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  • Either side.

  • Gift for male friend

    xols - - Friends and Family


    Sure, why not. Is there some significance to it, other than the concept of yin and yang?

  • Movie cliches

    xols - - Films, TV and Books


    In scenes where a car is chasing a person on foot, the person on foot always runs down the middle of the road, rather than going on the sidewalk, protected by parked cars.

  • Movie cliches

    xols - - Films, TV and Books


    Quote from Pultost: “Love-making in a movie is always perfect, never awkward, and they both know what they're doing. ” Except for "Network" (famous for "I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore") where the woman attacks the man's 'cocksmanship.' He deftly throws it back at her.

  • Quote from Kara Zor-El: “Quote from TaylerL: “this whole thread is filled with people who were banned from VT. That should tell you something, along with the avatar of the girl whose nipples are so hard I almost lost an eye scrolling down. Yeah I’m sure she’s legit. ” it's the All Star Team! ” At least it's not "the A team," for those thusly obsessed. geesh

  • Languages

    xols - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Quote from joannainthemiddle: “I speak English because I'm English. I speak a bit of French but I wish I could speak it better. I heard about Eperanto a language for everyone to speak but I don't really see the point of it because so many people can speak English. ” I think the concept of Esperanto is interesting, but I don't intend to learn it.

  • Seatbelt

    xols - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Yes, always when I'm in a car. Never on my bicycle or in a boat.

  • I"m still waiting for my first. I wear a one-piece, just trunks.

  • Quote from naturelover-VT: “Quote from Alexiswinter: “Is it better than a real dildo? I have access to those now. ” no, but it's a change. and not noticeable if you have it lying around in your room (of course without a condom around) ” Just don't hide it in your dresser drawer and forget about it. I would think pickling cukes, with their bumps all over, would be particularly pleasant....hmmm

  • Nipples

    xols - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Kara Zor-El: “Quote from xols: “Quote from Kara Zor-El: “whoa! 9 year bump!! Another something in common with VT Oh and green.......... No, not really. They are pink. And yea, guys (and girls ) don't care i am sure. Silly question. . ” Why would you reply to a nine year old 'silly' question????/ ” i never claimed i wasn't a silly person. ” Indeed. I'm sure there are many such adjectives.

  • Quote from TaylerL: “Quote from xols: “Quote from TaylerL: “Quote from xols: “Quote from Pultost: “My bonus mom forgot to knock before entering one time a while back, and saw something she cannot unsee. It wasn't fun, obviously, but it wasn't the end of the world either. ” What'd she see???? ” A unicorn. What do you think she saw? ” How surprised her mom must've been to see a unicorn. You're referring to the third person in a threesome, right? ” where do you think the horn comes into play? Ha ” …

  • Quote from naturelover-VT: “Quote from eivor: “…0ede2d2fb7ff42196d42e3d84 ” I like bananas too ” bananas are a berry (that's it for taxonomy for today)

  • First Bra.

    xols - - Fashion


    Quote from Barbra: “Quote from SouthernDude: “Believe it or not, I've never had a bra. Nor have I ever needed one. Prolly cuz I'm a guy ” I would love to see you in a bra lol. ” kinky

  • Nipples

    xols - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Pultost: “Quote from princessgirl11: “mine are pink. ” Hey, please don't bump threads this old. A couple of months is okay, but this is a bit much. ” Quote from Pultost: “Quote from princessgirl11: “im sorry I didn't know ” No harm done, I did the same mistake when I was new in a different forum. xD Just keep it in mind. ” Keep in mind this is not that "different forum" and no such rule exists on this forum.

  • Nipples

    xols - - Teen Sexuality


    (Almost) everyone's nipples are the same shade as their lips (on their face).

  • Nipples

    xols - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Kara Zor-El: “whoa! 9 year bump!! Another something in common with VT Oh and green.......... No, not really. They are pink. And yea, guys (and girls ) don't care i am sure. Silly question. . ” Why would you reply to a nine year old 'silly' question????/

  • Quote from CayceStars: “slapping is a turn on? ” Not that I was aware of, if we're talking about face slapping lol, but this guy seems to have a thing for it.

  • anal survey

    xols - - Teen Sexuality


    Well that didn't take you long, did it Anna?

  • Quote from TaylerL: “Quote from Ravon16: “Quote from Pultost: “Quote from CayceStars: “I'm pretty sure I've read this before, a few years ago ” It rings a bell, yeah. ” This rings a bell, yeah. ” lol so you admit that it should ring a bell? This has definitely been posted before and I don’t even know what it’s asking. ” yeah, I was pretty sure I'd read this before, too. I'm not nieve', but is face slapping a fetish?

  • Quote from TaylerL: “Quote from xols: “Quote from Pultost: “My bonus mom forgot to knock before entering one time a while back, and saw something she cannot unsee. It wasn't fun, obviously, but it wasn't the end of the world either. ” What'd she see???? ” A unicorn. What do you think she saw? ” How surprised her mom must've been to see a unicorn. You're referring to the third person in a threesome, right?