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  • Re: Im fed up.

    Jelena - - General Advice


    Quote from tanzy: “I agree with other members :)” So do I. Booker, you are not the only one feeling like that. So, try to communicate with those people who happen to be in the same situation. Oh, this just occurred on my mind, but have you ever thought that you are so unpopular, as you say, because you're actually,like, pushing people from yourself? And how can't you find anyone with the same interests as yours? There are probably lots of people who are just waiting for someone like you. Well, I…

  • I agree with Adventurex. Talk to those people. They will probably realize how hard it is for you to get over the whole thing. I think they'll try to find the best way to help you because, after all, you feel so bad because of the thing you've done to them,which means that they are important to you.Tell me if I'm wrong. And if that doesn't work(although I'm sure it'll work), try not to think so much about it. There's nothing else you can do. You have already apologized, and that is totally enough…

  • Pads....

  • Quote from methsnax: “I think everybody missed the point. Talk to him in person.” Yeah, that's right.

  • Re: should i shave off my eyebrows?

    Jelena - - Fashion


    A agree with you, it looks disgusting on some people.

  • Is it ok.....

    Jelena - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    to be with your best friend's ex if their relationship lasted for 17 hours(he was drunk when they hooked up)? Because most of the girls here think it is a no-no to be with your best friend's ex boyfriend...So, what do you think?

  • 18 here in Serbia

  • He probably likes you. :wink:

  • Quote from methsnax: “Both. If they aren't attractive most likely you won't bother even talking to that person, but if it turns out looks are all they have then a good roll in the sack is all you'll get from it.” True, true.

  • Ugh, how often do you see him?

  • Ask the girl that you like to go out and if she refuses you, go and ask the second girl(the one that you don't like) to go out. Just kidding. I think you should set it straight to her. But how do you know she is going to ask you?

  • Quote from methsnax: “Lucy wins. Notes are just gay anyway and you are really being a shit to current boyfriend on this. So hopefully he find out and slaps the shit outta. Cheers!” Lol. I didn't understand the whole story because it was really hard to read what you typed. :eek: :cool: Anyway, I think you should find the way to give him the note without asking your friend to do it for you. Especially if you think that you don't trust her completely.

  • You Are 50% Homophobic gay.jpg You're definitely somewhat homophobic. You don't feel comfortable around gay people. Stop living in the 20th century - and get yourself some gay friends. Are You Homophobic? Blogthings - Are You Homophobic?

  • Your Seduction Style: Prized Object prized-object.jpg The seduction game you play is tried, true, and still effective: hard to get. You know that the best seducers turn the tables - and get their crush to seduce them. The one running has the power, and you're a challenge that is worth the chase. You are a master of enticing and pulling back. Giving a little and taking some away. You are controlled enough to know rewards come after a long seduction dance. Even though you want to call, email, or s…

  • Re: Are you fake?

    Jelena - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    You Are 29% Fake fake-2.jpg The real you is something you embrace and don't mind enhancing. You know that a few beauty secrets aren't a big deal, as long as you look good. Are You A Fake Girl? Blogthings - Are You A Fake Girl?

  • You Are 72% Sexy sexy-4.jpg Your Sex Appeal Is: Extremely High You're very sexy. You just have that certain something that takes over a room. You know how to attract, entice, and keep whoever you want. You are truly appealing. How Much Sex Appeal Do You Have? Blogthings - How Much Sex Appeal Do You Have?

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Jelena - - Teen Sexuality



  • Symptom

  • You Passed 8th Grade Geography pass.jpg Congratulations, you got 7/10 correct! Could You Pass 8th Grade Geography? Blogthings - Could You Pass 8th Grade Geography?

  • You Are Avril Lavigne! avril.jpg A bit hardcore on the outside... But sweet and sensitive on the inside. "It's a damn cold night Trying to figure out this life" Who's Your Inner Rock Chick? Blogthings - Who's Your Inner Rock Chick?