwasher, so try applying there as well.

  • Basically for English class this semester, I get to pick a book (out of a few choices) that I will read during that class and write in. The choices are: Life Of Pi (I read about half before) Brave New World ...and i'll list some more after I remember them If you've read them, did you like it? Most of them look pretty kay anyways

  • You do very well in graphic design/computer art. How old were you when you made that most recent one? Also, is that you own original template on your site? I'm guessing yes.

  • Re: Which Axe smells Best?

    username #92 - - General Advice


    Quote from dexter.: “ah, finally someone with my hobbies! I like the convex type blade, most cut perfectly even through bone, but for harder bones like the femur you should use a hollow bladed axe, don't buy anything that isn't made of stainless steel. Edit: Oh the cologne :nono:” lol

  • i'm jelly. At my old school, we had some 2560x1400(?) macs, but it almost felt overkill. Currently I have a 1680x1050 monitor, but in the future I want to get 2-3 1920x1200's, maybe a superhuge 2560x1600, but not yet

  • Quote from Tombgeek: “What time are you normally online? I'm quite busy at the moment so I don't have much time to spend on the internet. ---------- Post added at 07:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:21 PM ---------- Haha. RMG, I'm glad my friend does not have internet. He'll most likely start downloading music off Limewire and be like: "Chris, I have a virus. Please come fix my PC." - "Don't download illegal music," I reply. "Chris. My PC crashed and I didn't backup." - "You're fault," I…

  • Quote from Aleksandr: “I just love how paternity laws always screw men over. Women can basically get off scott free and do whatever they want.” Lots of guys are assholes.

  • Re: Recent Photography!

    username #92 - - Creative Writing


    that'd be cool amando. There was one certain photo that involved a guy with a guitar, and an outline of him done with sparklers. Pretty cool stuff, I need to find it and post it here. This is from my facebook album, it may or may not be viewable to you (?). I'll update it to flickr once I recover the original from another laptop (SUPER MESSY, laptop cleanup time). 4594_95673981442_550416442_2462094_3893617_n.jpg