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  • So tired of summer..

    Manny - - Fashion


    Anyone can look good in a t shirt and shorts! Seriously. I bought all of these clothes for the first semester of college which I can not wait to wear, but I can't atm because it's too hot. I miss dressing to impress.

  • You Are Outrageous and Entertaining You're the type of person who has to be the center of attention. You love to have all eyes on you. You know how to work a crowd, and you are good at making other people laugh. You definitely get notices. You are playful when it suits you. You know how to get others to play with you. You prefer waters that are very dramatic. You can't deal with stillness!

  • Re: Rock Dying Out?

    Manny - - Music


    Quote from Awchrisdude: “I wouldn't say it's dying. I'd say it's changing. It's mostly like pop-rock now, and semi screamo. I honestly think more ppl listen to this type than hip-hop and stuff. At least around here.” This. I love pop-rock.

  • Re: Who is the Best Rapper Ever?

    Manny - - Music


    Eminem. 2pac is second. Third? Extremely hard to say.

  • I like this topic because it makes me think .. a lot. :p On one side, I could say that people were born gay. If this is true, why is there a lower % of gays than non gays? It's possible that it is a gene passed on by former generations, and that homosexuality is on the rise. However, homosexuality has been around for ages, all the way back to the Romans, and even before then. On the other side, I could say that people develop being gay. If this is true, how do they develop being gay? Again, gays…

  • Re: World of Warcraft

    Manny - - Video Games


    I played during classic and burning crusade and quit a month after wrath came out. Sometimes I miss it, but most of the time I wish I never picked it up.

  • Re: Politics

    Manny - - Debate and Discussions


    You sound like a social libertarian to me, Chris.

  • Expected: Face (*), Neck, Back, Genital Region (Usually trimmed, however) Not expected: Legs, Arms, Arm Pits Debatable: Chest, Anal Region * = Depends on guy.

  • Re: Politics

    Manny - - Debate and Discussions


    Fiscally conservative and socially liberal. Pretty much a Libertarian.

  • Quote from xNerRadx: “Uhhh YEAH! Your sig proves my point. It seems as if your life and passion is weed. ---------- Post added at 08:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:41 AM ---------- Gay marriage and weed are two different things.” They are. However, the principle being discussed is not.

  • NerRad, how can you be so pro gay marriage, but be so anti pot? What happened to having people mind their own business? It doesn't matter in this case, but it does in that one?

  • Quote from Christopher: “Although my opinion on the subject is fairly well known on here, I'll reiterate by saying that I believe marijuana can be safely taxed and regulate. Safely meaning the world isn't going to fall apart. Of course you're going to have your abusers, but we don't impose silly laws on the many alcohol consumers out there because of the negative behaviors of alcoholics.” I couldn't have said it any better myself.

  • Re: Piranha 3D

    Manny - - Films, TV and Books


    Ving Rhames with a shotgun shooting piranhas. It was awesome.

  • Piranha 3D

    Manny - - Films, TV and Books


    I thought this movie was going to be terrible from the commercials, but I ended up seeing it. Holy .. Shit. It was very good, and I'm really picky with movies. It was 90 minutes full of INTENSE gore and suspense, soft-core porn, and laughs. Go see it. Now. The genres are a little different, but I thought this movie equals Zombieland in entertainment value, maybe more.

  • ou Have a Punk Soul Even if you don't look particularly punk, deep down you're a rebel. You stay true to your values, and you refuse to sell out. Your taste tends to be unique and indie. You never follow the mainstream. You have a few political causes you feel strongly about, but you prefer to work outside the system.

  • Quote from Not another teen: “ About the laziness comment; I beg to differ. I smoke/smoked everyday for the last 4 years; I'm on the Varsity Football AND Hockey team at my school. I'm quite good at it, too. I think it's on the person, and their personality. If anything. :]” Haha oh, don't get me wrong. It definitely comes on a person by person basis, like alcohol can.

  • As a former pothead, I believe marijuana is a dangerous drug that can lead to weight gain, laziness, loss of brain cells, loss of determination, and etc. based on amount of usage. However, I think it should be legalized because: 1.) We can tax it and make a killing. 2.) Alcohol is more dangerous, yet it is legal and marijuana is not. 3.) Just because it's legal doesn't mean everything is going to do it. If anything, it will slowly over time become a social taboo like cigarettes. Marijuana isn't …

  • Re: Post What color shirt you are wearing

    Manny - - Fashion


    Yellow This shirt: 1195_3166_767_f

  • My mom: Yelling and at times hit me. My dad: Extreme yelling, made us write sentences hundreds of times, and then later on he just constantly ignored me. That was nice.

  • What do you think of it? -- My personal opinion is that it is. While 9/11 was a devastating travesty, I do believe that it's getting old. It's getting to the point where whenever I hear the word terrorism or 9/11, I almost roll my eyes. It's almost as if it's a scare tactic, which I don't like at all.