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  • [B]There's a 35% Chance You'll Be Rich[/B] rich-4.jpg [B]Post it now![/B] facebook-40x40.jpg myspace-40x40.jpg twitter-40x40.jpg su-40x40.png [B]There's a 35% Chance You'll Be Rich[/B] No doubt about it, you really love money. You just love spending it more than making it. You have expensive tastes, and it takes a lot of dough to bankroll you. You'd love to be rich, but it's not going to happen unless you start saving some of your hard earned money. Try to sock away some funds for a rainy day. T…

  • Re: Cum.

    username #88 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from animallover:): “What does boys cum taste like? I'm just curious about it you know lol. Does it taste gross or can't you taste it......?” If you are in New York, I can provide you with free samples. But it does vary from person to person.

  • You Crave Adventure adventure.jpg Post it now! facebook-40x40.jpg myspace-40x40.jpg twitter-40x40.jpg su-40x40.png You Crave Adventure You don't need a lot to be happy, but the same old thing won't satisfy you. You need to get your blood pumping and your heart racing from time to time. You life for adventure. It's somewhat easy for you to get stuck in a rut, but luckily you are good at shaking things up! You can find thrills in even the most boring situations. It's all about perspective.

  • Re: 2012

    username #88 - - Debate and Discussions


    Nothing will happen. As a matter of fact, I will be having a bbq on December 22 2012. Every girl teenhutter is invited. Just remember, no condom users allowed. Tee Hee.

  • Quote from Tiink: “My partner and I have decided we are ready to get pregnant! I am so excited to start trying! This is going to be the best thing to ever happen to us!” How old are you? ---------- Post added at 11:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:37 PM ---------- You come to this forum with an attitude. Interesting. But here is what I foresee. I see, 22 years old. Well, you are no kid, that is for sure. But I guarantee you that you will be unhappy, lonely and divorced within 3 to 4 year…

  • Re: preparation

    username #88 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from ameera-creme: “why would you want to do that??????? Do you know how many germs that hairbrush could have, you could really give your self and infection. Technically if you break your hymen you just lost your virginity to a freaking hairbrush handle. If you are trying to avoid pain then this is a stupid way to do it. Everyone is different and why would you want to loosen yourself up. What if you get too loose and the boy's penis you are having sex with is not wide enough??? Then what, …

  • Quote from Fashion: “Somewhat, but not too much.” I agree.

  • Stay strong Pat. When life throws you a bag of lemons, grab the lemons and make some lemonade. Tootles. And remember, people are jerks sometimes.

  • Quote from Framedskye: “So my bf just dumped me... by text he has issues and i guess i can see why he did it but then why would he get in a relationship with me in the first place? and why didnt he have the guts to do it in person are all teenage boys stupid like this?:mad:” Answer to your question, YES, we are. But at least I grew out of my teen days. And to answer you why would he get in a relationship question......simple......did you have sex with him? If yes, then that is all he wanted. If …

  • Do you know anyone who�s been pregnant at a young age? Nah. Do you get Happy Meals if there is a cool toy? Not really. Toys these days suck ay McDonalds. What are you wearing right now? Blue navy boxers and t-shirt. Wanna see Fashion? Are you at school right now? Yeah, at 11:09PM on Sunday. Yup. I'm in school learning math. Are you on a Mac or PC right now? PC. Do you catch a bus regularly? No, cuz I drive. Have you ever liked someone who was taken? Hahaha! Yes and I had sex with them broads too…

  • Quote from JohnDoe: “I know there must be a ton of threads like this lol but I want to see you guys/girls first time. How was it? Did you get caught? Protection? (for ANTI CONDOM, thats a no I assume :rolleyes:)” Where was my first time? I've done it sooo many times that I do not remember. But I think it was at my house. Did I get caught? Nope. How was it? Damn wet, tight and juicy. NOTHING in this world can compare to a nice vagina. NOTHING! Protection? What do you mean? Condoms? Yeah......righ…

  • Quote from ~NJV~: “My friend just told me my ex-girlfriend cheated on me while we were together. She was told my by ex's best friend, so it might be true but I can't believe she would do something like that. Now we are broken up, but shes still upset about the break up and I dont know. I'm wondering how to approach her about it. She could just lie, but I dont think so since were broken up. I shouldnt be so annoyed about it but I am. Any help on how to approach my ex about this?” Why are you worr…

  • Quote from Otosaki: “I am in no way assuming that we're never going to break up. Love is easily broken and stuff, but I don't understand what this has to do with my problem. What you're saying is there's no such thing as love and no one should have sex. That solves nothing. Besides, even if we break up, wouldn't you want the time you spend together to be enjoyable? Just because I may not understand what love is, and I might not really "be in love" doesn't mean I should miss out on sharing someth…

  • Quote from Otosaki: “I'm 15 and I've been with my boyfriend for about 8 months now, and I don't mean to be a naive little girl and say that I love him, but I truly believe I do. We haven't so much as had a fight, and are really happy with each other. Hes 17, but I'm his first girlfriend and he is my first boyfriend, and we're been getting more and more close to the sex point all the time. I told him I might not be ready for a while and he respects that, but at the same time I want it myself. Is …

  • If this is real, provide us with evidence, such as a recording with you saying something and us being able to hear the background. Then, I will analyze this thoroughly. TOOTLES.

  • Quote from SE7EN: “6th July to be exact! :drool:” You pwn. :rofl: Can you tell me if I can jail break my Iphone 4?

  • You Should Never Date a Cancer cancer.jpg Post it now! facebook-40x40.jpg [URL='javascript:GetThis('You%20Should%20Never%20Date%20a%20Cancer','<center><img%20src=></center><p>Clingy,%20emotional,%20and%20very%20private%20-%20it\'s%20hard%20to%20escape%20a%20Cancer\'s%20clutches.<br%20/>And%20while%20Cancer%20will%20want%20to%20know%20everything%20about%20you,%20they\'re%20anything%20but%20open%20in%20r…

  • Quote from teenheartbeatingfaster: “he's never ever ever on facebook-so this shit needs to be face to face, AHH!” Don't analyze this too much. Another way I asked this broad once was I asked her friend that if I can have her friend's phone number. She said yes and I called her and we both basically asked eachother out. So don't over think this. There is no SUPER CUTE or PERFECT way to ask someone out.

  • Depends. If you are 30 and going out with a 13 year old.....something fishy there. But if you are 30 and going out with a 17 year old. I guess I can approve.

  • Then your best bet is to ask him for his facebook, if he has one. Or to just simply ask him out during work time. I've done it before. Just ask.