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  • Re: What attracts you!

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    everybody seems to have quite a clear idea of what they like

  • I understand now, I just sent you a pm, I think i understand the big issue now and we can figure this whole thing out

  • Re: kicking guys in the balls

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    ok bro here is my medical knowledge thrown at ya Kicking a girl in the groin will compress her sensitive area against her pubic bone, resulting in even more pain than a man, due to the higher amount of nerves. The girl will then most likely discharge blood from her vagina, feel ill and sometimes be knocked out completely. While a guys testicles can be ruptured if he is kicked in the groin, a womens pelvic bone is much more likely to break, causing huge amount of damage. The vulva is more likely …

  • I think reading and trying these steps could really help you: How to Stop Feeling Lonely |

  • Re: What attracts you!

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    is it bad not to know?? :confused:

  • you cant know the future bro and what path you are going to take, things change and people change for many reasons, sometimes that you cant control, im not trying to knock you and for alot of people they workout, but its just one of those 'wait and see' type things, let your relationship take its course and if the time comes for you guys to go your seperate ways, well thats just how it was meant to be, if you guys do end up married and have kids, then THAT was how it was meant to be.

  • maybe you need to stop listening to that music then? I would read this aswell:…ternatives-self-harm.html

  • once an ex, always an ex for me.

  • Re: Cute?

    ben101 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    damn man your overthinking this way too much, just take it as a compliment, the first compliment my current girlfriend gave me was saying i was cute, so your friends have some pretty bad advise. Just take it as a compliment and keep flirting and then drop some hints to see if she likes you, if she does then ask her out, simple

  • Re: kicking guys in the balls

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    Its more damaging to kick a girl in the crotch than it is to kick a guy there most girls dont know how painful and damaging it is because they dont hit it often, not like guys were its normally once every so often you will by accident. but its still pretty bad and it really really cant be good for you

  • why would you be a laughing stock? what are you so ashamed or concerned about?

  • maybe just hint at it for a while first and just see what she does, that might be a good little step inbetween telling her

  • call a support leader a creep lol first time ive been called that in my entire life

  • Re: Cheating..?

    ben101 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    what if its just a good guy friend? you really shouldnt jump to conclusions if you have no proof, you dont know whats going on, this is what causes relationships to fail, jumping to conclusions. You need to talk to her about it first and get everything clear, thats your first step, so go do it.

  • Re: Im a virgin.. Dont know why

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from rmg132: “Get a gay/bi friend to help you out...I think you're a good looking dude so that shouldn't be a problem :D” but is that really loosing your virginity?

  • why dont you talk to him more? and why does it have to be so subtle? 50% of flirting is physical and 50% of verbal I think you should talk with him more and do a bit of flirting too and then drop a few hints and see what he says 'to see if he is interested' then tell him you like him and ask him out and see what he says Need anymore advise just let me know

  • Re: Orgasm

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from neverforever: “This is exactly how I am.” take my advise then, its sorta a basic rule. Learn yourself before somebody else tries to learn you. If you can get yourself off and know what feels good and how you like stuff Then you can guide them through it so they can do it perfectly to you

  • Re: i cant stop masturbating!

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    yeah but a troll bumping any thread makes it 'old' like socks and sandals

  • Re: i cant stop masturbating!

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    dont bump old threads

  • Re: Squirting

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from autumnleaf: “Never happened to me, but I really want to try it. Can someone give me some advice? Do i have to be really horny, and go a while without touching myself, or drink a lot before, or what?” what you do, is you grab your penis and stroke it up and down and go fast and faster and then you will squirt