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  • Re: V necks

    xNerRadx - - Fashion


    As long as the V isn't big like Bazinga said. But V neck jumpers/sweaters, go with anything as long as you have a shirt underneath.

  • Re: Gay Rights and Gay Marriage

    xNerRadx - - LGBT


    Thanks man

  • Re: Guys, gays and underwear

    xNerRadx - - Fashion


    Quote from Mr. Lovely: “^^ That's hot.” :drool:Tell me about it...

  • Re: Guys, gays and underwear

    xNerRadx - - Fashion


    Lol uhhmmm no... But if they're comfortable for you then wear them. I like these: _S_1272845439798.jpg They have ones called Wolfman that I like more but I couldn't find a picture of those.

  • Re: Racist jokes.

    xNerRadx - - Debate and Discussions


    There are boundaries that need not to be crossed. There are funny ones but there are also offensive ones. Speaking of someone who endures A LOT of racist jokes I try to avoid them. Because usually they are thrown at me personally instead of in a general stereotypical way. Even if you don't mean to hurt someone with them and it's funny to you, they can still do damage. I mean seriously, can you imagine being from the middle east and someone always making jokes about you blowing things up? That wo…

  • It is unconstitutional. Giving other people the right to vote on other peoples marriage and happiness is just inhumane. What people do with their lives is no one else's business. If you don't like it, simply don't look.

  • Even if they take you to the station that's a huge inconvenience. they need to changed the law to at least .03. I think mouthwash gives you a BAC of .02

  • Re: Sb 1070

    xNerRadx - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from LLLCoke: “Kids whose parents bring them into the country illegally; the kids have no say in it.” i agree. i feel bad for the kids who are born into U.S. citizenship and their parents get deported. But the only people they can be mad at is their parents.

  • Re: Sb 1070

    xNerRadx - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from LLLCoke: “That's an interesting way of expressing yourself.. I personally think it's unfair to the kids and teens who were brought into the US with their parents.. they shouldn't have to suffer.” What do you mean?

  • What if someone just rinsed their mouth with Listerine?... But that's the only flaw I see.

  • Re: Immigrants

    xNerRadx - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from alfaspider06: “Why would America want to halt Mexicans from leaving the country? ” I guess it's becoming a bigger problem in some areas. Illegal immigration has always been a problem but I guess it's gotten worse.

  • Re: I wonder sometimes.

    xNerRadx - - LGBT


    Let's just put it this way: There's no such thing as gay/lesbian or straight. Sexuality is a spectrum and there is no obvious extreme.

  • A DINOSAUR!!! j/k. An Architect or Biotechnician. Science has always been my love but I'm in the Drafting program at my school so I figured I might as well pursue a career in it(well, close to it).

  • Re: Immigrants

    xNerRadx - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from gardenhead: “I'm against illegal immigration just because I actually had to to it legally. It costs a lot of time, money and resources just to get a visa and proper documentation. After that, you need more time to be a citizen as well. It's just unfair that some people can just waltz in here while some people actually go through the whole process, all the while having the nerve to demand the same kind of treatment and benefits that legal immigrants/citizens get. To those who say that …

  • Re: Immigrants

    xNerRadx - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Willardlol: “There'd be a lot of sexy Blaxicans like me ;D” And we'd still be treated like animals. But because we had people to fight for a better life, we got it.

  • Re: Immigrants

    xNerRadx - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from zapfox: “Oh my. This is a futile cause. Your opinions are simply too deep rooted, regardless of their validity. There are people who understand and empathize with those involved. Then, there are others who cannot or don't care to try. However, your core argument about non-citizens demanding rights they cannot have is sound, if only from a cold, purely legal standpoint. I guess I just have an easier time thinking: If I were a Mexican worker being forced out of my lifelong home by the e…

  • Re: Jersey Shore

    xNerRadx - - Films, TV and Books


    Snooki is the only funny one because she's stupid and little. Other than that, it's a pretty dumb show. I don't understand why they made a second season.

  • Quote from Zen: “Your next step is to deny that's what you were saying because you didn't say it word for word.” hmmm... I'm still missing the "dick" part... Any-who, I'm over it and I no longer care.:)

  • Re: Immigrants

    xNerRadx - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Zen: “To be blunt, you sound spoiled. What's the closest thing to their condition you've experience, dare I ask?” Thanks:D. And... none of your business.

  • Re: Immigrants

    xNerRadx - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Willardlol: “You say that as if having several foreigners immigrating into this country is a bad thing.” Nope, I just don't like how non-citizens are fighting for rights they don't have in this country. That even sounds stupid. If you don't like what we do here, stay in your country... Yesterday I on the news a whole bunch of kids with illegal parents came here to picket the practice of deporting their parents back to Mexico and keeping them (the kids here). I agree family shouldn't b…