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  • Re: stripping hair of black dye

    kirakitten - - Fashion


    thanks well i went to a hairdresser to ask what they could do and they said they would have to strip my hair and bleach it back to blonde cause apparently you can lighten naturally black hair without bleaching it but dyed black hair is different i shall go to a few other hairdressers and see though

  • stripping hair of black dye

    kirakitten - - Fashion


    Naturally i have light brown hair, but for some reason like 2 years ago i decided to dye it black. Now i can't get the black out, and i have to keep dying it cause the regrowth looks really crappy. i want to dye my hair a lighter brown colour, but i can't cause i just cant seem to lighten the black does anyone know if theres a way to lighten your hair without stripping it? cause the hair dresser told me this would be very bad for my hair. thanks

  • oli sykes hair is disgusting in real life, its all greasy and frizzy and gross and he's ears stick out.i was expecting it to look good but noooo. don't aspire to him he's seriously lame but i think your hair would look good darker

  • i had that when i got glandular fever -_- the doctor had to check mine and he was like full putting his hands in my underwear and shit haha and the ones in my throat swelled too have you been sick latley? like a cold or sore throat or something mine went away after 20 days of antibiotics

  • Re: Anal sex....

    kirakitten - - Teen Sexuality


    haha ive always been to scared because my friend told me he tried with his girlfriend and she ended up shitting all over his bed -_-

  • my little sisters used to have a crush on yugioh like, they all thought they could marry him when they grew up, and started fighting with each other about who he would like best and they thought their last names would become "oh" so they started writing it everywhere and they wrote "lucindaoh" "nancyoh" and "dolceoh" all over the wall in the lounge it was seriously wierd

  • i REALLY want to see nevershoutnever but he won't come to australia D:

  • you can't just decided to become an anorexic its a serious illness, and the victims don't choose or want to get it.. you should read a book called bronte's story pretty sure that'll change your mind.

  • Re: Q:Can I Fix My Split Ends

    kirakitten - - Fashion


    [/COLOR]Welcome to Delorenzo ^^^^^^^^ click it is seriously like, the best stuff EVER if you use it everyday after a while your ends actually get stronger and dont look as bad and its not even expensive everyone should buy it

  • Re: death

    kirakitten - - General Advice


    i've experienced this early this year i got a phone call telling me my bestfriend had died, and i didn't ever cry i just sat there in disbelief and then kinda walked around like a zombie for a few weeks then i was organizing my room and i came across a photo of me and him and it hit me and i cried and cried for days so, the emotions will probably hit you one day when you don't expect them too. it's completely normal to not want to aknowledge grief

  • my male friends watch porn together all the time once my whole group was sleeping at my house and the boys started looking up porn on my computer together -_- then went outside and started jumping off the roof into the pool naked haha

  • It hurt for me because i was young and wasn't ready. But it's an individual thing. You can't guess what your first time is going to be like based on other people's first times.

  • I'm 15 and I don't see a problem with it. Not random sex though.. I've only ever had it with a boyfriend or boy im seeing/dating.. each to their own though

  • i usually don't respond to texts if they send them too often, or send the same pointless "hey babe what you doing?" every minute or if the conversations going no where and it a waste of credit ie. "hey. whats doing?" "not much, you" "not much..boredm thought i'd text you" *stops replying* or, im just not interested and want you to stop texting if im busy/have no credit i tell them next time i see them or whatever

  • parkway drive, antagonist, house vs hurricane, i killed the prom queen, bring me the horizon, all time low, a day to remember, confessions, deez nuts, fall out boy, the getaway plan, kings of leon, the red shore, mayday parade, metro station, panic at the disco, the red jumpsuit apparatus, suicide silence, a rocket to the moon, underoath, 50 lions... heaps more but i cant remember haha ive also seen kanye west, chris brown, rihanna and pussy cat dolls soon wooohooo

  • aw. maybe you mis-read the signals? or maybe she does have feelings for you, but has stronger ones for her boyfriend and doesn't want to hurt him but i don't think you should say anything to her at the moment.. i mean, if she wanted to be with you, or if she liked you, she probably would of broken up with him or said something to you by now. i think wait till she breaks up with him, then tell her. otherwise, don't risk the friendship.. unless you think it's truley worth it.

  • my ex once told me he was too busy with school and such for a girlfriend and didn't think he felt the same about me i was like oh -_- fair enough then. but was completley shattered. anyways turned out he actually broke up with me because he had been cheating on me with some skank and wanted to try and make something work with her! then she moved on and he came crawling back to me. in your dreams buddy. anyways, maybe this hair-touching guy and her have got something going on ? although it doesn'…

  • Re: I need some help.

    kirakitten - - General Advice


    haha aw your cute. just tell her silly! do it in a nice way though. when she said "because i know you like someone else you said!" you should of said, "i was talking about you." or something haha. awww

  • hahahah. this has to be a joke. i learned a new word "troll" your a troll! troll troll troll troll! and if its real, then obviously your not straight. no matter how many times you want to tell yourself that. girls dont have sex with other girls if theres no attraction? your the same person as that "am i slut?" girl arnt you? haha, well i really dont like you, your an idiot. why do you post all this crap on here? asking randoms if your a stupid can you get? what if a majority of peop…

  • zac efron or rob pattinson. ooorrrrrr chuck bass the actual character chuck bass not the actor. orrrrrr chris brown, before his abusive stage anyway.