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  • Quote from IsabeleMarie: “I haven't started yet .. ” me either

  • Mac or Windozee

    FKKGirl - - Technology and the Internet



  • Quote from franciscofixe: “Quote from EmilyAnne: “Who is making you feel insecure about this? Other boys? ” no, no one is making me feel insecure. The only person that is making me feel insecure is me. It's because we talk about dicks sometimes and my friends have straight dicks. Also in porn they have straight dicks. ” You do know porn isn't real right? Like it's not real world people.

  • I don't think I'm wrong?

    FKKGirl - - Friends and Family


    It does seem like he should be doing more. If they're together she should just be getting by while he flourishes. That's the point of together right, that they both share equally.

  • Quote from TwitchingEye: “Parents are legally required to provide for their children regardless of whether or not they do chores/jobs, although I can appreciate that there are things that children don't require. A child doing chores/jobs in return for things that they are entitled to doesn't seem right to me. ” Nothing in the original post says that is what is happening. Says specifically that the OP is being rewarded with video game time for doing the chores.

  • Didn't say they were the only rights, but those are the basic ones. Just cause parents could hire someone to do the chores we do doesn't mean they have to pay us to do the same thing. As my mom says, "You're free labor" course I'm not free, but she doesn't have to pay me if she doesn't want to.

  • Quote from TwitchingEye: “Those chores aren't chores, they're jobs, and they are laborious. An adult wouldn't do the things you have listed for free; there are adults that get payed to do the jobs you have listed. Do you mean that your mum gives you 5 mins of video games for each job? What basics rights does she take away if you don't do them? Do you know that she has a legal responsibility to you to provide you with your basic rights regardless of whether or not you do something she wants you t…

  • Try not to be, curves are normal. There is even that song now about it and liking it.

  • Seatbelt

    FKKGirl - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Always, but never seen on on a bus except for the driver. Nope, where I'm sitting doesn't matter.

  • You're probably not creepy. Some people just don't know how to deal with others, so if you're not exactly like them they'll call you names like that.

  • I've been spanked for years. I don't see the big deal about getting spanked, sure it hurts but I usually learn from it.

  • Body positive selfie thread!

    FKKGirl - - Fashion


    Quote from EmilyAnne: “Does it still count as a selfie if you use a timer? ” Sure why not. You look amazing, very fit and such long legs

  • School and COVID-19

    FKKGirl - - Education & Jobs


    Quote from mandy2012au: “Quote from FKKGirl: “Mine closed. It won't open until next school year, cause it's not worth it to open now. I was happy to not go, but then it got boring. ” Quote from James_is_Grounded: “Mine closed and not opening again yet. its kinda boring being home but i'm doing OK. I had a couple of detentions to do which didn't happen because school closed before i could.i wonder if they will forget about them when i go back or if they will remember and i'll still have to do the…

  • School and COVID-19

    FKKGirl - - Education & Jobs


    Mine closed. It won't open until next school year, cause it's not worth it to open now. I was happy to not go, but then it got boring.

  • How are you living

    FKKGirl - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Live with my mom, just in the city. Not much else.