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  • Quote from Goddess of Judecca: “... I can't decide if it's a troll or idiot. What's y'all's vote? ~Maggot” Sadly the second if anything, I think anyways... Yes dump him

  • She looks kind of like a snake woman, I think its kinda hot, but I like everything natural, she looked better before IMO

  • I'm about to get into an argument with Kevin again haha, but you should just ask him if he wants to hang sometime. You don't have to be too official about it...

  • Man usually I would just make fun of them about it, but your case is a little.... bad for that, I'm sure if it's left alone you'll forget about it fairly soon

  • Re: Musical Discovery!!

    SMOKE. - - Music


    Yeasayer-Ambling alp, also an ill bmx video [ame=''][/ame] [ame=''][/ame] Hipster stuff today

  • Re: Post What color shirt you are wearing

    SMOKE. - - Fashion


    Ganj Green ofc

  • Re: The Purity Test

    SMOKE. - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    You Are 38% Pure Pure? Sure, you're about as pure as yellow snow. You're a downright devil. But you're also a pretty delightful one!

  • Quote from team jacob: “how is that fucked up?! guys always get to be the dominant in a relationship and i think that for strong girls, that's hard to just sit and not have any power. And the twilight comment. really uneccessary. i mean, what i just said is absolutely opposite of what those books are! And by the way, i'm not much of a fan anymore. i just don't feel the need to change things on a website where i don't know anyone, considering i thought that you really shouldn't judge. You don't k…

  • Re: Not drinking at university

    SMOKE. - - General Advice


    Quote from Jenna: “Just like Lisa said above, I don't drink and my inner child is alive and well. I have great memories and a whole hell of a lot of funny stories. People who think that college is about partying might really want to reassess what their goals in life actually are because "having a blast and living in the moment" is great when you are 18 or 19, but it's a little pathetic when you are like my 34 year old loser cousin who lives in his parents basement after dropping out of college w…

  • He sounds like a pretty chill guy to me.

  • Re: Double Standard

    SMOKE. - - LGBT


    Yep, pretty much all I can say. but for arguments sake, I just want to put in that we should be moving towards everyone being equally accepted, but does that include people leaning towards accepting one side more than the other? What I mean is, I never chose to think lesbians are sexy any more than any gay guy chose to think guys are sexy.. just a little bit to think on.

  • Well, I would say set it straight with him, but I saw your other thread and TBH there isn't much you can do.

  • That doesn't really sound like a big deal at all.. Just keep it real.

  • Re: Thrift Stores

    SMOKE. - - Fashion


    I buy most of my clothes at wal mart.. but certain things I would be cool with going to a thrift store for, I mean I think it's kind of the point that a thrift store can have a whole huge range of different shit so you know maybe.... I'm not really the type to discriminate about where I shop just for that purpose, I don't care about brand name clothes or any of that shit

  • Honestly I'm not sure... I think I would just shoot for a solid "running", not sprinting, but just below that... people have skewed views of jogging a lot of the time If you ask me. I would definitely recommend finding a group as well, just some people you jog (uh oh)/run with to stay motivated, make friends, maybe find a sexy friend :cool:, just a good move in general IMO, I really want to do this right now actually, not to lose weight, but just being active and getting strong. You could also t…

  • Quote from Superfast Jellyfish: “look, from a total shy guy to another....take your chances. EVERY CHANCE. like, if you have a cafeteria ask her to walk with you there to buy x or y thing and in the walk just talk and ask her out. it really isnt difficult. believe me, the first talk is half the road. go and talk with her and her friends along, you will not like to be hated by her friends. you can do it bro :D” No... taking every chance is for the desperate, butter on toast is pretty much univers…

  • Re: Not drinking at university

    SMOKE. - - General Advice


    Quote from Jenna: “Hmmm... let's see. The effects of not getting drunk in college. Well, you will get better grades, probably end up with better long term career prospects, experience a guaranteed 100% less face-to-face encounters with a toilet bowl, most likely have fewer regrets... any of this sounding like an incentive yet? I think the alleged "college experience' is overrated. My boyfriend and I both don't drink, and I don't think we are missing out on a single thing that college has to offe…

  • Re: Dimple piercings!!

    SMOKE. - - General Advice


    not feelin it tbh, I think they look alright but I like to get my face rub on, and that's intrusive :p [ame=''][/ame]

  • I don't know, you could always just call her on it 1233109944838.jpg.jpg

  • Re: So.

    SMOKE. - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    You're very individual looking, that sounds a little stupid because everyone is different but... hopefully you know what I mean. i think that could be a good thing or a bad thing depending on who you ask, but I think your cute. I try not to do the scale thing.