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  • I don't hate the guy, I just feel like he's made some bad decisions and he's a little overrated. That's all.

  • Your Top 3 Video Games

    AwkwardTeenager - - Video Games


    Updated list. Read Dead Redemption II Ark: Survival Evolved Minecraft

  • What are You Listening To?

    AwkwardTeenager - - Music


  • According to the survey I would be a cool parent... I kinda just chose all the options that my parents would go with, so I can now confirm furthermore that I have great parents.

  • I haven't had any wet dreams even though I'm mid stages of puberty

  • I don't pick specific 'favourites', so these are some of my favs Jurassic Park I (specifically, the other two are decent and the Jurassic worlds are, eugh.. don't even get me started on the disappointment they are) The Martian (Based on Novel by Andy Weir) Star Wars 4, 5 and 6 (1, 2 and 3 are ok, and 7, 8, 9 are terrible) Godzilla (2014 and 2019 movies) Jojo Rabbit (Taika Waititi) Thor Ragnarok (Also Taika Waititi) Hunt for the Wilderpeople (Also also Taika Waititi.. what? the dude is funny, wha…

  • What are You Listening To?

    AwkwardTeenager - - Music


  • I know it's gonna sound cliche af... and you've probably (hopefully) been told this before, but no one is 'bad' at drawing. Everyone has their own unique styles of art and what you may think is bad, could be a masterpiece in the eyes of another. It's simply about refining, polishing and perfecting your style until you are happy with it. Many people lose motivation during a gap phase of art, when your taste is more sophisticated then your skill and you set yourself high, unnecessary and unachieva…

  • What are You Listening To?

    AwkwardTeenager - - Music


  • Whoops I accidentally just disliked Shimono's post because I was trying to press 'reply'. Don't worry, I un-disliked it xD Anyway.. what have i been doing in Quarantine? I've just kinda been watching YT, gaming, studying, that's about it. Not anymore though, School has gone back. Here in Aus it's safe to go back, so I've been back in on-campus school for about a week. I'm super glad about it though, but we do have a lot of assessments and assignments to do now..

  •…386e5112f16a62d6eaa085f30 I drew this fanart for a youtuber as part of a comp. Didn't win but he liked it at least.