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  • Re: Weekend =D

    Emz_x0x - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    B]Have you ever slept on a couch with someone else? [/B]I think so When you trip, do you get embarrassed or just play it off? Both, but more play it off Do you think relationships are even worth it? Depends Have you ever shouted at random people from inside a moving car? No, but Steve does it all the time :rofl: Do you mean anything to the last person you held hands with? Idk Why were you last crying? I was drunk and life was gay Do you think blondes are stupid, honestly? No Where is your phone?…

  • Re: pshhhhhh

    Emz_x0x - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on their bed? Nope Do you still talk to the person you were dating 4 months ago? We weren't really dating, and yeah we kinda talk. Not very often though. Where EXACTLY were you when you entered 2009? Eamons - My local Would you ever date someone who was gorgeous but they had a conceited attitude? No What is the last non-alcoholic drink you had? Coke Have any recent regrets? Maybe Who is the first person you would call if you REALLY n…

  • Re: Cool Q&A

    Emz_x0x - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    What song[/COLOR]best describes you and why do you think that it describes you? Idk, a lot of songs hold a lot of personal feelings and mean a lot and could be describe my feelings at certain times of my life. Do you have a digital camera and if yes what type, and how often do you take photos? Nope Do you like climbing trees? Not anymore Could you just sit by the shoreline looking out on the ocean for an hour or more? I could, but id prefer to do it with someone What characteristic/s do you find…

  • Re: Retrace

    Emz_x0x - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    A N S W E R - T R U T H F U L L Y 1. Do you like anyone?: Yep 2. Do they know it? No 3. Simple or complicated? Complicated. IN - T H E - L A S T - M O N T H - H A V E - Y O U 4. Had sex: Yep 5. Bought something: Yes 6. Gotten sick?: Nope 7. Been hugged?: Yes 8. Felt stupid?: Yes 9. Talked to an ex: Yes 10. Missed someone: Yes 11. Failed a test: Nope 13. Danced: Yeah 14. Gotten your hair cut?: Nope 15. Lied: Yes U N I Q U E 16. Nervous habits?: Playing with my hair 17. Are you double jointed?: Ye…

  • Re: What Do You Have?

    Emz_x0x - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    What do you have: [x] Mother [x] Father [] Step-Father [] Step-Mother [] Step Sister [] Step Brother [x] Brother [] Brother In Law [] Sister [] Sister In Law [] Half sister [] Half brother [] Nephew [] Niece [x] Mobile phone [] Own bathroom [x] Own room [] Have/had a swimming pool [] Have/had a hot tub [x] Guest room [x] Living Room [x] Own computer [x] Own TV [x] Full size/Queen bed [x] More than 8 pairs of shoes [x] MP3 Player/iPod [x] PS2/3 [] Nintendo DS or PSP or 64 [] Gameboy/Advance [] Ga…

  • Re: Random

    Emz_x0x - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    1. Are you ready for 100 questions? Yeah i guess but there isnt 100 questions on this.... 2. Do you watch college football? Nope 3. Who will fill this survey out after you? Idk 4. Who was the last person to send you a text message? Derek 5. Do you love anyone? Not romantically 6. Are you happy? Getting better 7. Where was the last place you went shopping? Killarney's Deer Park 8. How do you feel about your hair? Its okay. 9. Where do you work? Nowhere 10. Last thing you ate/drank? Galaxy and Cok…

  • Officially single again

  • Re: Can Any1 Recommend Metal Bands

    Emz_x0x - - Music


    Down, Pantera, Black Label Society, Black Sabbath, Led Zep. All classic bands Not sure you could class some as metal but you should give them a listen.

  • Re: Advice on Cycling

    Emz_x0x - - Health and Fitness


    Im no expert on cycling soooo: Benefits Of Cycling - Cycling Health Benefits Hope it helped

  • Tbh, she obviously doesnt want to talk to you and i dont think its right for you to waste time on her. I know it might not be easy letting go of someone but i think it would be best to do in this situation. You've said your piece and you can leave this relationship knowing you tried to do the right thing. You cant win every battle!

  • Re: Really confused

    Emz_x0x - - LGBT


    Your only Bi if you feel/think you are. If i were you i wouldnt worry about putting labels on your sexuality. Your young and as Alex said, you may have conflicting sentiments about your sexuality, so dont feel the need to put a label on your sexuality.

  • Re: Getting a Tattoo?

    Emz_x0x - - Fashion


    I like it I have a small one on the small of my back and im bit worried about it when i get older.

  • 1. Where did you take your profile pic? Bebo - I didnt take it - At Lizzie's old house. 2. What exactly are you wearing right now? PJ's 3. What is your current problem? I might go orange 4. What makes you the happiest? Friends 5. What's the name of the song that you're listening to? Not listening to Music 6. Any celeb you would marry? Idk 7. Name someone with the same birthday as you? My Mam 8. Ever sang in front of a large audience? Nope. 9. Has anyone ever said you look like a celebrity? Nope …

  • I agree with trevor, communication is the key

  • Re: The Hangover

    Emz_x0x - - Films, TV and Books


    Its fucking hilarious :rofl: Really really good movie!

  • Re: Sexually best at?

    Emz_x0x - - Teen Sexuality


    All of it, obviously :p

  • Re: Asher Roth

    Emz_x0x - - Music


    Hmm, its ok.

  • Re: Sleep RAGE

    Emz_x0x - - General Advice


    I think that would be wise And if your exhausted now after two days, it wont be long until your body just shifts back to normal sleep patterns.

  • Isnt part of going out, that you need to be best friends and be able to tell each other everything and trust each other, which we do? All of these are very important parts of a relationship. But, they can be achieved after ye start going out. Some people prefer to be best friends first. Others find it too weird. All depends on the people involved! should i still be trying? I think you need to sit her down again and ask her one last time. If she wont give you a straight answer then i really dont …

  • Re: Sleep RAGE

    Emz_x0x - - General Advice


    You should try some remedies in the first post then. Or go to your local pharmacy or w/e to see what they can do for you. Or, you can take a hard hitting approach and when you wake up at 5am just stay awake, do as much activity in the day as you can, like totally wear yourself out and then by bedtime you'll be ready to drop and not wake up It probably isnt too healthy, but its something you can do without using anything medical to help you.