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  • Quote from Anonymous1: “when did I ever say I was christian? I'm Muslim and i'll always be no matter what anddd i dont think homosexuals should be killed, but i think they should be cured/given chance to go heterosexual.” I thought you were Christian Because Neal said you were in a previous post. You're a master at contradicting yourself that's for sure. 5 Minutes ago, You just said homosexuals should be killed Quote: “"homosexuality is a crime and its punished by the law in all arabic and islam…

  • If you're in love, Who cares?

  • Quote from sophz: “Hello. I have posted here b4 about other guys but i am not a slut okay?. this is a guy whom i have known for about half a term (at sixth form). i quite like him......okay a lot like him but i no he likes another girl but she turned him down. also my mate told him i like him but he didnt seem to really care all he sed was "thought so". Callin out to all.........What does this mean??? Is it worth letting my mind ponder over possibilities or is it as dead as a dodo??” Unfortunate…

  • Quote from Anonymous1: “homosexuality is a crime and its punished by the law in all arabic and islamic countries, explain this, why would they be exectuted if they were born that way? are you calling all arabic and islamic countries stupid?” You think homosexual people should be killed ? This is why i said there is a line between opinion and ignorance. And i thought you were Christian? Make your mind up! And i don't think anyone called Arabic and Islamic countries stupid. "why would they be exec…

  • Quote from Life: “sadly no:cries:. But i know that she sometimes talks to some guy whos my friend but she dosent do it when her cousin is there. Sometimes when she walks by me she stares down and try not to look at me i dont know why.” Are you allowed to be friends with her? If you are "friends" with her, You can get to know her, and to see if you actually like her, and not just the looks. If you get to know her well, And she gets to know you better, Something may happen. Good luck, Adam!

  • PS3, Online is better because you don't have to pay any extras.

  • Quote from Anonymous1: “this is the debate forum, he has the right to express his opinion in any way he wants” Within the rules of Teenhut, Yes he does.

  • Quote from betty2692: “Well, I like this boy..who has a girlfriend, but I dont think it will last. But still I am not going to flirt or pursue him. I really like him tho. I was just wondering what do you guys think about this? Should someone pursue their relationship with them even hto they are taken? Personally, I say no. But you know..” Nope. You have no right to.

  • First of all, I'm sorry to see someone as nice as you; who as gone through so much pain. :hug: x 1000 I am very impressed how you have coped with all this , You have done VERY well =] And i wouldn't worry about boyfriend issues, A guy like you will find someone truly special. I haven't gone through nearly as much pain as you, But i have had a pretty "fucked up" childhood as well, So i know how well you've done to "carry on" and have a positive out-look on life I hope you get support leader, I th…

  • Quote from Paralytic: “I don't have a personal grudge against you. And it was out of line because you really can't just tell people to stop posting. He has an opinion, and yeah, most people don't agree with it. ” I agree, But there is a line between an opinion, and ignorance.

  • Haven't really had any strange masturbation locations, But i guess a Tent was probably the strangest.

  • Nothing wrong with it.. It's "Group Masturbation" Guys do it together all the time; it's not at all weird. (Doesn't mean they have attractions towards the other guys either).

  • Quote from Paralytic: “And as for that last sentence, I think that was out of line.” And how is this? He's been referring homosexuality as a "disease", Calling homosexuals and people with HIV "sick", And I AM OUT OF LINE? I know you have a personal grudge against me now, But please don't argue with me. (I can't be arsed)

  • Quote from Rebecca17: “What's the strangest fetish or sexual thing you've ever heard of?” -Necrophilia/thanatophilia (Attraction to corpses) -Bestality (Turned on by animals) -Emetophillia (Getting turned on by people vomiting) -Teratophilia (Attracted by people who are "deformed", "monstrous". -Furry Fandom (Where people get aroused by watching people dressing up as anthropomorphic animals) - Urolagnia (aroused by people watching people Excreting or Urinating)

  • Quote from Paralytic: “Uh, how was that off topic. ” 1. I said a "bit off topic". 2. This is a debate on "Is homosexuality a Disease". NOT: "Do you like gay people"; it's only going to start more conflict. Quote from Most Vicious Pitbull: “I'm not the scientist. I support the scientists to find the cure for homosexuality.” Scientists wont find a "cure" for homosexuality, The only way of changing someone sexual orientation is to genetically modify them before Birth, And this isn't a cure; it's a …

  • The flag is a symbol of that country; It normally has a deep meaning relating to that country. Pissing on a flag, Is like pissing on their country, This is why they find it offensive.

  • Not recommended. Long term effects - Dental problems - Memory span greatly reduces - Concentration span reduces - Possible psychological problems requiring hospitalization, such as: Frequent panic attacks. - Liver Toxicity - Could lead to death. (2 in 50,000) There is the facts, You decide.

  • Congratulations Dumbfox, I'm glad that went well for you. Good luck telling others =] My "coming out story" went a bit shit. The outcome was Isolation from most of my family.

  • Quote from Most Vicious Pitbull: “I treat them the same as any other sick individual. I would not treat an HIV person different, because of their disease. Or a cancer person going through chemotherapy. Etc Etc” Are you calling people with HIV/Cancer/homosexuality "sick"? How the fuck does that make them sick? What if you were homosexual. Would you class it as "sick" then? Would you want "help" from immature individuals on the internet/? Just think about it and stop posting shit!