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  • I can't understand why there are so many posts here saying "you can like what you want, if it feels right then it is right". Maybe they didn't read the original post, which purpose was to ask how to change the situation, which the OP says is interfering with their life and they want to change it. And wanting to use force to act on child/amputee fetishes? Clearly the OP wants advice and help, not us saying it's all right while their problem still remains. I suggest searching the internet for some…

  • yea, coming out of the closet can change people's lives completely, and whether or not you think it's a good idea, let them stay in if they want. There are legitimate reasons for staying in the closet. It's hiding feelings, but everyone hides their feelings in some way. Let him choose who he wants to come out to.

  • Re: Am i Bi?

    runner - - LGBT


    note to everyone asking for advice: it helps the rest of us understand your situation A LOT better when you give us your gender. Thanks

  • Quote from Dr.Carter: “So, let me follow your logic here; unshaved legs and nasty teeth are attractive too because they are "natural"? No thank you. Probably because half of them you see are from laying under a UV light for extended periods of time, and not working in the fields like you think we should be doing.” shaved legs make women look younger. women reproduce relatively early in life, then lose the ability. men however can reproduce at an older age, thus leg hair on men is not necessarily…

  • Re: Am I gay?

    runner - - Teen Sexuality


    it's ok, all guys experiment with basketball when they are that age. as for your dick getting hard, i'd get that checked.

  • in response to the posts that say that tanned skin is attractive because of media portrayal, I don't think that's true. Tanned skin is attractive because it is natural, just like muscular guys are more natural. In a natural state, humans live outdoors their entire lives and must work for their food and everything else. Right now a fit and tan body is generally seen as unnatural and superficial, when really it is the opposite. Someone who wants to look that way is trying to undue the unnatural th…

  • Re: Im coming out.

    runner - - Gay


    Quote from RyanGonzalez: “Lol @ runner.. Actually. No. Also, I forgot to add these, some people make the same sex gay for them. I've seen it on 30 Rock so it has to be true Not but seriously, i've made some guys gay [and some girls too! (just kidding :P)], but they're not gay, they just got a singular crush on me. Or, they just like me alot. Not gay, not crush.” could you elaborate on what was funny about it and what you mean by actually. no.? in the meantime, im going to bed, splitting hairs ma…

  • Re: Im coming out.

    runner - - Gay


    uh whats the difference between liking and having a crush? Also, there is a theory that when children envy other guys/girls a ton, the envy turns into sexual desire as time goes on, making them gay or bi, depending how much they envied. This would probably happen before puberty. Anyone agree/disagree?

  • Re: Im coming out.

    runner - - Gay


    Quote from CStark94: “Its called a "man crush" Have u ever heard of it? It means u admire a guy for something, but not in a gay way, and u can even think he's attractive. I have a man crush on Ryan bc i think he's alot like me, and he has style too. Total stud.” if you actually have feelings for him, that's not a straight thing. if you just admire him then it is. A crush means you have feelings for him, so which is true?

  • Re: Im coming out.

    runner - - Gay


    Quote from CStark94: “yah exactly. Like i kno that Ryan is hot as hell, but im not bi. i jus kno if guys r hot or not” no, you said that you crush on guys. Straight guys can tell if other guys are hot, but don't get feelings of attraction, aka crushes. But I guess if you like girls too then its not really important. I was in denial for years but it didn't work for me because I didn't like girls as well.

  • Re: The why of bi

    runner - - LGBT


    I think that is what the majority of bi's do. They just focus on the opposite sex, don't tell anyone, and it works out fine. I think many if not most straight (and gay) people are actually some degree of bisexual, but the degree is small enough that it is easier to just ignore it. People may choose to live a bi lifestyle because they prefer the same sex over the opposite sex, so both have their advantages, or they meet people of both genders who they want relationships with, or they live in a ve…

  • Hey TeenHut! Heifer International is an organization that gives animals to areas of the world that are in hunger and poverty. These gifts can grow and spread until they feed and sustain an entire village. I'm a young composer who aspires to score movies one day. I thought this would be a great way to get experience as well as raise money for Heifer International. If you donate five dollars on my page, I will write you a personalized piece of music. You can give me specifics like what instruments…

  • Re: Any gay scout?

    runner - - Gay


    but they allow female scout leaders. I know because I've had them.

  • yea the way the poll is worded it sounds like both options are the same situation, as opposed to becoming bi.

  • when people deny and are even offended by the idea that homosexuality is a disorder. These are people who think they are helping the gay cause by having opinions that they think sound good but haven't really thought about. The most important instinct next to survival is reproduction. A complete reversal of that instinct which makes it biologically useless is clearly a disorder. No I'm not saying gays are bad, that is like saying anyone with a mental disorder is bad. And by denying that it is a d…

  • Quote from EasyCash: “I'm a lifegaurd so i felt really insecure during the summer before i worked out to get abs. I think muscles are more for the guy than for a girl.” lol I think this conversation about girls having muscles started on accident from this post. I think he meant that muscles are more for the guy's security than for the girl's attraction to him. maybe.

  • Re: Should I tell him?

    runner - - LGBT


    my best friend, and several other friends for that matter, found out I was gay and eventually realized that I liked them. Some thought it was weird at first, but they are all still just as good friends with me. The fact that you've been living with him so long means he will probably not care too much. Oh, and he's a musician, which means even though that makes him more likely to be gay, he may still be straight, but will likely be used to and comfortable with being around gay guys. It's a genera…

  • Re: you know whats ironic?

    runner - - LGBT


    it must be the way you go about finding these "straight" guys that will try stuff. and about that... HOW? TELL ME HOW!! lol how do you go about finding them or getting them to experiment? I guess I've done it once, but that case was too easy.

  • Re: Any gay scout?

    runner - - Gay


    i'm gay and was in scouts. It didn't matter and I had a lot of fun regardless. I think the rule is just so parents won't be afraid of their child getting molested. Those parents would rather just believe that the BSA can actually find out a 6th grader's sexuality, and that they can prevent gays from joining boy scouts. BSA will do pretty much anything to boost its falling numbers. They don't actually want to find the gays and kick them out, they just want parents to keep their kids in the progra…

  • Re: Is anyone against porn ?

    runner - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Athanatos: “Me too, but how about a vid with ordinary people? =o” that too.