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  • Re: Pavement.

    Papa Bear - - Music


    never heard of em

  • Re: Four Loko

    Papa Bear - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from Dr.Carter: “Energy drinks + alcohol = bad ideas. And I'm not even saying that in a strictly medical way. I hate the way most energy drinks taste, but I can stomach a small can of Red Bull if it means I won't be tired all day. But those cans are fucking immense and you have to drink two to get really smashed, I find. 2 large energy drinks means I puking by the end of the night, and I'll be so wired that between throwing up I'll be fully alert and considering how much I hate my life. No…

  • Re: Four Loko

    Papa Bear - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from Erik!: “haha, man. that shit is intense. i almost felt like i was having hallucinations this one time i tried it.” Haha that stuff makes me loco

  • Four Loko

    Papa Bear - - Health and Fitness


    The craziest shit out there! It's an alcoholic energy drink that will fuck you up so fast. I was playing circle of death with this and I was already feeling it by the second can. I gurantee it. And it tastes really good as well. Try it if you haven't already. You'll know what im talking about CD_Four_Loko.jpg

  • Re: WTF happened to Linkin Park?

    Papa Bear - - Music


    Quote from nick3109: “Every artist changes. LP first album came out about 10 years ago. Music changes over the years and so do the artist. Personally I like their new album. If you want their old stuff, go listen to their old stuff.” QFT d

  • Re: WTF happened to Linkin Park?

    Papa Bear - - Music


    I like their new song

  • Re: Disney's Tangled

    Papa Bear - - Films, TV and Books


    princess and the frog wasnt that bad haha. I thought it was gonnna suck but i liked the firefly

  • N64 was what i grew up with, so it's always gonna be my fav. but I still want the wii

  • Re: Bolt!

    Papa Bear - - Films, TV and Books


    i watched this wit jess.. i think

  • Re: Disney's Tangled

    Papa Bear - - Films, TV and Books


    I'm excited.

  • Quote from gardenhead: “Drag Me To Hell The Grudge, The Ring (Original Japanese versions) The Human Centipede REC (the spanish movie franchise that was the basis for the American remake Quarantine-- which isn't as scary) If you want a zombie movie, try 28 Days Later. I think The Descent was a nice movie. Haven't seen the second one, but if what the above poster says is accurate then it would be even better.” HAHA I can't tell if that movie was meant to be funny or not but I laughed more in that …

  • even stevens and that's so raven were my shit

  • Re: Linkin Park

    Papa Bear - - Music


    Quote from TextilesGirl: “the album with jay z got me into them but i only really like stuff from then or before. they've changed a lot!” We've changed too that's why I like them.

  • Quote from dusk: “Sexy sexy-girl-tattoo-01.jpg” Her body is, not the tats. I don't think i'd date a girl all tatted up. A few are fine, but her whole body covered in tats is turn off for me

  • [I]"If your heart filled with faith then you can't fear. Wonder how I face years and I'm still chillin. Easy, let go and let GOD deal with it" [/I] I believe in God.

  • Kid cudi!!

    Papa Bear - - Music


    haha this is tight [ame='']YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

  • i'm with ensy, i didn't read the whole thing, but it's just the circle of life. like hunting, i know a lot of poeple who are against haunting, but they actually serve a good purpose, or else the animals will over populate. This is why theres hunting seasons.

  • Re: Linkin Park

    Papa Bear - - Music


    after this thread, i searched linkin park on youtube and this is one of the new songs that came up [ame='']YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame] I actually like it.

  • Re: Linkin Park

    Papa Bear - - Music


    Yea i used to be really into them before, but now i've kindda grown, and started liking different genres more, so the fact that they are straying from the nu-metal sound sounds good to me, cuz if they had stuck to the old stuff, it would've probably bored me. What i like about them is that not all of their songs sound the same. They try new stuff, and make new sounds for each one of their songs. it always sounds different. and their videos are always awesome ---------- Post added at 08:10 AM ---…