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  • Matching underwear.

    TaylerL - - Fashion


    Quote from BlackParadePixie: “I do buy some matching sets...but everything always gets mixed up in my drawers...or one part of the set is clean and the other is yeah I rarely actually wear matching sets together. ” exactly the same with me

  • Matching underwear.

    TaylerL - - Fashion


    Quote from Joelle2008: “I do feel sexier with a matching set so I do wear those if I have a date. Other than that I can't be bothered ” Same, I do feel sexier when they’re matched.

  • Matching underwear.

    TaylerL - - Fashion


    I have a few matching sets but they never seem to be clean at the same time, so usually my under-things are a mismatch. I hope no one who gets to see them minds too much.

  • Sex

    TaylerL - - Teen Sexuality


    I have done the horizontal mambo aka the dance with no pants

  • First/Last time you masturbated?

    TaylerL - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Lisa_Unicorn: “now ” So posts made by teenage girls must get you pretty hot and bothered, huh?

  • last night before I finally fell asleep,

  • What is everyone wearing right now?

    TaylerL - - Fashion


    Quote from Karifox: “Quote from TaylerL: “A short skirt and a looooooong jacket. If anyone knows this reference you get a cookie ” or a peice of cake? ” Damn. That was good. I should’ve thought of that. Well done

  • Red wine

  • If you consider yourself Bi...

    TaylerL - - Teen Sexuality


    I’m a lesbian and have had sex with both. I have to say though, just because you’ve been with or had an interest in both sexes in the past, does not mean you’re bisexual now. It’s all in what your preference is

  • Quote from Kara Zor-El: “Quote from TaylerL: “Quote from Kara Zor-El: “My parents suspect i do i think. idk I just know my mom made especially sure to sit me down and give me yet another talk!! ” Was this recently that you got another talk? About girl sex? ” yes!!! She wanted me to remember that just because i don't gotta worry about bc, girls can still give girls STDs ” oh yikes. I’m sorry you got another talk. Who does she think you’re sleeping with exactly, the cheerleading squad? Moms! Hehe …

  • Quote from Kara Zor-El: “My parents suspect i do i think. idk I just know my mom made especially sure to sit me down and give me yet another talk!! ” Was this recently that you got another talk? About girl sex?

  • What is everyone wearing right now?

    TaylerL - - Fashion


    A short skirt and a looooooong jacket. If anyone knows this reference you get a cookie

  • What is everyone wearing right now?

    TaylerL - - Fashion


    Quote from Anastasia T: “Quote from Aspen: “Quote from Anastasia T: “Tank top n undies in hospital ” You ok? ” some boys and girls beat me and stuff and I'm in the hospital ” What??? Omg Anastasia I am so sorry. That’s absolutely terrible. I wish there was something we could do. Gentle hugs and prayers for a full and fast recovery

  • I think my mom suspected that my ex boyfriend and I did and she definitely knows I’ve been with a girl.

  • Sleeping Naked

    TaylerL - - Puberty


    Quote from Kara Zor-El: “Quote from CayceStars: “Quote from Kara Zor-El: “my room is my sanctuary. I can do pretty much do whatever i want in there as long as its not illegal. If i can't be naked in my own room, then where can i be naked?? (Don't answer that, pervs! :P) ” I mean....there's always my room.... (sorry for the perv) ” in this case it stands for Please Enjoy Real Vagina (best i could come up with ) ” nothing beats real vagina. That fake vagina is for the birds. Lesbian birds

  • Sleeping Naked

    TaylerL - - Puberty


    Quote from Kara Zor-El: “Quote from TaylerL: “Quote from Pultost: “Quote from TaylerL: “Quote from Pultost: “Quote from Artemis Girl Ana: “Quote from Pultost: “I usually sleep naked on hot summer nights, and have done so for as far as I can remember. My parents couldn't care less, I think, as long as I wear something outside my room. ” Same here and I like it this way. ” Quote from TaylerL: “Quote from Pultost: “I usually sleep naked on hot summer nights, and have done so for as far as I can rem…

  • Sleeping Naked

    TaylerL - - Puberty


    Quote from Pultost: “Quote from TaylerL: “Quote from Pultost: “Quote from Artemis Girl Ana: “Quote from Pultost: “I usually sleep naked on hot summer nights, and have done so for as far as I can remember. My parents couldn't care less, I think, as long as I wear something outside my room. ” Same here and I like it this way. ” Quote from TaylerL: “Quote from Pultost: “I usually sleep naked on hot summer nights, and have done so for as far as I can remember. My parents couldn't care less, I think,…

  • Sleeping Naked

    TaylerL - - Puberty


    Quote from Pultost: “Quote from Artemis Girl Ana: “Quote from Pultost: “I usually sleep naked on hot summer nights, and have done so for as far as I can remember. My parents couldn't care less, I think, as long as I wear something outside my room. ” Same here and I like it this way. ” Quote from TaylerL: “Quote from Pultost: “I usually sleep naked on hot summer nights, and have done so for as far as I can remember. My parents couldn't care less, I think, as long as I wear something outside my ro…

  • I can sleep anywhere if I’m tired enough, so that wouldn’t work as a punishment. It’s kind of a stupid punishment anyway. Parents really deprive their children of a comfortable nights sleep as punishment? That’s just bizarre to me

  • Sleeping Naked

    TaylerL - - Puberty


    Quote from Pultost: “I usually sleep naked on hot summer nights, and have done so for as far as I can remember. My parents couldn't care less, I think, as long as I wear something outside my room. ” Same. My room is usually really warm in the summer so the less I have on at night the more comfortable I am