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  • Re: Politics

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from DeaExMachina: “In sum: an authoritarian who wants strict monetary control and immense personal social freedoms.” Contradiction, no?

  • Re: A levels

    Esmo - - Education & Jobs


    Drama A History A General Studies A French B Chemistry B That was enough to get me into my insurance, Edinburgh, which strangely enough doesn't bother me at all. What is galling is my Chemistry result, which is the combination of As, a high B and a bizarre E that I just don't understand.

  • I believe that it is overplayed, that 9/11 shouldn't be forgotten and that 'keeping an eye on it' is not the right way to go about dealing with it. So I couldn't really choose any of the poll options. I think I have more to say on this topic, but I'll come back tomorrow when it's not bedtime.

  • Re: Decriminalising drug use

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    It's not just a case of letting people do things to themselves if they want to because we're liberal-and-all-that. What about the families of drug users? Quote from DamnImGood: “Are there seriously people who smoked for 40 years and don't develop some kind of cancer?” Oh yes. Carcinogens cause cancer, but they don't have a 100% success rate.

  • If I remember rightly, Kinsey argued that very few people come up as 0 or 6 on the scale. I'd put myself at 1. ---------- Post added at 10:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:45 PM ---------- Quote from Christopher: “First a few things. First and foremost. Homosexuality and bisexuality are NOT mental disorders. They haven't been disorders since the 70's. Doctors, shrinks, and psychiatrists have brightened up, and have realized that they shouldn't be classified as such. If you think they are…

  • Re: Politics

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from dannym2326: “I'm a Liberal Left radical non capitalist” Please tell me what you mean by this. I'm socially liberal and apathetic/ignorant/moderate on economics, depending on the detail and subject matter of what we're talking about.

  • Okay. This is a really messy thread. So I'm going to lock it and put everything in threads pertaining to their subject matter. woodspirit, could you avoid jamming several topics into one thread next time, please? ---------- Post added at 10:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:25 PM ---------- Actually, I've only made a space travel thread as the mosque is covered by an existing thread and the other two haven't attracted much lasting attention.

  • Quote from dannym2326: “Continental Europeans such as Spain, France, Germany and Italy do, but we Brits are sworn blood brothers of the USA” Are we talking about the people or the governments? Because I would say the answer isn't as clear cut. Quote from dannym2326: “we're like the 51st state in many respects.” That was fashionable to say back in the Bush era, but again, it's really not that clear cut nor so extreme. ---------- Post added at 09:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:36 PM ----…

  • Re: Euthanasia

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    If we think it's cruel to refuse euthanasia to a pet in pain, how much more so for a human?

  • Re: I can't choose!

    Esmo - - Education & Jobs


    My advice would be do what you love regardless of the pay, but then money means a lot more to others than it does to me. Whilst politics is very tempting (I find it so) you have to remember that it is a very dirty game and, of the choices you've gone for, probably the most sacrificing in terms of privacy and living a 'normal' life, which is something else you need to think about.

  • Hmm... It seems I've lost one of my Atari controllers and my Atari won't work...

  • Re: Microsoft, Nintendo, or Sony?

    Esmo - - Video Games


    Quote from JohnDoe: “Shovelware = crap games.” *Shrug*, a matter of opinion.

  • Re: Iran

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from BlockHead2111: “Exactly, what else are you meant to go by? Unless you go in and find nukes, you're looking at a potential losing situation either way. If you leave it, you risk millions of innocent lives. If you go in and there turns out to be none, then you're looking at another Iraq.” Whose lives are at risk? Quote from BlockHead2111: “There would be an end, if the Afghans would help themselves by commiting fully. I'm all for helping those that are in need, but you can only help tho…

  • Quote from BlockHead2111: “I'll use Iran rather than NK as the example here. Threatening to wipe Israel off the map? Whether you think the US is some international bully or not, I see that as a reason NOT to let these countries have them. The UK has them. So do France. You don't see either making war threats, nor the US either actually, that's the main difference. And, to the US' credit, illegal though it was the Iraq invasion saw no nukes, and neither has Afghan, so you can't go saying they're …

  • Re: Porn Addiction

    Esmo - - General Advice


    I don't think you should 'slowly wean yourself off'. You'll end up dragging out the weaning process as long as possible and justifying it to yourself to such an extent that you'll never get off. My advice would be to go cold turkey and get off the Internet, or maybe to ration your Internet usage to when parents are around.

  • Re: Iran

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from BlockHead2111: “The main difference between invading Iran, and the Iraq war is the fact that this one would be legal. Iran are hardly a nation to trust with nuclear weapons, and their attitude to each new set of sanctions says to me that they are in fact developing them. If they really were enriching uranium for peaceful purposes, they would have abided by the sanctions and tried to talk it out with the UN, rather than the current way of dealing with them (ignoring them), and making i…

  • I just wash. And Lynx is awful.

  • Re: is chocolate vegetarian?

    Esmo - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from dusk: “does chocolate generally taste like meat to you?” Haribo doesn't taste of meat but it's not suitable for vegetarians.

  • Iran

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    Iran 'digging mass graves for US troops' in case of invasion | World news | Reading that article today is probably the first time I've had a sudden pang of genuine disconcertion about what is happening between Iran and other countries. The idea that the USA might possibly think of leading a third war into the Middle East, after seeing what's happened to Iraq and Afghanistan, and the grim preparation that Iran seems to be showing for for such an event is almost terrifying, to be ho…

  • Girls are attracted to whomsoever girls are attracted to. There's no formula for half of the world's individuals.