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  • Re: With the G.f

    thats_me_Aaron - - Teen Sexuality


    i'm no girl, but yeah...the only thing i know that happens "down there" regularly is the girl's period. not sure what she's talking about. u should try to get her to open up more, or see the dr again if she doesn't understand it. worse case senario is she's just coming up with an excuse. hopefully thats not it...cuz fingering is fun. lol

  • i've never orgasmed from just making out...kinda close when i was younger, but that was making out AND having the girl rub me thru my pants. i can see how it would be tough on can't tell a girl to slow down or take a break without admitting that you're getting close

  • you can shave them if u want to of course. the only guys i know that do it are on the swim team. i think they require it. depends on what your girl likes i supposed. would i shave legs and pits...nope

  • 3 weeks...even though it felt like 3 years. lol

  • Re: My case = desperate!

    thats_me_Aaron - - General Advice


    sounds like u have a shyness problem more than a girl u said, the girls are coming up to you to talk. you can always try to just pick up a new hobby or interest. even if it's something you're not crazy about, at least it'll give u a starting point for a conversation.

  • Dude, totally understand your feelings about wanting to do more physical stuff with your girl. But i gotta say, its way to early to be stressing out about it after just a week of going out. most girls just don't move that fast. hate to say it, but if you really really do like this girl, u might have to wait a while. not what the hormones wanna do i know, but thats probably the reality of it. but don't give up man...if u like her, stay with her

  • Re: Condoms?

    thats_me_Aaron - - General Advice


    you're stressing out over nothing man. it'll fit just fine

  • thats a tough one....if u try to just but it, yeah, that can totally make u look like an intruder. usually you have to make friends with someone in the group first, and then they'll invite you over. but if u just show up, then that might look bad. so even though it's to focus being friends with some in the group first, instead of trying to join the whole group at first

  • Re: I need advice

    thats_me_Aaron - - Teen Sexuality


    Thats a tough spot man. If your friends with the girl already, i suppose some innocent flirting won't hurt. best to just be patient....i doubt they'll be together forever. eventually almost everyone will break up. so if u wait long enough, eventually she'll be single again and u can go for it from there

  • math. i didn't get trig at all

  • Thats a tough one man. sex shouldn't be the whole reason you're in a relationship, and you shouldn't pressure a girl to do something she doesn't want to....but at the same time, you shouldn't have to go without something u require in a relationship. i think if u expect a girl to put out, u need to say so right from the start. its when two people aren't on the same page that u start having issues.

  • Re: I totaly give up

    thats_me_Aaron - - General Advice


    dude, u can't give up. idk, maybe you're trying to hard. girls are picky alot and don't always make sense i know. tons of times i see cute girls with total losers and i wonder what the heck they're thinking. just gotta keep going on and not thing about it too much

  • Are there school clubs you can join? You have alot of interests, it sounds like u just need to meet people that have the same interests u do, like art and music.

  • Oh man. Sooo many funny moments. I think my two favorites are 1) When all the guys (Peter, Brian, Stewie and Chris) have a throw-up gross and funny. and 2) the "Naked Gun" movie spoof with Stewie on his big whee

  • To be honest, anything with naked girls guys are gonna like. lol. but with girls's just kinda forbidden to see i guess? girls are even more secretive about doing it than guys are. so it kinda increases the fact that you're watching something naughty

  • Re: showering in gym?

    thats_me_Aaron - - Teen Sexuality


    Showering was optional for PE..and no one ever did anyway. Mostly cuz you barely have time to get to your next class as it is. But for sports after school we did. You work up a way bigger sweat from practice or games than u do from PE

  • Re: Males: Penis size?

    thats_me_Aaron - - Teen Sexuality


    7" here...although I'm not sure why anyone wants to know

  • hey man. I kind of did the opposite a while back...moved from a big city to a smaller one. I hated it at first, but i also had the wrong attitude. I didn't give it a chance and I arrived with my mind made up already that I would hate it. I totally wish I could go back and do things differently now. You have to be open to meeting new people and exploring new suroundings. If you can be openminded about it, you'll be fine I think. I'm in Washington state also...Spanaway is larger than 1200 people, …

  • Oral is great...but it's not losing your virginity. I think you're still a virgin til intercourse